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Democrat who ran heavily on abortion rights, IVF wins Alabama red seat special election
Abortion proves winning strategy for Alabama Democrat
Marilyn Lands Achieves Stunning 33-Point Swing for Democrats in Alabama

(54,008 posts)EarlG
(22,733 posts)I fixed it.
(18,870 posts)dalton99a
(86,304 posts)CrispyQ
(39,017 posts)
(8,562 posts)dchill
(41,253 posts)...some hastily copy-and-pasted "new" election laws in Alabama?
Oopsie Daisy
(5,221 posts)* that it would be a mistake to focus on abortions during the mid-terms. It seems that those who were eager to exclude the reproductive issues with their dismissive and "know-it-all" attitudes were wrong.
I believe that our party and our Democratic candidates can walk-and-chew-gum at the same time. We can multi-task, we can focus-on and highlight our successes and issues without needing to intentionally EXCLUDE others. It's a shame that some individuals lack confidence in Democrats (and work tirelessly to make others feel the same way.)
I'm very please at this election outcome! It's a good sign! Let's keep working to GOTV!
(86,304 posts)There is a lot of anger out there
Sky Jewels
(8,857 posts)haven't caught on that their turnout assumptions are largely wrong wrong wrong.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,221 posts)and so while some want the Democrats to focus solely on "economic issues" and "unions".... I find it disturbing and distressing (and outright offensive) that there are some out there who who fail to recognize that abortion bans lead to poverty, an expanded police state, and an overrun health care system. But when reproductive issues are ignored, or dismissed, or put on the back-burner it fails to recognize the simple fact that this, too, becomes an economic issue. I have not seen the first candidate or party leader focus "solely" on women's reproductive rights. So, it seems rather unnecessary for anyone to engage in the BS scare-tactics of pretending that their concerns are valid and that women's issues are "losing" issues.
Sky Jewels
(8,857 posts)Many, many men, even men on the Dem side, have had the hardest time understanding and viewing reproductive freedom as an important issue, because, well, it's merely a women's issue, so it doesn't really count as A Real and Serious Issue, which, by definition, is an issue that men care about and consider to be important.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,221 posts)And it's not just a "slip of the tongue" or a "poorly chosen phrase" or something said "in the heat of the moment". Instead, the Democratic ally that I'm thinking of wrote and ENTIRE EDITORIAL about it. This was a strategy that was intentionally thought-out and great lengths were made to justify it. It's BS... complete and total BS!
>> well, it's merely a women's issue, so it doesn't really count
Yes. Perfectly stated! That gets right to the heart of the matter, doesn't it?
(85,162 posts)This is DIRECT ASSAULT on womens bodies. That OUR BODIES are NOT OUR OWN.
Its an Absolute Freakin OUTRAGE!!!
THEY want command of OUR bodies.
(1,009 posts)...a man having to discuss how his inability to sustain an erection, and when he does manage one, he can only last a few seconds. How this has damaged his confidence and outlook on life. How there's medication that could help him, but it's not available because of laws put in place by gerrymandered legislatures. I imagine a man having to share his personal issues with the world because his right to treatment is subjugated by a bunch of lunatic busybodies.
I care about abortion because few things determine the trajectory of a woman's life than having a child, and the government has no right to force anyone to have a child anymore than anyone should be forced to skydive or free climb steep rock faces. I support women making their own choices for how they pursue their happiness.
(39,017 posts)It's past time to trade in the kid gloves for boxing gloves.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,221 posts)* and not focus on "divisive" and "controversial" issues like women's reproductive rights. To me, this looks like a winning issue, and we had it right all along, but here's what one Democratic ally wrote regarding the last midterms:
Obviously, this is BS! As we now see, this will be a strong and winning issue for Democrats. Women are tired of being dismissed and disregarded as being unimportant pawns of "establishment" consultants and "well-funded Super Pacs" (presumably funded by oligarchs and millionaires/billionaires). This is not a "wedge issue" ... this is THE issue!!
(2,951 posts)FakeNoose
(36,539 posts)They said, "Take your Christo-fascism and shove it!"
There's going to be a BLUE TSUNAMI in November like we've never seen!
(24,762 posts)very recent years. Yet, we still seem to have a small gathering of 'doom sayers' in DU worried that the Moon is going to crash into the Earth (a metaphor), etc. Yet, if trends continue, including the walking away of more and more republican legislators, we (democrats) may find ourselves in control of the House w/o having to do anything other than govern responsibility, as we have been doing, despite the idiotic going one by some republican idiotic House members, e.g., Green, Jordan, long list yada yada yada.
Keep doing our 'thing', apparently, it is working, keeping government going, and quit being such drama queens (I hate this word, but I use it to describe these headless republicans running to and fro everywhere.
And you're right FakeNoose, there will be a Tsunami in Nov. We're seeing signs of it, despite the faked up polls as we've been seeing in some quarters (just prior to the last election cycle, where republicans were supposed to win by landslide proportions, they didn't).
(4,555 posts)lindysalsagal
(22,455 posts)Even young men want abortion legal and safe.
(19,392 posts)don't forget about us old guys who grew up fighting for women's rights. 😁
I've been surrounded by women my entire life. Feisty Mom, sisters, wife, daughter, female grandchildren......I'd be absolutely crazy if I didn't want my grandgirls to have the same rights as my wife and daughter did.
