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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI'd like a minute to talk about food .. in light of the Blue Apron thread
For SNAP recipients.
Fuck the GOP and anyone liberal, conservative, independent etc who thinks they have any right to say what a person should or should not eat.
Our country has a problem shaming people around food (esp women). Eat too much - someone will yell at you to go on a diet, eat too little someone will yell at you to eat a donut. Vegan or vegetarian - you are called a pretentious asshole. Eat meat - murderer. Eat fast food - lazy. Cook at home - must be nice to have all that time on your hands. If you are fat like me, and eat a salad out in public, some asshole will comment (to your face or loudly behind your back) that when you get home, you will eat a cake. If you are thin and eat a burger, be prepared to hear some snide asshole make a comment about how you'll throw it up.
I was raised by a vegetarian, eat very little meat as an adult, married to bonafide carnivore (he's from Iowa..pork and corn run in his blood) so I have heard every judgmental comment on both sides.
I was also on food stamps as a kid, as student worked in grocery stores dealing with people using food stamps, WIC checks, and later on SNAP cards, and as an advocate took women to apply for benefits and took them to food shelves. I have been on each end of the process and the shame felt by me as a child (because my mom made us drive out of town so no one would gossip), the shame I could feel radiating from customers, and the shame felt by victims of domestic violence, trying to get their lives together with limited financial resources and needing to apply for government assistance to feed their kids. Shame was everywhere.
Shame. Over food. Over goddamn fucking food in the richest damn country in the world that throws out more food in a year than other countries will ever have.
Shame. For food. No one should go hungry in this country ever. No one should be fucking malnourished because they live in food deserts where the nearest grocery store is a goddamn convenience store. Because a Big Mac and fries provides more precious calories and energy to fill hungry bellies for less money. Because adults working shitty shifts or two or more jobs don't have the time or energy to cook.
Fucking shame...for not having enough money in your kids lunch account at school so hot food is literally snatched from their hands, thrown in the garbage in front of them, and they are given a lecture, a cheese sandwich, and a stamp on their hand fucking branding them as poor.
Shame...shame on politicians who want to cut school lunch and breakfast programs, esp in the summer when kids need food to grow and to think and to thrive.
Shame...shame on politicians who cut meals on wheels programs ...programs that not only provide necessary nourishment but also vital social interaction and connections to their community.
Shame..on constantly reducing and limiting what SNAP benefits a person or family can have. It's food, for fucks sake's food. If a mom or dad wants to get goddamn cake mix so their kid can bring cupcakes to school like other kids ...and not feel shame..or have a goddamn treat of cereal that they love .. what is the goddamn HARM? Homeless people and some with disabilities or elderly can't cook so what..they don't get to eat? You are gonna deny them eating prepared food and say here's a can opener and some beans, knock yourself out?
It takes a lot of fucking nerve for the party of the man who only eats KFC and McDonald's to start lecturing anyone on nutrition.
Some people will abuse any's fucking human nature, assholes and scammers will always exist. But to punish people who are parents, children, tired, elderly, have disabilities, are homeless, are veterans and who are sadly HUNGRY is sick and deranged.
Food can be good, can be nourishing, can be comforting, can be celebratory, can be tasty, can be healthy and unhealthy. It shouldn't be scarce, it shouldn't be weaponized and it shouldn't be used to shame.

(41,557 posts)are always looking for a way to humiliate the poor and anyone else who is not a rich white man. They are sadists and get a sick satisfaction at breaking people; breaking the dignity and spirits of people.
Not only do these dreadful and sick republicans think the poor should not even have a say in what they eat, but that they deserve to be shamed among their neighbors as the "government food box" sits at their front doors.
If they could get away with it, they would put the poor in workhouses and debtor's prisons.
They are ugly people.
(3,778 posts)Trump and his people sell this to their base by pretending that it will keep people from wasting money on things they shouldnt have and cut back on costs.
It pleases those who feel the poor should be punished and shamed.
It pleases those who feel social assistance programs are a waste of money.
It pleases those who think they should get to dictate to others.
But in the end this idiotic plan would increase costs tremendously and result in less and reduced quality food going to those who need it most.
The only reason for this plan is to use it to funnel tax money to the companies that would get the contracts for fulfillment and delivery. They dont care what people eat. They dont care about government spending. They only care about putting money in their pockets.
And all they have to do is give their base something to make themselves feel better about themselves. They give their base someone to look down on. Someone who gets shit on more than themselves.
(1,918 posts)bronxiteforever
(9,837 posts)Glamrock
(11,997 posts)And might I ask where are all the conservatives who were soooo outraged by Michelle Obama's school nutrition program? Nary a fucking peep....of course.
My very thoughts.
(1,790 posts)justhanginon
(3,341 posts)spirited jerks. We are rapidly becoming a judgemental compassionless country. Thanks to both this administration and just a general lack of caring for others where we have people in power and others shaming citizens whom I am sure would like to not have to be in whatever situation they are presently in. They talk about what a great christian nation we are while people are shamed for no good reason and what is basically none of the shamers GD business. We need to speak up when we see it happening.
(3,702 posts)and I am usually the optimist
There is so much hate and so much nastiness..I was ok when I thought it was a handful of jerks. But this past election opened my eyes to the fact that a HUGE chunk of our population are mean and cruel people only out for themselves.
The spirit of a nation - how it treats those who have the least, that determines how "great" a country is...not how many tax cuts there are for the 1%
(4,937 posts)hlthe2b
(107,641 posts)comparison... Geebus, DUers! I didn't post in that thread, but the premise of the subject line had me fuming. Trump wants to offer a few cans of crap and some breakfast cereal (must have donors in the canning biz). This is HARDLY the high quality gourmet food that BLUE APRON provides at $$$$$. How any DUer could have made that comparison escapes me.
