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If you hate this cretin as much as I do you will find this a delicious read.

(3,848 posts)
(10,398 posts)Archae
(47,006 posts)He turned into shit.
(15,847 posts)Rudy is ..... how can I say this nicely?....... an ass hole.
(73,265 posts)Ever since SHITLER decided to inflict himself on us, it has been inexplicable that he has cozied up to the Russians at every turn, down to a few days ago when hes sending ventilators to Russia. Ive been calling him a cartel mobster for a couple of years just based on his behaviors the LOYALTY thing, the demands for total authority.
So there have been bits here or there about Russians laundering money via condos in his properties, high prices and empty buildings. The mysteries have nagged the attacks on MUELLER and COMEY, the weird alliances (GUILIANI).
So this lays it out: Not PUTIN, but a Russian mobster/banker, Semion Mogilevich. And GUILIANI + TRUMP is that they have the worst dirt on each other and hate each other but cant throw each other under the bus. And SHITLER trashes the FBI guys because they know him as an FBI Confidential Informant (CI) and cant expose him, hence why MUELLER hinted at everything but left it all hanging. And why SHITLER took a free hand at smearing MUELLER as "corrupt", because he knew, on the contrary, that MUELLER knew his CI status and could NOT expose SHITLER.
.... But the modern-day Eliot Ness, as he was called, hid a deep family secret that a Giuliani confidant says goes a long way to explain why his self-worth has wavered throughout his life. Rudys father, Harold, was a neighborhood tough who did time in New Yorks Sing Sing prison for armed robbery. This underworld background, revealed in muckraking journalist Wayne Barretts biography Rudy!, might help explain the chip Giuliani has carried on his shoulder throughout his career.
... Giuliani joined 10,000 off-duty police officers in a protest that boiled over with bursts of racism aimed at the citys first black mayor. But harnessing outer-borough anger at Manhattan liberals was a key to victory that, in retrospect, was an ominous preview of the resentments that Trump would later stoke on a national scale. ....
Bloody Mob Sh*t: An Interview with Lincoln's Bible
We talk Trump, Mogilevich, Epstein, Giuliani, Fred Trump, Roy Cohn, and more.
(by) Greg Olear
.... LB (Lincoln's Bible) : ... Fred (Trump), ... all (his construction projects) were done with known mafia partners, in Genovese-controlled territory, and eventually with a fully Genovese-owned construction company (HRH Construction). ....
... Remember donalds quote, Even my father, he said, you dont want to go to Manhattan. Thats not our territory? Thats because Manhattan, for construction, was Gambino territory. They controlled the concrete and unions. And Fred was a very loyal, shrewd front for the Genovese. To get his idiot, greedy kid into Manhattan, Fred and Roy Cohn had to get those two mob bosses to agree on a joint venture. ....
GO (Greg OLEAR) : Rudy Giuliani, whose father was a lesser mobster, built his reputation prosecuting Italian mobsters. In the process, he made it easier for the Russians to move in. ... ....
LB: Heres the thing and its NYC mob gossip, but I trust the source. Rudy and donald hate each other. Capital H hate. They both have dirt on one another. And, for both, its as bad as it gets. Cocaine, corruption, and bloody mob shit. So theyre stuck together. Dont look for one to turn on the other. Unless drugs/alcohol/dementia takes over, and they burn each other down as they internally crumble. ....
GO: ... We know he (Jeffrey EPSTEIN) was associated with the Russian mafiya, through his relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell, whose father, Robert, was business partners with Semion Mogilevich, head of the Vor. ...
LB: Epstein laundered money for global arms dealers. ... ....
Citizen Journalists Consortium
(by) Lincoln's Bible
.... ... There is a man who controls our President. And his name is not Vladimir Putin. ....
... the most brilliant, dangerous, powerful, criminal mastermind the world has ever seen. This is not hyperbole. This is SEMION MOGILEVICH. ....
... Mogilevich, the "Boss of Bosses," is also known in Russia and to international intelligence agencies as Don Semyon, The Brainy Don. ....
... The Soviet Union collapsed. In the vacuum of leadership of policy of governmental order, a few hungry souls made a mad grab for state resources. They were the original seven oligarchs, called The Magnificient Seven. And they were all bankers. One of these first seven bankers, Mikhail Fridman the founder of ALFABANK, is Semion Mogilevichs partner. ... ....
