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Fox Guest Sparks Anger With Heartless Comment About Travel For Abortion

Blue Owl
(55,229 posts)
(7,249 posts)..... your doctor tells you or a loved one you/they have an appendix that is about to rupture. Or an ectopic pregnancy, likely to rupture, and we need to get you to the operating room NOW and get it out before it ruptures. Either of these can be extremely painful, often requiring morphine-level drugs to relieve the pain.
A fallopian tube and your appendix are similar structures, such as a round, open tube "sealed" at both ends. Once something goes wrong in the tube, there is nowhere for it to go but to enlarge the tube until it ruptures (bursts) open. Think of a balloon filled with urine and fecal material. Imagine the cleanup.
I will try to keep the next part simplefirst, a fallopian tube (ectopic pregnancy)or appendix (infectious fecal material) enlarging is PAINFUL, often requiring morphine-level drugs to relieve the pain.
If the appendix ruptures (bursts), this will likely happen. It will lead to abdominal (belly) sepsis (peritonitis infection), requiring surgically (cutting) open your abdomen (tummy) and washing away the fecal material (shit). Which often might require removing all of the stuff (organs and bowels) in your belly (tummy) and laying them on the surgical drapings until they can be cleaned and returned to the washed-out belly.
What is inside the fallopian is the fertilized egg/pregnancy heading to the uterus; the fallopian tube will PAINFULLY stretch until it is surgically removed or burst (ruptures). If it bursts, all that material will end up in your abdomen belly (tummy). Untreated It will lead to an abdominal (tummy) infection requiring surgically opening your abdomen (tummy) and washing it away. Which often might require removing all of the stuff (organs and bowels) in your belly and laying on the surgical drapings until they can be cleaned (washed and suctioned) and returned to the washed-out belly.
Severe septic peritonitis requiring abdominal washout.
Research has shown that abdominal sepsis exhibits the highest mortality rate at 72%. The long-term prognosis is equally poor; only approximately 30% survived the first year after hospital admission. Conclusion: The prognosis of sepsis and septic shock remains poor despite the advances in ICU treatment.
Try taking a five-hour bus ride with no medical care.
Let me give you an example that a moronic pea brain like you might understand. Try taking a 5-hour bus ride when...
(2,205 posts)Thanks so much for the post. My disgust for the this idiot Simone along with his reich-wing supporters has ratcheted up another notch.
Blue Owl
(55,229 posts)
(20,328 posts)His appendix had burst last November and his wife finally talked him into going to the hospital. Another hour more and he would have been dead.
(7,249 posts)..... chance of being pregnant.
(7,249 posts)..... without adequate, timely healthcare.
(280,733 posts)Rec
(307,131 posts)
(1,684 posts)You phony, sanctimonious, fuckface.
(188,549 posts)😳
(65,598 posts)
(41,253 posts)(2Pay?)
(19,357 posts)That is one fake-looking rug. Generally speaking, the most natural-looking ones are the most expensive.
Makes him look like a skinflint. Bargains are great, but you get what you pay for.
(7,934 posts)has been out of style for almost 60 years. Time to grow up!
(1,684 posts)LakeArenal
(29,935 posts)slightlv
(4,752 posts)like they want to do to us, then not only will Viagra be banned but also any medical device that helps with that particular issue. Do the stupid men man-splaining to us realize this? NO.... they're entirely too stupid! Idiots!
Sky Jewels
(8,857 posts)I mean, that hurts men! We cant have anything that impedes males rights to do whatever the fuck they want, now can we?! Perish the thought! Penis-Americans are actual humans with first-class privileges, unlike those worthless vagina-havers.
(4,752 posts)forgotmylogin
(7,728 posts)This is not the right thread for venting my opinions but I've been wanting to howl this at some toupee'd fundie.
Life does not begin at conception. An embryo-fetus-baby cannot live outside the mother's body, so during pregnancy it is technically a part of her with no agency and both the fetus's and mother's health and survival depend on the mother's well-being. To the point that if a woman feels something is instinctually wrong in an emergency, I would support her reaching inside and pulling the fetus out herself manually if that's what it takes. I know that's extreme and gross and should not have to happen.
From what I understand about medication abortion, it causes the uterine wall to shed as it does in menstruation so a fertilized embryo does not implant. Planned Parenthood says this is similar to an "early miscarriage". This can happen naturally, and thus is not a viable "pregnancy". If you'll pardon my simile, it's akin to cutting down a wasp's nest as it's being built before eggs are laid so there's no place for larvae to exist and grow.
I heard one AZ rep on NPR today who is wavering and said the correct thing: "nobody wants to kill babies" which is a good step after all the Trump nonsense about "execution after birth" which is a complete MAGA fantasy. Abortions in 3rd trimester are invariably wanted pregnancies that go wrong and punishing a doctor or a mother legally or forcing her to carry a dead or inviable fetus is monstrous.
