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Rep. Jones declines to lead House in pledge; Top GOP leader calls for resignationI hope that we can get to a day that we can live up to the words of the pledge liberty and justice for all," he said.

(15,137 posts)B.See
(4,288 posts)Bigots want to be made to feel comfortable in the systemic cloak of structural disparities. They shouldn't be afforded that. Kaepernick made 'em squirm. And rightfully SO.
(23,804 posts)Grins
(8,018 posts)At first I balked at saying under god, then gave up on Americas loyalty oath.
I cant remember ever saying it after high school. Even when I was in the Army!
(27,087 posts)I was in Catholic school at the time, and I recall the nuns being very disturbed by this addition.
It's one of the reasons I will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance.
(9,321 posts)I haven't said it in decades.
(19,351 posts)And Tennessee Republicans have their undies in a bunch over it? How HYPOCRITICAL of them.
Perhaps they are still miffed at Colin Kaepernick for his stand regarding the National Anthem and the treatment of African-Americans by Police Forces around the country.
(5,038 posts)Orwell's 1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual. Ditto Idiocracy.
(19,351 posts)He declined to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
There is a difference here.
(5,038 posts)Those GQP clowns who whine but won't do their jobs re actually passing legislation and solving problems are the ones I was talking about.
(19,351 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,038 posts)No worries
(4,012 posts)Refusing to goose-step with his colleagues.
Response to B.See (Original post)
bucolic_frolic This message was self-deleted by its author.
Lets ask the GOP about this line:
One nation, under God, indivisible
I dont believe in any gods. I believe in the Constitution.
More importantly, if the nation cannot be divided then Texas cannot secede.
Frankly, I think oaths like this are stupid because they are violated without a thought.
Captain Zero
(7,656 posts)We are a nation of law not men, not any particular god. It's the truth.
(12,176 posts)now *that* I could say!
(19,274 posts)You don't have to be an atheist to be able to see that phrase as 1) divisive, and 2) inconsistent with one of the founding principles of this country (the separation of church and state). I think I'll say the pledge that way from now on.
That "under God" business was a late add on, anyway:
The push to add under God to the pledge gained momentum during the second Red Scare, a period when U.S. politicians were keen to assert the moral superiority of U.S. capitalism over Soviet communism, which many conservatives regarded as godless.
And everything else aside, the way the pledge has become a quasi-sacred shibboleth in this country is ludicrous, especially when you know the whole story behind its creation and adoption:
(8,262 posts)The saying one nation under God is a part of the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America. An early version of the pledge was composed in 1885 by Captain George Thatcher Balch. Balch was an officer in the Union Army during the Civil War who wanted to find ways to teach patriotism to young children in the public schools. A few years later, in 1892, Francis Bellamy, a Baptist pastor from New York, significantly revised and expanded Balchs original pledge in an effort to promote the 1893 World Fair. This version of the pledge went largely unaltered for decades when Congress officially adopted it in 1942 at the start of World War II.
However, the saying one nation under God was not a part of Bellamys pledge (the original draft simply stated, One nation, indivisible). In fact, Bellamy staunchly believed in the separation of Church and State and intentionally did not include any references to God in the pledge. It wasnt until 1954 under the direction of President Eisenhower that the words under God were added to the pledge. This was mostly due to the growing fear of communism throughout the United States during the Cold War.
The inclusion of the phrase under God was meant to reaffirm Americas heritage as a predominately Judeo-Christian nation in the face of looming global threats (especially ones that were derived from atheistic, materialist worldviews such as communism). Having just come out of World War II, and with the Cold War in full swing, President Eisenhower sought to unify the nation and proclaim trust in God against destructive, godless forces.
(67,237 posts)that is something I learned for today. Interesting. Thanks for posting.
(779 posts)KPN
(16,324 posts)They are the party of no principles.
(12,346 posts)was written in 1885 by a Union Army officer in the Civil War, so former Confederate states might want to rethink using the pledge, especially after they secede again. The Pledge was changed in 1892 and recited in public schools to teach patriotism to immigrant children. It was adopted by Congress in 1942, the name 'The Pledge of Allegiance' was officially adopted in 1945. It's wording was changed again in 1954 when "under God" was added, because of all those Godless communists. Today it seems "Liberty and justice for all" is still an aspirational ideal.
(16,300 posts)but they are ok with a known rapist for President. GQP know what shithole did on J6, but alas, they still want him to be president. GQP know that shithole committed fraud and took money from our adversaries, but that's ok. GQP know that shithole took classified documents and probably sold them to our enemies for profit. But that's ok too. GQP know shithole tried to steal the elections, but that is also fine with them too.
GQP house congress-critters misinformed of what Rep. Omar actually said, or did they? Anywho, they want to depot her, an American citizen.
GQP in general are truly fucked up.
(12,176 posts)(in response to your last statement)
It would be GREAT if the M$M would hammer the hypocrisy home.
(3,088 posts)These domestic terrorists and insurrectionists in maga world pledge allegiance to a flag while every day violating their oath to protect the US from enemies foreign and domestic.
Putin puppets are enemies both foreign and domestic.
F them.
(5,038 posts)I was pretty young during the 60s civil rights movement, but after Nixon, I realized I should have just set quietly with some classmates of a particular religious sect during the pledge. Then again, I really didn't want to be identified with them, as they never got invited to birthday parties.
(7,629 posts)for about 50 years. Same reasons, justice for all is witnessing a lie. Hoped we were making progress towards that goal. I was wrong.
(5,478 posts)as i graduated from high school in 1971, and had already given it up a couple of years earlier.
During the two years I taught elementary school (in Watts), we had better uses for our time.
Since then, if I'm in a situation where they are going to recite the Pledge, I will politely stand, but not join in either in word or motion.
et tu
(1,920 posts)to keep reminding us about 'injustices' and
to forge change that is still desperately needed
for equality in this country. the beat goes on~
is going places. I really admire him. He knows what's going on.
et tu
(1,920 posts)he is articulate, smart and fearless~
(89,282 posts)They have already been expelled once. They won their seats back and the racist white men are trying it again.
I believe they are both going places and would love to see both as either Rep, Senator or Governor of Tennessee.
(7,181 posts)My version of how many marbles in this jar?
(5,825 posts)GoCubsGo
(33,406 posts)It's all show. Make sure everyone sees you making your pledge, or professing your faith, but that's where it all ends. All hat. No cattle.
(13,996 posts)There is no way of knowing that simply by reading the headline or the text in the OP.
(28,270 posts)Jones is a good Tennessee man ..."young man."
(17,519 posts)..... attempting to bring national awareness and exposure.
Hard to find fault with that.
(4,288 posts)as to the specifics of the story as well as the history behind Jones' tumultuous relationship with his gop adversaries.
And given the MAGA proclivity nationally, to deny racism and racial disparity in America, it is, imo, yet another story that relates to the whole.
(134 posts)It's sick. Why should anyone be forced to recite a loyalty pledge?
(23,804 posts)republianmushroom
(18,652 posts)BlueKota
(3,808 posts)someone said they refused to say the pledge because they believe it is wrong to pledge allegiance to anyone or anything but God? If not they should shut their hypocritical traps.
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)He is a natural born leader and exemplifies true morality. I'm so sick of the KKKhristians dominating our TN state house who prove daily they are small minded, petty, bigoted jerks.
Evolve Dammit
(19,756 posts)
(161,500 posts)repukes do not work for WE THE PEOPLE - only for "THEIR KIND" of people
(382 posts)I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America.
That's all that is needed!!!