Blue Apron, my aaa......s
Trump's proposal is as degrading and ridiculous as they come. Not to mention costly (for local government who will have to devise some massive system to purchase, store and distribute), unhealthy (possibly even deadly for some on restrictive diets for medical reasons) and impractical. But, comparable to yuppy customized Blue Apron service, it is NOT.
(3,702 posts)He compared the program to Blue Apron
except without the fresh produce, meat, dairy etc or spices. Just a box of canned goods and powdered milk.
(107,641 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)Next up will be privatised water so have your pen ready.
(11,619 posts)I could grow enough food on my small acerage for 10 familes. I can do everything from vegetables, fruit, to meat and eggs. I can do it for less than what you pay at a grocery store and I can do it organically and pasture raised.
They would still need to buy or make bread, cheese and preserves, maybe milk, if they don't like sheep milk, but the basic healthy stuff a good small farmer could provide. But instead they pay big corporations to provide carbs and polluted, processed foods to hungry people.
Our farm policy is a mess and people get sick, obese and remain hungry from it. A box of cheap food will never solve that problem.
(107,641 posts)You should look into that.
(3,127 posts)We had family farms years ago but the monied bought the farms and as capitalism requires sell at the highest
rate even if it is low quality and lacking basic nutrients. Same thing with the vaccines, they added mercury initially because it was CHEAPER to produce therefore greater profit. A damn good reason medical care should NEVER profit motivated (services, drugs, etc). As as nation we only worship mammon not life! At least not poor life, it can suffer according to conservatives. Now in some cities, states it is illegal to grow your own food or even have a well. Our national god (wealth) is well worshiped in this country. STOP AND THINK! Oh I forgot the powers that be have you dumb ed down, critical thinking is not promoted or allowed in this country you just might become difficult to manipulate.
(2,226 posts)You have articulated the problem well. How can we let them get away with this? I thought they were christians. We need to slam congress right now. This administration is making the divide in this country a chasm. They have no humanity. Themilitary has lost billions they cant find or account for. They are the ones who dont need more. You cant eat weapons. The money for all of it comes from workers paying taxes. We need to have a say on how they are spent.
(18,108 posts)of humanitarian tourism. Spending thousands of dollars to travel someplace and put some roofs up. My daughter did one mission trip like this, and I told her to get her medical (she eventually became a nurse instead) degree and come back to offer professional assistance that actually makes economic sense.
A lot of in kind charity is useless. For example the food situation in Puerto Rico. I do not understand that both the federal and charity response not involve the use of MREs.
A argument could be made for a voluntary program that would use the buying power of the U.S. I still think it would be difficult to match in well covered food areas the pricing resulting from massive grocery competition.
(29,818 posts)I told a story about how I had gone through a lay off and received food stamps. It was Easter time so I bought a ham for the dinner, knowing that I'd be able to repurpose it for several meals. I also spent a dollar on a chocolate bunny, a dollar on jelly beans and a couple of dollars on cake, fruit and heavy whipping cream to make a trifle for Easter.
A woman at the store saw my basket, heard me say I was using an EBT and tore into me in public. Nothing happened to her but I certainly had a store full of people staring. It was humiliating.
When I retold the incident here years later a few DUers sided with the woman. Others agreed that I should not have been allowed the ham or cake mix or cream. Several were angry with the two dollars spent on Easter candy for my young child's basket-a child who did not understand why I wasn't taking her to daycare every day. I wasn't going to disappoint her for Easter.
(3,702 posts)Because it is the most ridiculous thing on earth to shame someone over.
How petty and meaningless is someone's life that they feel the need to have done that to you?
Of all the horrible and cruel things people do to each other that those people in the store (and sadly here) must have witnessed and sad or did nothing about, but when they see someone using an EBT card they looked for a reason to shame you.
That is when they had the "courage" to speak up over "injustice". The same people who claim "well its MY tax dollars so I should get a say" don't blink an eye over billions of THEIR tax dollars miss-spent on senseless wars but will nickel and dime someone over a damn candy bar.
I just can't even wrap my head around people like that. I am so sorry that you went through it not just once, but a second time by those who claim to be Democrats.
(29,818 posts)I received them for six months during a lay off and at least once a month someone criticized me for having them. A couple made smug comments about how nice it was that I could afford apples and celery. One wanted to know why I was too lazy to work.
It still makes me angry. I started driving to another town so at least the comments weren't from locals.
(1,020 posts)TeapotInATempest
(804 posts)I was a poor kid - we sometimes had a box of macaroni with ketchup for dinner and called it "spaghetti", for instance - and I think it's actually beautiful that you tried to make a nice holiday for your child.
Screw those who have no empathy.
(29,818 posts)Some to make me feel a sense of normalcy when everything everything was spinning out of control.
Besides, that ham made multiple meals. Red eye gravy, meat and macaroni supper, ham and scalloped potatoes, ham and beans, ham and potato soup, ham and cheese quiche and sandwiches. I was extremely frugal with using it sparingly for a bit of flavor.
(13,843 posts)I had just got off work to do some shopping (so I was still dressed in shipyard clothes), and the line was long. An 30-something woman had carefully split her purchases - buying food stamp items for what looked like an older person's diet, and then a larger purchase of more regular groceries, including candy and sodas, with cash. A bottle-blond woman two shoppers behind her was telling her kids rather loudly that "it was wrong for someone that had to use food stamps to also buy things in cash - that woman is cheating all of us - if she has cash, she shouldn't need food stamps."
I said rather quiet so her kids and others wouldn't hear very well "Excuse me, but you don't know what's going on with anyone who has food stamps, so please keep your comments about other people private before you make yourself look like a bully in public." Which of course escalated the issue. The woman glared at me and raised her voice "Mind your own business, bitch, and don't tell me what I can say".
Everyone stopped and looked at us.
I got red and told her "No - I shop every month for my housebound neighbor on food stamps - and I buy her treats to make her life bearable out of my own money along with my own groceries. And if anyone thinks I'm a welfare cheat because I'm being a good Christian and helping my neighbor who has a hard time getting around, then they're a nasty-minded snob who deserved to have their ass jumped on. You don't know what is going on with anyone using food stamps, so public complaints about people using food stamps make you look mean - in front of your kids and everyone else here. And you can go on with the rest of your afternoon cursing about this because I've said what I had to and it's over."