... Putin was used to help execute Semions strategy for turning Russia into a Mafiya State. ... ....
... This aspect of Semions criminal enterprise is one thing (of many) the Iran Deal sought to eliminate. ... ....
... the Russian Mafiyas infiltration of America. ... the Russian take-over of Americas mafia crime families, the Five Families, ... ....
... the mobster Vyacheslov Ivankov set him off on Semions trail. Ivankov was Semions lieutenant, sent to America to set up operations. If you recognize his name, its because Ivankov is the mobster who landed in a condo in Trump Tower, hid out regularly at Trump Taj Mahal, and was eventually caught by the FBIs organized crime unit. ... ....
... Mogilevichs crime syndicate is also THE case that puts the history of Donald Trumps business partnerships into context. It explains why the #TrumpRussia investigation ... shifted from counter-intelligence to CRIMINAL. ...
It also answers what lurks beneath Trumps flailing tweets, firing of Comey, and strategic undermining of the integrity of our independent press. ... ....
... The equation for finding the perfect mark is simple: 1) identify a businessman who has what you need like a vehicle to wash your blood money, + 2) find their weak spot, and + 3) squeeze. ....
In the United States, there was one businessman at the top of Don Semyons list. One who was the easiest mark and could reap the greatest return. One who was sheltering Mogilevich's Men. One who was already in business with the American mafia, when "the" RUSSIAN MOB rolled over them all. ....
And thanks to Fred Trump, Roy Cohn, and the Five Families of American mafia, the United States already had a perfect front for Mogilevich to take. A man a brand, that could wash the devils blood money clean. ....
... Semion Mogilevich took over American mafias territory, he took Donald Trump with it. ....
... Semion Mogilevich took over his second brand: TRUMP ENTERPRISES. ....
(by) Greg OLEAR Facebook page
.... A confidential informant, or CI, is a mole run by law enforcement within a criminal enterprise. Not a rat, whose treachery is well known to his comrades, but a craftier, more duplicitous breed of rodent. Crimes committed by the CI are overlooked, or allowed to continue unabated, in exchange for good intelligencetreasure, as Control calls it in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. ....
The only way to know for sure if Donald John Trump is a Confidential Informant is if he admits it himself (unlikely), or if law enforcement comes forward (illegal). But the circumstantial evidence is compelling. The pattern is: 1) Trump deals with mobsters as usual; 2) Law enforcement begins investigating Trump; 3) Mobsters suddenly get busted, while 4) investigation into Trump is scuttled. This happened three times that we know about. Im not counting the first known instance of Trump providing information to prosecutors, concerning Cody and concrete, in the late 70s: ... ....
... (Trump in) 1995? Failing tremendously. That was the year when he declared a loss of an unfathomable $916 million on his tax returns. It was also at this time that Trump Tower became a sort of Moscow on Fifth Avenue, with any number of Russian mobsters scooping up apartmentsan arrangement that began in 1984, when the Russian mobster David Bogatin purchased five condos for $6 million. Trump Tower was one of just two buildings in all of New York City that allowed units to be purchased by shell companies. Why did Trump, virtually alone among New Yorkers, allow these fishy deals?
As the indefatigable Craig Unger writes in the Washington Post, the shady Bogatin deal began a 35-year relationship between Trump and Russian organized crime. Mind you, this was a period during which the disintegration of the Soviet Union had opened a fire-hose-like torrent of hundreds of billions of dollars in flight capital from oligarchs, wealthy apparatchiks and mobsters in Russia and its satellites. And who better to launder so much money for the Russians than Trump selling them multimillion-dollar condos at top dollar, with little or no apparent scrutiny of who was buying them. ....
... what made Trumps attacks on Mueller so ironic. He impugned the former FBI director as corrupt, while depending on his incorruptibility to not reveal his (alleged) CI status. ....
This piece was written under the expert guidance of Lincolns Bible. If you dont already do so, please follow her on Twitter, and check out her own mafiya reporting at Citjourno.
I encourage everyone to read the State of New Jersey Department of Gaming Enforcement investigation report on the allegations against Donald John Trump in the Wayne Barrett book Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.
The late Bob Levinson was the FBIs best Russian mob fighter. His Ivankov testimony is also essential reading.
Greg Olear, Substack