I may be old, but I'll still fight for women's rights until the day the furnace in this old body goes out. That includes human rights for everyone as well. 😁
Sky Jewels
(8,857 posts)

(19,392 posts)I couldn't live with myself. We're all in this together.
(85,162 posts)Ive got a husband like that. He is impressively liberated. Always has been.
Oldies but goodies. Like in vintage rock radio!
(16,226 posts)have her "tied", or "slightly behind" the fascist?
It might be good data to have when we look at "polls".
(22,733 posts)I just had a look around and the only info I could find was this story which references both campaigns' internal polling. Very notably, this polling was done in January -- BEFORE the Alabama Supreme Court decision:
The internal poll released by Lands campaign showed her with a three-point lead over Powell. The poll was conducted by Impact Research from Dec. 16-20 and found 43% of respondents planned to vote for Lands and 40% favored Powell with 17% undecided.
In December, an internal poll by the Powell camp showed their candidate with a 47.7% share of the vote to 36.8% for Lands.
Other than that, all I could find were a few stories prior to the election (post-Supreme Court decision) saying that the race was expected to be "competitive."
KS Toronado
(20,682 posts)IMO, this year is ripe to go into red States and attack the entire R party for all it's shortcomings and
that list is long. Less of attacking the individuals running against us and more of attacking the
entire R party as being dysfunctional, disloyal to the Constitution, untruthful, etc, etc.
(36,539 posts)And I'm not just talking about the blue states, I'm saying every state in the USA. We have more power this year than ever before. As long as Dems vote, and we get the Independents to show up for us, then it won't matter what the Repukes do.
We're going to win the House, keep the Senate, and give President Joe Biden another 4 years!
KS Toronado
(20,682 posts)Maybe with a picture of Jan 6th? Maybe with a catchy slogan?
Wild blueberry
(7,374 posts)More encouragement to keep working.
Thank you!
(48,564 posts)and I keep feeling these wide margins can't be happening, these are uncompetitive type election numbers. But there they are.
Is it WE are finally starting to vote in numbers? We've been hearing about our ground game since Election 2000. Fear motivates, and Trump is inducing fear if little else.
(49,847 posts)They are stunningly self-destructive.
If you've lost voters in ALABAMA, you're probably toast!
(35,004 posts)sop
(12,504 posts)"The media narrative is grim for president Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats: Biden's too old and his mental acuity is questionable, sayeth the pundits and the polls. Democratic base voters, particularly Black voters, are disenchanted with the president, leading a generally cranky Democratic rank-and-file to stay home this November."
"Actual elections, however, paint a much different picture...Across the country, Democrats are winning special elections and overperforming in elections they have predictably lost. And it's fueling optimism among Democrats looking at a challenging election year for both the White House and Congress."
"'Polls don't vote. People vote. And that's what's been happening,' says Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern, a veteran lawmaker from Massachusetts who has served in both the minority and the majority. Despite what the polls say, 'people have been voting, and they've been voting Democratic. I feel really good about November and not just about the president. I feel really good about us taking back the House.'"
(280,733 posts)Sweet
(158,041 posts)marble falls
(63,167 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,241 posts)The campaign is hitting just the right tone on abortion right now, they're pinning it on Trump which is 100% accurate, and they're painting the picture of the national ban Trump in the future. Trump and the GOP have no answer to it right now and it's going to be the primary issue in 2024.
(85,162 posts)You BET we are!!!
(147,068 posts)And THAT is the thing to focus on.
I hope that pundits will quit with their exasperating predictions that "eventually the fervor over reproductive rights will die down" or some other idiotic nonsense.
(8,168 posts)the next guy leaving after Ken Buck would leave the Pubes with a 1-vote Majority. I wonder how this changes that (yes, i can do arithmetic, but I'm not psychic and don't know how the person who did that math caclulatiod thie special election in - if indeed he or she did.)
Harmony Starshine
(12 posts)he wants to cut and privatize Medicare and Social Security, and their parents could be moving in with them.
(89,526 posts)I just read your sign line. The update caused a glitch or two but seems to be working pretty well now. To straighten it out and get back to your original name make a post to EarlG, owner, in DU Community Help. You can find it under forums at the top of the page.
Good luck.
Harmony Starshine
(12 posts)So I can start a discussion. He and I have been emailing back and forth but no resolution yet. What really bugs me is, I immediately became a star member with this new screen name, but it's not showing up and I'm seeing all the damn ads
(89,526 posts)Glad you have been in touch with him. He will work it out.
(307,131 posts)your Status Resolved and your Star!
Harmony Starshine
(12 posts)
(158,041 posts)Ruby the Liberal
(26,361 posts)
(13,538 posts)Yes, the GOP is holding up the border bill NOW, but we had TWO YRS before these rubes took the House to do something & did nothing.
But my anecdotal experience is that women are PISSED because either THEY have had a health situation or they know someone else who had one and these stupid laws may very well have made them lose their LIFE
(32,530 posts)And Huntsville is in a county that's voted Republican for 50+ years. The city mayor is a Republican who's been in office for 15+ years.
It's probably easy for the right Democrat to be sold to the local NASA employees. But this has got to be a Roy Moore level of an error by the Alabama Republicans.