She damn near ran me over with her cart going to the line a couple registers over, but I felt it was worth it, and I'd like to think most of the other people behind me in line thought it was worth it. I can handle public embarrassment for what I think is a good cause. Plus, it made the line shorter by a good 5 - 10 minutes - her cart was overflowing with pantry items and packaged foods and she was constantly being distracted by her kids.
People like that are never happy unless they're making other people look small.
(8,543 posts)and would have done the same. Thank you for sharing that.
people suck and are so mean.
(1,020 posts)Where did the bottle blond get *her* food money? Did she go out and work? Or did her partner pay?
Easy to complain about someone getting assistance from the government. Not so easy to support yourself and your kids.
The government, your partner - what's the difference? Either way, you're not supporting yourself.
And someone should bitch about her wasting money on hair dye. Hypocrite.
(2,036 posts)Isn't working? The woman was certainly a mean-spirited person but it has nothing to do with whether or not she works outside of the home. Taking care of a home and children is absolutely a way to support yourself.
(1,020 posts)I have friends that are Stay At Home partners. They "pull their weight", too. From my point of view, the Partner Who Works is on support, too - they are being supported in their parental responsibilities by the Stay At Home partner. To me, it's "a mutual thing".
I am saying that someone who criticizes others for getting support should look at their own support mechanism(s) first. I am not decrying *any* method of support.
It's impossible to "do it all", unless one runs a business from the home while the children are in school. Even then, one can make the argument that the parenfs are being supported in their children's education by Teachers.
"Support" can mean many things and comes from many places. The bottle blond mentioned simply focused on government support from one source, and ignored all the other types of support that exist (and, in all probability, which they enjoyed).
My apologies to any and all who may have been / are offended by any ambiguities in my previous post.
(3,702 posts)Thank you on behalf of everyone who has been shamed and every cashier who has wanted to say the same but needed their job.
(13,843 posts)My parents both had good "career" type degrees they worked their asses off for, but thanks to Ronald Reagan and the GOP's pushback on "Socialism" ("Hey, let's cut state services and the education budget in half - we don't need to educate brats whose parents can't afford private schools, and we certainly don't need so many public employees to ensure the state remains economically stable..." ), there were times when even two full time paychecks and a part-time paycheck didn't make it to the end of the month if they wanted to keep a roof - no matter how shoddy and slum-like - over our heads.
The assumptions and shame the "haves" too often force on the "have nots" just because they feel they're in need of an ego-boo or because they're in a pissy mood is outrageously hypocritical.
Especially since most of these smug bastards like to pretend they are good, moral people who "made it on their own without any help" and "it can't happen to us"...
Their own "Golden Rule" - the one stated time and time again by their self-proclaimed "Savior" and/or Creator (depending on which Monotheistic deity they claim to follow) - has made clear that there is an expectation of compassion and consideration to those less fortunate if they are expected to be forgiven for their own "trespasses". And they break their Golden Rules all the time.
Which isn't that surprising, because they practice what might be considered the ultimate Blasphemy to any Creator Deity. Instead of listening and acknowledge to being a part of the Creation - the Universe - that is everywhere all outside of them, it's obvious they only listen to the creation in their heads for their own aggrandizement and comfort.
(29,818 posts)But I have noticed that undercurrent has come to the forefront of being acceptable behavior.
(13,340 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 13, 2018, 06:56 PM - Edit history (1)
And people will get all kinds of in your shit. Apparently, attacking a bad person by pointing out they're fat is not supposed to make those of us who are fat feel shamed. Well it does.
(29,818 posts)I never did it to Christie. Trump was because he obviously lied about his physical, making me worry about what other problems he lied about.
I'd never do that to others.
(11,841 posts)Its not strictly a RW phenomenon. A lot of it is the "holier than thou" types. Scream at you for eating an egg. Ugh. I'm sure my stalker will be along shortly....
(29,818 posts)Are no longer here. It was an interesting thread that included one poster stating they had the right to go through the shopping carts if they felt it.
(11,841 posts)xmas74
(29,818 posts)It really brought out some hateful things.
(71,038 posts)while working a clerks job which paid very little. It wasn't enough to cover all the food in a month. I made sure my kid ate, but I didn't have much to eat...mostly starch which makes me hungry (found out years late I am a celiac)...but the attitude of other shoppers when I went to the grocery store was ridiculous. I would buy a big box of cold cereal with a coupon. My daughter wanted that for breakfast...and every time I heard how oatmeal was cheaper and buy God children especially poor children should eat what they are told to eat blah blah...taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for 'luxuries' which their own kids don't get...blah blah. I still remember that and think about it today. Those folks many who had way more than they needed were hard hearted and cruel to a girl (not even 21) struggling to leave an abusive husband with a baby. Eventually I moved back with my parents who sent me to college. My parents were the best people I have ever known.
(3,702 posts)I would spend days/hours with victims, helping them repair the damage to their self worth caused by the abuse of someone they loved and trusted. I would hold their hand, tell them it would be ok, they would be safe.
Only to have some fucking asshole at a grocery store or government office tear them right back down... for getting Lucky Charms for their kid who had to be uprooted, who had witnessed violence, who had to bear the trauma of seeing a parent beat another parent, losing friends, their home, their friends, their safety.
I went off on a couple of people in my day, gave them new orifices to defecate from by the time I was done.
Now, I would probably just break down in tears because I am so worn out by all the cruelty everywhere.
(35,724 posts)The cruelty and judginess just wears you down. These assholes have NO FUCKING IDEA what it's like to be poor.
To his credit, my Congressman, Tim Ryan, dedicated a whole month to eating off of food stamps so he could see for himself what it was like. I wish ALL Congress critters would be required to do that.