The only regulations I would tentatively support as compromise (but I'm a man so these are just suggestions):
First trimester - elective abortion for any reason including by OTC medication without doctor involvement
Second trimester - elective with doctor OB/GYN consult/cosign via medication (if possible) or surgical procedure as medically necessary
Third trimester - medically necessary abortion at doctor's call unless the mother refuses
Until a baby is born and takes a breath on its own, there should be no legal implications involved. Nobody wants to kill babies. An unborn infant is dependent upon the mother's health which is paramount and takes precedence. A mother should always have agency.
(4,752 posts)you two are very similar in your thoughts. It should be obvious that a child that cannot live on its own, and is instead completely dependent upon the internal female environment is not a baby, as is colloquially known. But turning words in on themselves and thus changing the narrative to create a new, more favorable to their desire, is what the R's want to do. And yes, I absolutely agree, an abortion in the last trimester is a wanted child whose growth has gone horribly wrong. This is what's so horrendous about hounding, charging, or otherwise god-bothering these women is so wrong. Not to mention, their own lives (which is an actual, living, breathing human being) is in danger of being sacrificed on the altar of a non-viable fetus.
Miscarriages, regardless of when they occur, extract a cost to the woman. To be questioned on something so personal is evil. There is no other word it. And yet, these fascists hound the woman with questions and innuendos and outright claims of malfeasance.
We are living in a world where the R's have essentially shifted the narrative to the point the woman's life doesn't have value or meaning or worth. Next comes stripping us of contraceptives. Then, they will turn back the clock on voting rights for us and laws pre-1970's when we finally gained financial rights. It's at this point that I hope we do not become so inured of what has transpired that we don't fight back, violently if and when necessary, to regain the humanity they're violently taking from us. I may be past reproductive age... but I have nieces, a daughter, and (hopefully) one day perhaps a granddaughter. I don't want her to have to fight like we did in the 60's and 70's. And I don't want them to live in the world, restricted from being able to live up to their most fulfilled vision, like our mothers and grandmothers (and some of us) had to suffer under. At this point, even at my age, I feel myself becoming just as militant as I was in my youth. Chronological age will change; principles don't. And I welcome any and all men who see through the static of what the fascists are trying to foist on everyone. As much in my dreams as I'd wish it would be, Lysistrata is not going to happen these days to effect change.
(8,168 posts)Like so much else in history and pre-history,it's a male fantasy. So many men are rapists, and so many more men are wanna-be rapists, that without chastity belts, which had not been invented, I don;t see how it could have been successful.
An don't think it couldnn't be a male fantasy because men would hate it so. Many male fantasies are of things that they hate. Conside the idea that Democrats perfoem "post-birth abortions."
(35,856 posts)PatSeg
(49,847 posts)Buying a bus ticket to another state "to get it is not the worst thing".
It is so easy to be dismissive about consequences that you'll never have to experience Mark.
(12,667 posts)Marthe48
(19,993 posts)I stole this from an fb post
(26,129 posts)Johonny
(22,723 posts)Treating it is illegal in this state so just go next door to our neighboring states to get treated.
If all medical needs were selectively legal based on state . . .
(74,228 posts)intheflow
(29,312 posts)and find childcare for any other children you might have, etc., etc. I'm not a violent pperson but this guy makes me think castration might help him focus on individual productive health rights.
Ray Bruns
(4,942 posts)
(23,882 posts)OMGWTF
(4,555 posts)Keep it up assh0le. Youre doing a great job of making women happy to be alone.
(4,752 posts)niyad
(122,080 posts)slightlv
(4,752 posts)I've been taking care of hubs, trying to make him stay down and behave according to doctor's orders... I think a few things have slipped by me in the political realm.
(122,080 posts)ask you, about how your husband, and you, are doing. Continuing vibes.
(122,080 posts)started in South Korea. Basically, no to dating men, no to sex with men, no childrearing, and I forget the 4th. B because the words in Korean all start with "b". Fascinating.
(122,080 posts)Good for the women in South Korea!!!
(74,228 posts)dchill
(41,253 posts)😁
(2,433 posts)I say this as a NYC radio professional going back to 1985 before he started broadcasting on WABC 770.
(23,882 posts)EarlG
(22,733 posts)bleeding to death in jail is not the worst thing in the world.
-- Mark Simone
(11,977 posts)it is, and he expects a woman can just get on a bus. I wish for him a burst appendix and he is told to get on a bus and ride 5 hours to find a hospital to help him.
(4,752 posts)medical issue comparable. But they don't believe in ectopic pregnancies. They think the damned egg can just be transferred into the uterus from the fallopian tube!
Why isn't anyone suing these people for practicing medicine without a license?
(11,254 posts)DENVERPOPS
(10,739 posts)These assholes are not only malignant Narcissists, and true Psychopaths, I feel they all have an underlying sadism in their psychological make up................
I would love for them to all view Paramedics, trying to save their wife or daughter's life when she is bleeding out on their living room rug. Trying to slam in three large bore IV's into their loved one as fast as they can, doing their best, and racing to get her to a trauma center's OPERATING ROOM, in time to save her life.....