The zealous conservative assholes claim that too much aid makes a person dependent on the government. What a sick joke. A few boxes of cereal and some milk makes you dependent on the government, yeah, sure. For the amount that they give you, it's a joke, really.
(71,038 posts)maryellen99
(3,798 posts)But then you see them post pics of their carribean cruises and Vegas trips. GMAFB.
(71,038 posts)money out of her checking account;big Trumper and Obama hater. They linked her account to their bank account. they never paid the money back and showed no shame. she used to live with them and she had racked up 70,000 in credit card debt...they used her cards. I took her through a bankruptcy and discovered the checking account robbery. It was heartbreaking. She was afraid to confront them even though she now lived with me. I consider her my sister but she is actually my sister in law. Hubs won't even talk to them anymore. And she is disabled and gets less than $1500.00 a month. The Trumpers made way more money.
(35,724 posts)Trumpanzees love to complain, complain, complain, about people using EBT cards .....
Then they buy brand new cars or go on fancy vacations and post it all over FB. It makes me want to scream! And I have relatives who do this.
(3,798 posts)While they owe tens of thousands of dollars.
(35,724 posts)As to criticize what's in another person's grocery basket just make me want to scream. I have seen it and lived it before.
Walk a mile in that person's shoes first. And then shut the hell up.
(71,038 posts)they can't buy certain things with food stamps...people need toilet paper for God's Sake.
(4,492 posts)
Seriously though-- I donate non food items to the local food bank. I travel a lot for work and end up with unused hotel toiletries. They all go to the food bank (and I'll pick up items for there when there's a good sale.) Everyone deserves the dignity of being able to wash their hair.
(71,038 posts)times we have run out of food. The need is great.
(60,801 posts)

(9,605 posts)Thank you very much, Nadine.
(869 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)HughBeaumont
(24,461 posts)It's just another enforcement and continuation of, to me, one of the GOP's biggest logic fails:
"If you give poor persons money, it will disincentivize them. The same is true of taxing a high earner/wealthy person."
It's a wholesale admission that wealthy people are to be believed, admired and trusted solely based on the fact that they're privileged and wealthy . . . . and poor persons are to be scorned, mocked, regulated, made to feel criminal and NOT trusted because they're poor.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Of their narrative. Pit people and groups against each other and while they are busy demeaning each other and busy with whatever is the infighting of the day, the rich laugh all the way to the bank.
(3,702 posts)shaming people for their use of benefits is not limited to just the republicans (although they definitely are the majority).
Some of my wealthier friends who have never known a day without make these kind of comments, yet claim to be progressives.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)We are conditioned to this behavior and it takes a great effort to not only recognize it, but to overcome it.
(1,064 posts)Tax cuts for the rich paid for by reducing food for the poor.
(306,829 posts)OP on your observations of Food shaming in our society. I'm old enough now that I don't pay any attention to any of it. I eat what makes me healthy and happy... everybody else can eat what they want.
Big Brother, Russian mole, trump is not going to tell us what to eat.
The SNAP benefits help stimulate the Economy, too.. Walmart's not going to be amused with this draconian measure.. handing stupid rations out from the proxy Russian government.
(26,496 posts)Food is not a weapon to attack and shame people. This is not America.
(12,542 posts)tblue37
(66,127 posts)JNelson6563
(28,151 posts)I so agree with you!
(280,507 posts)Rec
(3,702 posts)that means a lot
I go from crying or ranting depending on the is a rant day
(280,507 posts)
(35,724 posts)I, too, often get very discouraged at the number of cruel and judgmental people out there who would have the audacity to say something mean to a complete stranger about their food or their clothing or their life style. It seems like ever since Trump, they have all come crawling out of the woodwork and have been emboldened to voice their bigoted opinions. And, like the OP said, it's depressing that there are so many of them.
I remember when my youngest son was born and I'd go to the grocery store with 3 little boys in tow under the age of 6. We had WIC back then for a while. (BTW, the WIC people couldn't have been nicer and treated everyone with politeness and dignity). Anyway, I'd get stares and glares when I went to the grocery store and paid with my food stamps. (you got them in a booklet back then, not in card form like you do now, so anyone who was nosy enough to look, knew you were on food stamps). It made me so uncomfortable.
"It takes a lot of fucking nerve for the party of the man who only eats KFC and McDonald's to start lecturing anyone on nutrition.
Some people will abuse any's fucking human nature, assholes and scammers will always exist. But to punish people who are parents, children, tired, elderly, have disabilities, are homeless, are veterans and who are sadly HUNGRY is sick and deranged."
1000x yes for that ^^^^^^^ They are all such evil, judgmental, miserable, hypocrites!
(3,702 posts)because we had to ring in things separately, get approval, make sure to separate tax from non tax, have to explain why some things were covered and others weren't, that the WIC check only covered 18oz boxes not 16.5 etc etc.
Meanwhile, lines would form and assholes would grumble. Very few fellow cashiers ever judged or blamed the customer using the benefit (we all knew that one parent who sent their kid in to buy 10 cent candy, and later would buy cigs or beer with all change and knew that was the one who made it suck for everyone else). Naw, we would all be pissed at the ridiculous red tape to buy formula or peanut butter, or having to mess with dividing up the items. We could see how uncomfortable it made the customer, so we tried to be as fast as we could, to minimize the embarrassment. But always some nosy asshole in line would have to sigh dramatically and cause a scene.
Those were the customers whose bread got smushed and eggs jostled when we packed up the groceries.
(2,102 posts)He is the most wretched, disgusting human being - and unfortunately FAR from the only one of his kind.
(199 posts)and shared it with several people outside of DU. This is one of the best posts Ive seen on here. Thank you for writing it.
To me, the issues Im most passionate about are healthcare, food, and shelter.
I hope your words reach as many eyes as possible. Your message is that important.
(3,702 posts)that shelter, healthcare and food are issues I am also very passionate about. It is such a no brainer to me, that these are things being denied, used as bargaining chips for fucking tax cuts for a few, that we dare call ourselves a rich and great nation when so many go without...I can't understand it.
I don't know how someone can think they are a good person and think that it's ok to deny the basics of human survival to others.
(8,543 posts)Thank you for sharing this.
(82,383 posts)He thinks it is OK because he has the $$. Only the poor get judged for any faults. It's all part of the conservatives' pathetic need to be above others, so they use the poor needing help to judge them as inferior, including even food choices.
(6,733 posts)In recent times, it started with reagan. I abhor repubs. I am ashamed of many white folks which is my race too. They have many fears and one of them is fear of whites being a minority too.
(43,843 posts)
I saw a news story on PBS a few years ago about veggie farmers in CA. They throw away tons (literally) of fresh vegetables each year. Why? Because they don't look perfect so grocery stores won't buy them. The farms are too far away for most food banks or soup kitchens to get to.
Husband and I looked at each other and said "I'd eat those pepper." It is shameful.
(3,702 posts)My mom was a vegetarian but other than a salad, corn, and maybe occasional carrot sticks - that was it for what she prepared. As a single mom, everything was microwaved single portion food.
If people knew how tasty (and I'm a picky eater) and how easy it is to grill or roast anything and make it yummy, that would be great.
I was a mess early on in our marriage - my mother in law always cooked big meat centered meals, so my husband had certain expectations on what a "meal" was and it wasn't scrambled eggs and toast.
Thankfully, my grandmother was on speed dial and I had cookbooks (now the internet) and I am still learning.
But a box full of raw ingredients for someone like me who grew up on convenience foods would be so intimidating...hell whenever we looked at getting a CSA and seeing kohlrabi and having to google that!
Not to mention the different dietary needs and tastes of different people based on religion, health, culture. I remember the first time I had a taco with cactus in it...not gonna get that in a gov't box, but yes at your local farmers market.
I wish we put more emphasis in creating community kitchens - not just to feed the hungry, but to share cooking techniques, to bond over food and meals and learn from each other. Can you imagine the amazing smells, tastes and stories if you dumped a load of fresh (ugly) veggies, some grains, a little dairy and some random cuts of meat plus a ton of spices into a free community kitchen? You could feed a whole community - but you could also create so much love.
(43,843 posts)People have so much to share about cooking and food.
I'm one of those who is both a picky eater and has several food allergies/sensitivities, including an allergy to onions. There are only a few spices I can tolerate, for example. A box 'o food that didn't take that into consideration would be useless to me.
(35,724 posts)Feed the community and create love and togetherness. What could possibly be wrong with that?
As an aside, last year we had a bumper crop of cucumbers in our vegetable garden, and my hubby and I donated several boxes of them to our local food bank. We decided it was such a nice idea, that we are going to make sure that this year's garden is going to have a dedicated space to grow vegetables for the sole purpose of donating to the food bank. It's a small thing, but it makes me feel good about helping out in some way.
(47,397 posts)Some farmers will give some unwanted vegetables for free or sell them at a low price to hippies who run them through a juicer and don't care what it looks like.
The closer the farm is to a city, the more likely they are to agree to relationships with food banks to buy up unwanted produce at low prices. That's the case here in DC where I have friends who work for the local food bank and build those relationships. They can get a ridiculous quantity of fresh nutritious food for a very low price.
If it's very far away from a city, then it's often not worth the fuel costs for a food bank truck to drive out there and pick it up.
It also depends on the crop. Some crops can stay fresh longer than others.
(4,429 posts)and those veggies go to the food banks .
(43,843 posts)said that the farms were too far from food banks and the banks/churches had to come get them. Only a few could. Vermont's a lot smaller.
Bit there should be a way.
(4,429 posts)I'm sure some farms donate directly, but the gleaning programs are generally done by volunteers. The vermont foodbank operates the largest program, but other agencies do it, too. Groups head out to do the gleaning.
I don't think any federal programs do this - and while it would be nice if they did......I'd be afraid that the money would line the big farms (the corporate farms) --- and eventually it would be abused.
(43,843 posts)But this report stated that the farms were too far away for volunteers to go get the food. The churches/food banks wanted to but couldn't. So the food rotted.
(3,634 posts)Now, we must all take action. Write letters, send emails, make calls, shout it from the rooftops. I'm sick of this who-can-eat-what debate. Shame on the GOP for even thinking of these cuts. I'm so tired of these inhumane actions by the GOP. What the hell is wrong with people? Shaming people in need is moral corruption at its worst. Walker and his minions pulled this crap in Wisconsin a few years ago, limiting what people could buy. White rice, but no brown rice, no ketchup, white egg but no brown eggs...the list goes on:
The Mouth
(3,321 posts)Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)about the state of our country and people under the Cretins administration is the arrogant cruelty that is being accepted and enabled.
It is the absolute worst of humanity.
(15,157 posts)It's fine, but we stopped because sometimes we just don't like to cook.
As to your rant, you are quite right. If we organized ourselves around human need instead of human greed, our whole species would be better off.
(62,450 posts)nadine_mn
(3,702 posts)Anon-C
(3,440 posts)

not fooled
(6,150 posts)Not a peep from the GOPee about the rampant fraud, waste, and abuse in the military, private contracting, Wall Street, etc. etc. etc. Those squandered sums DWARF the paltry % of the Federal budget that goes to providing assistance to those in need.
When the MFing hypocrites start cracking down on the much bigger drain of $$$$$$$$$$ into the pockets of their cronies, I'll be impressed.
Until then demonizing the poor is just a way to displace the anger of idiot GOPee voters from the wealthy--who are the ones REALLY screwing them--onto the poor.
Oh, and the snooze media needs to start putting up pie charts showing the % of tax dollars that go to corporate welfare and war spending vs. the paltry sums that go to helping others. AND showing the benefits of investing in citizens in terms of avoiding future expenditures by properly nourishing children, preventive healthcare, education, etc. I'm not holding my breath. There is more $$$$$$$$ in manufacturing outrage and keeping the populace ignorant.