Most of these assholes might only have had a junior high school Biology class, if that........
(2,255 posts)another talking iguana
(17,477 posts)Scrivener7
(53,923 posts)johnnyfins
(1,684 posts)
Ping Tung
(1,633 posts)He's the kind of guy that a really bad day is when his favorite red tie is stained and his one night stand wants a payoff to stay silent about it.
(1,404 posts)Hope happens to this arrogant uteter piese of filth is against the law. Jeesu s H Christ. Evil fuckin asshole..
KS Toronado
(20,681 posts)Or viewing Joe Biden in a positive light.......
(158,041 posts)
(165 posts)are at war with democracy.
are at war with the rest of us, the poor and the middle class.
"Greed is good" ~Gordon Gecko
marble falls
(63,166 posts)... about: equal access to abortion. That smirking little pisswad.
(3,698 posts)are no long using "In Network" providers. It will cost the woman many times more money!!!!
I am boiling!
(4,752 posts)I can't see straight or sit still. I actually very, very, very much want something to punch... preferably R male. I guess maybe I'm going to have to invest in a Bobo doll... maybe it'll help with my blood pressure!
(122,080 posts)dchill
(41,253 posts)Harker
(15,534 posts)Buses are for "those people."
(35,856 posts)Strapped on top of a cactus
. 5 hour ride
. Dock his pay. Then throw him in jail. See, its not so bad, is it, Mark?
Why do these Fn lunatic misogynists get to determine our healthcare?
(36,594 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,557 posts)Despicable
(3,497 posts)vanlassie
(5,914 posts)struggle4progress
(121,337 posts)niyad
(122,080 posts)more effective.
(5,976 posts)not to hate. Incomprehensible ignorance.
(526 posts)and smack this asshole.
I'd lose my job, but it would be worth it.
Maru Kitteh
(29,586 posts)And on behalf of thousands of frightened AZ women - CURSE YOU. May you rot in the hell of your imagination.
We remember, this November. Count on it.
(9,390 posts)
(17,180 posts)These M*F*ckers have no idea of how many women they have pissed off. Get ready for a blue Tsunami that rocks the world.
(8,058 posts)for creating laws based on a minority's religious beliefs that aren't even in scripture.
Shouldn't there be gigantic class-action suits lining up?
(19,357 posts)At the age of 74, I have a lot of life experience behind me that includes a number of things I never wanted to experience and have no desire to experience ever again. I can truthfully say that none of those things was "the worst thing in the world, but some of them were pretty damned hellacious at the time, and I wouldn't wish most of them on my worst enemy.
If not the worst thing in the world" is your yardstick for what is acceptable or reasonable to impose on someone else, I think you have an impoverished imagination as well as a very skewed view of reality.
You also have one hell of an ugly, cheap ass looking toupee squatting on your empty head. Please do something about it asap, because it makes you look like a 🤡.
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,972 posts)Dont forget to hug the Democratic men in your life today. Dont take them for granted.
(3,064 posts)after her second one i had to drive her to the ER at a very high rate of speed while she was moaning in pain
i have just 2 words to this schmuck
(6,326 posts)eggplant
(4,022 posts)Cha
(307,131 posts)Morons?! Keep Digging Morons!
(16,247 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,830 posts)Evidence of receding hairline and rhinoplasty.
(24,936 posts)Martin68
(24,936 posts)state. The same goes for a gunshot wound, appendicitis, brain hemorrhage (not likely in his case), or collapsed lung (likely with all the hot air he expels).
(1,133 posts)EarnestPutz
(2,739 posts)CatWoman
(79,861 posts)calimary
(85,162 posts)JohnnyRingo
(19,623 posts)He would have had to admit he had no idea. So they should have asked how far it is from Phoenix to the nearest clinic.
He would have been clueless.
(147,067 posts)(for a Congressional Gold Medal) could have fit in to your Editorial cartoon too.
All I could do was yell at the screen when he was effusively praising how strong and dedicated these women were, who left their homes to go build ships and planes during WWII. Yet the snake is STILL pushing to take away their right, their daughter's right, their grand-daughter's right, their great-grand-daughter's right, and on and on, to determine what THEY can do with their own bodies.
(4,422 posts)They're crawling from the woodwork it seems.
(6,699 posts)Really, really shut.
Talking often reveals what people suspect about people like this.
(62,487 posts)Sparkly
(24,467 posts)let alone hold more power than that, especially in 2024, after all the decades women (and men!) already fought these battles!!
(161,731 posts)so tired of rich white male assholes running things
(65,598 posts)neighbors and for my kids and grandkids, all living in deep blue states! I know that they are safe and secure and politically aware. I am a third generation Texan and deeply saddened my family when I moved here permanently, never to return. So glad I did. I do feel sad for the people there, I know it is a struggle...
(25,477 posts)dai13sy
(520 posts)I wanna see this guy gang molested by a busload of lions. I'm visualizing this and laughing