(20,665 posts)What did, and are still, costing us, trillions already?
mountain grammy
(27,484 posts)Great post.. Absolutely great! I find myself judging people, and I know what it's like to be judged and shamed. I will re read this post everytime I slip into that judgemental mode.
(39,481 posts)yonder
(10,030 posts)MFM008
(20,034 posts)Of random food is food allergies and sensitivity.
I have trouble with milk and fruit.
If I eat raw fruit skin I break out.
Not what I LIKE it's a matter of what I can and can't eat.
Another brilliant idea by the fat sucking pigs in this administration to save money for their billionaire asses.
(1,148 posts)They'll get heaps of rice and those icky white beans, which in turn will end up at a local food bank where sometimes even the people using them don't want them. Some people are lactose intolerant, and the milk and cheese will go bad if it isn't re-gifted to someone immediately.
So many problems with this. Many people on public assistance don't have cars or can't drive.
(20,034 posts)And I can't eat rice..........
(16,953 posts)fantastic post....
(38,957 posts)My Blue Apron SNAP pack would probably include Spam & canned peas, since I'm vegetarian & I hate peas.
There's always been a mean, punitive element in our society, but since Reagan, that kind of thinking has been cultivated & encouraged. I look at the government we have now & am so ashamed of this country & the people who voted these inhumane assholes into office. We are a country that begrudges children a free hot lunch, but never questioned how many martini lunches we paid for, for rich banksters getting their bailout. A nation of mean-spirited morons, easily duped & swindled.
(12,461 posts)
(47,397 posts)the most vile and disgusting Trump official, who claimed it was like Blue Apron.
Trump wants to slash food stamps and replace them with a Blue Apron-type program
Mulvaney's the asshole who felt it was important to cut funding for meals on wheels. You know, since the most prosperous nation on earth can't feed it's hungry elderly people during a time of record corporate profits and soaring stock market and low unemployment. Let them eat tax cuts.
(15,805 posts)The working poor don't have extra money to pay utility bills, fix the fridge, put new tires on the car, get health insurance, or take their kids to the dentist. We shame them too, if they apply for the public assistance programs that are set up give them a little bit of money to cover some of their daily living problems.
And don't forget infrastructure, we are so far behind other industrialized nations that we are not much better than some third world countries when it come to building modern, efficient public works projects.
People act so concerned, even angry, that their tax money goes toward some project they don't directly benefit from, or helping their neighbors survive, and they demand retribution and vengeance to soothe their outrage. Want a new modern water system, then heap the cost on the poor communities that need it most. Want new schools, then penalize the poor and build them in affluent communities. More public transit, sure, but make sure it doesn't reach the working poor.
Yet at the same time these ever so concerned citizens are degrading punishing poor people for the crimes of being unworthy and impoverished, they are also voting for Republicans to vote down higher minimum wage laws, rollback work benefits, slash education and job training, cut subsidies for public health clinics, and public transportation.
It makes no sense to me, but decade after decade, we keep, stupidly, shooting ourselves in the foot.
(5,042 posts)People need to mind their own fucking food business.
(11,957 posts)
I'm voting in a special election today and I am going to share this with EVERYONE who will read it!!!
(6,927 posts)I get outraged just thinking about these control freaks who want gubmint out of our lives.
(6,347 posts)had to use food stamps for a while while she took care of us and put herself through school. I used WIC for about 6 months when my daughter was a baby because I worked as a hostess and didn't make much money. I think it's shitty that people are judged and treated like lazy thieves just because they need help. Republicans act like people getting SNAP are out living high on the hog, which is the very epitome of hypocrisy!
(31,625 posts)We need more community gardens. We need them in large and small communities alike. We could use rooftop gardens, too.
Anyone who grows a garden knows that there is often an excess, more than one family can use.
I can remember being shamed when my kids were small and my husband was out of work. I did not have to go through it for very long, but it left scars. I will remember the people in the community who acted that way.
Someone here commented about community kitchens. Not everyone grows up in an environment where they learn to cook. Community kitchens can give people a chance to learn from each other without judgement.
(804 posts)I mean that literally.
Can I add something that pisses me off? As I mentioned above, I was a poor kid and know what it means to be hungry. My mother had divorced her abusive husband and hadn't worked for 20 years (he wouldn't let her) and found herself with a small child to take care of, no money, and no daycare to put me in so she could look for a job. When she finally found a daycare that would take me free of charge until she found a job as a typist (making 90 cents an hour, by the way, in the early 70s), we still didn't have enough to eat, so she fed me - a skinny little kid - the highest quality protein sources she could afford, like oxtails and bone marrow.
And you know what? The foodies in this country have turned oxtails and bone marrow into "gourmet" offerings, thus driving up the price. My mother would not be able to afford them now. Can the rich please stop taking food out of poor people's mouths and then shaming them for the way they eat??
Sorry for the probably inarticulate rant, but this issue absolutely infuriates me.
(2,091 posts)Now they propose having the government tell us what to freaking eat.....
Hypocrisy knows no bounds.....
(3,702 posts)From my vagina and reproductive organs and into my gastrointestinal tract
Honestly. Cant wait for the next body part to be monitored
(8,543 posts)that made me lol. awful isn't it?
(20,647 posts)of a big-time "MYOB issue".
(5,603 posts)Also, speaking of assholes and scammers, one need only look to the KGOP for those. They have managed to raise it to high art...
(25,198 posts)It is time for me to mention an idea I've espoused here before. While I absolutely agree that the Orange Menace pulled this box delivery thing out of his ass, and it is impractical for many, many reasons, there is one thing that is in there that I do agree with, and that is encouraging people to learn how to cook simple meals, rather than buy fat and salt laden prepared foods from the freezer case.
What if we incentivized and de-incentivized certain grocery store products? I'd leave the status of at least two-thirds of what you find on supermarket shelves alone, but what if we had a situation where prepared TV dinners would cost an extra, say, 25% if paid for from a family's SNAP allowance? And basic ingredients that were used to prepare real home cooked meals were 25% cheaper, when used with SNAP benefits?
I'd do that for anything from the produce department that is indeed a raw food, and I'd even extend it to cheaper cuts of meat. By making it possible to get more food if a family or an individual is willing to expend some effort on making a real meal instead of some nuked culinary atrocity, we encourage people to take better care of themselves.
Just a thought that has been running through my mind for years that came to the fore after this proposal emerged.
(3,702 posts)And secondly it is assuming people have time, resources (as in a working stove) and punishes people who don't have the physical ability to cook.
There are programs that double your food stamp dollars if you buy produce at a farmers market which is a great incentive. But if you are living in shared housing, homeless, have limited access to cooking appliances, have kids and work .... cooking from scratch is a luxury. As a kid my mom worked 2 jobs, and I worked after school. She was too tired to cook, and the thought of me using the stove (fire!) as an overtired teen coming home at 11pm would have been a nightmare.
I understand the desire to want people to eat healthier food, but the reality for many of the population reliant on food stamps is that cooking fresh foods isn't practical.
The amount of money a person or family gets is already so small, taking any more of that money away as a convenience tax is unfair.
(25,198 posts)not everyone will be able or inclined to do it, but for those who can find it in their abilities to undertake it, they would be incentivized to do so, and that would be a positive thing for their households.
I applied for food stamps when I was in college some forty years ago, I recall that I had to state that I had some sort of cooking facilities to be eligible for the program. Perhaps things have changed.
And, there are recipes for use in a microwave oven, which don't tend to start fires. Even incentivizing the purchase of fresh foods that can be consumed with no or very minimal preparation would be a good thing, wouldn't it?
As for taking the money away, like I said, I would leave the status of a great majority of groceries the way they are. It would be easy to find the most egregious products to de-incentivize. The biggest challenge would be to find all the foods that should be incentivized.
I did not know about the farmers' market programs you mention, which by doubling food stamp dollars goes way beyond my proposal. It gives families a reason to teach their kids how to cook, instead of just relying on prepared crap. So many people have lost the art of cooking, that is one of our impoverishments, in my opinion.
(3,702 posts)As an example. Many people would say that should be a food not allowed to be purchased with food stamps because of the low or zero nutritional value.
And that may be true...but if you are on food stamps you have need, you don't have extra money for luxuries, you have been through some tough times.
So take away..or de-incentivize small treat or luxury? Or a bag of salty potato chips? Why?
What you may consider to be the most egregious product might be the one thing another person looks forward to after a day of dealing with crap.
Dealing with my depression with a bowl of ice cream or a Twinkie may seem like a waste of tax payer money, but that $2 treat may make it a little easier.
I am trying to get where you are coming from, but I think you are missing out on how little money people get in food stamps and how something as simple as a bag of cheetos can cheer someone up.
Let people make their own decisions, let people have some freedom of choice. I am with you to help give people more for their buck, but not to take away what little they already get
(25,198 posts)I'd never put ice cream on the list of de-incentivized foods! But the Twinkie---well, I might.
It would be possible to make some distinctions, maybe the store-brand ice cream is OK, but the latest gobbledegook concoction from Ben and Jerry's might not be. Maybe the plain bag of chips is OK, but the flavor-blasted Doritos, not so much.
And I doubt that anybody depressed about Trump would turn to a bag of Cheetos!
(3,411 posts)many others in need of SNAP do not have the time to spend hours cooking. They either are working shift work, multiple jobs, have kids, or just literally cannot expend that much time and energy cooking.
Stop policing dinner plates!
(25,198 posts)as an option for those who can find a way to do it, to give them more nutrition for the same amount of benefit. A piece of fresh fruit doesn't require hours of cooking to prepare to eat. Why not incentivize that instead of a package of Twinkies?
(36,451 posts)ebt cards and electronic snap debits were a progressive step to blocking assholes in a grocery line from knowing HOW someone paid for their food
The hateful would love a regressive program that lets them pin that scarlet letter back on their neighbors
excellent post
(7,358 posts)I never envisioned this country becoming so cruel and mean.
(121,945 posts)I don't think I even want to know what that blue apron thread was. would probably throw something.
(121,945 posts)I would ask what the FUCK is wrong with these people, but we know at least part of the answer. they are without a single atom of humanity, decency, compassion, caring, integrity. I want to know what galaxy is dropping off their prisoners here.
How are people justifying those attitudes???
(121,945 posts)There's an incredible disconnect. Even with my left leaning friends, when it comes to food there's this rush to judgment and constant yammering on about "healthy food" and "teaching the poor to eat better".
Even on the left side we forget healthy food is not just an expense (literally everyone knows this) but more importantly a time expense that many people can't afford. Shift work, multiple jobs, having to rely on transit or just a commute (which depending on where you are could add an easy 1 to 2 hours to your workday for that commute or use of transit), having little kids that need picking up or dropping off from daycare, helping older kids with homework, and doing basic household chores. All that doesn't leave time that can be spent baking your own bread, cakes, making meals that require more than 30 minutes.
I've been there. I didn't even have kids but between 2 jobs and taking transit I prettt much only had time to eat whatever I could quickly.
Many people aren't just short on cash, but short on time as well.
(121,945 posts)a convenience store. no grocery store within miles.
(3,411 posts)And don't say "go to a farmer's market". The ones up here in BC are notoriously pricier than the grocery store.
People need help, not healthy living lectures.
(121,945 posts)eleny
(46,166 posts)I worked in social service programs for the better part of 30 years including the federally mandated quality control program that reviewed agencies and families for accuracy.
States are only allowed a very small percentage of errors. When the error rate goes over about 2% they're heavily fined. And that error rate includes agency mistakes. Fraud is not - repeat NOT - rampant. That's one of the biggest most treasured myths held dear by many and it's hard to break them of that notion.
I so appreciate your posting, nadine_mn. These thoughts need to be expressed to shake others out of their long held beliefs that contribute nothing positive to their neighbors or the nation. You said what needed to be said and expressed it thoroughly. Many thanks and now I'm going to go read it again.
(6,578 posts)ancianita
(39,481 posts)nadine_mn
(3,702 posts)orangecrush
(22,923 posts)It's about sending a message of hate to the poor.
(4,033 posts)everything trump says will be contained in these packages, is what I receive monthly at my local Food Pantry. My benefits I use for fresh produce/fruit, meat that might not be in my Pantry's package. I also use it for broth, sauces, etc. Monthly I also go to what is called Produce to People. It's run by the County Food Bank and I'm able to supplement my produce needs.
I don't want a freaking box of donated "American" food, that is full of sodium and salt. I'm diabetic and I want to make healthy, nutritious and tasty meals. What about those with food allergies? Think allergies to peanuts, and trump sending peanut butter to these people.
I honestly believe this idea was floated by "American" manufacturers whose product is not being bought by Americans. Often these manufacturers, don't donate to Food Banks. In all honestly, I look at the labels of all my food to find where it is from. A lot of what I receive from the Food Pantry is from Canada. From Canada I receive tomatoes, asparagus, eggplant, potatoes, and the best Mac & Cheese from Italpasta. From Mexico I receive tomatoes, peppers and salsa. A lot of goods are from the US, the canned goods for sure are, vegetables and fruit.
So no thanks, trump. You are a piece of freaking shit.
(161,510 posts)it is important to hear from people like you
Solly Mack
(93,757 posts)gvstn
(2,805 posts)My mom had a thing about that. Never comment on what someone is eating or leaving on their plate. NEVER! It is none of your business.
(11,847 posts)He meant well, and he was never nasty about it, but it still got pretty tiresome. We were grocery shopping some years ago, and I tossed a bag of peanuts into my basket.
"Those are loaded with fat!"
"They're peanuts, not crack! Jeez, man."
I can barely imagine - or maybe not - what it would be like to have barbed comments tossed at me on any kind of regular basis. Especially if the effort to soften it was somewhere between negligible and zero...or clearly meant to sting.
Shame, indeed!
(48,410 posts)Response to nadine_mn (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(902 posts)TheOther95Percent
(1,035 posts)The Great Famine drove my ancestors to migrate to the United States. They were the lucky ones. They survived it. A million Irish did not. Scotland's potato harvest also suffered from the same blight but the population was saved by government and charitable relief efforts. Meanwhile, the Irish were left to their fate.
I start to itch when I hear government officials starts deciding who gets to eat and who doesn't.
Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)Bravo.
(20,219 posts)yuiyoshida
(43,140 posts)with a flim flam man at the helm.
Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)Surprised that's not already a thing...
(3,417 posts)I'd like to use some of it to write letters about this disgusting proposal to my Congress critters. You're words resonate for better than anything I could say.
Thank you!
(3,702 posts)Neema
(1,167 posts)scream. If you added up every dollar that goes to people who are scamming the system, it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket compared to 45's scams of the American people, his golf trips and extra security and lavish trips for every damn member of his family. Or tax giveaways to billionaires. Or bloated military spending that still leaves veterans out in the cold.
The real irony of course is the people who complain most about welfare queens and food stamp scammers voted for the politicians who are doing the most damage to our tax dollars.
(3,622 posts)applegrove
(124,284 posts)feeding the inmates in Orange Is The New Black. I somehow doubt if the quality of the food will be decent with captive customers rather than the food a grocery store sells when it faces competition.
(27,425 posts)colorado_ufo
(5,964 posts)
(95,978 posts)
Every day that goes by I feel more ashamed of my own country. But the shame should be on who make the decisions, and they are patently shameless and heartless.
Did you know there was a United Nations study done recently on poverty in the USA? We flunked. The researchers were beyond appalled at human beings who had no teeth because no affordable health plan had dental coverage. They were beyond appalled at us and our government because the kind of Third World poverty that exists here and is growing daily is a fucking choice by the wealthiest and most powerful among us and the politicians that they have bought and paid for.
What we have become and are becoming could make the angels weep.
(3,702 posts)When there are millions of people (including children) hungry, without housing and without access to healthcare - you cannot call yourself a great nation. Not even getting to the racism, bigotry, denial of voting rights, imprisonment of minorities etc, just the damn basics we no longer provide for our citizens.
For some reason "great" means only a few get it all.
(20,665 posts)our supposed-to-be great nation into shameless inhumane treatment of the lesser of us.
Unmitigated gall. Greed personified.
Read this in your Bible, fools:
'The first shall be last and the last first.'
The day of reckoning can't come soon enough.
get the red out
(13,682 posts)Fantastic post!
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)

(5,101 posts)Trumpig budget is not only cruel beyond the imaginable but it shows his abyssal disdain for the needy, whatever reason reduced them to this condition.
I live in a country very focused on well-being. One key point, is to maintain the human dignity. Help is provided in a way that no one but the needy and the workers of the different programs, could guess the reality.
Because human dignity is not only a very basic right but it is helps to keep sane and go through the difficult times.
The food boxes remind me of those days, long before any social program, of the charity. A charity, very often done in the aim to "save your soul" rather then help the needy.
Oh my dear American friends I hope you from the bottom of my heart the biggest blue wave ever and the republicans drowning.
They are really turning the US in a third-world country. It is disheartening regarding what America have achieved in less than 2 centuries.
They are stuck with an outdated vision and alas, the effects are already visible.
Any official statistics of UNDP or any official fund, shows many fields that are not too good. Health and Education for example. 2 of the most important pillars to build a prosperous nation.
Arkansas Granny
(31,910 posts)They_Live
(3,322 posts)We should help each other. It's the right thing to do.
(121,945 posts)especially mulvaney and perdue.
actually, I think we could all, with your permission, send these out to all of the above. you have stated the problem, and their hatred, perfectly.