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During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Weekend," Slate legal analyst Mark Joseph Stern pointed the finger at Justice Samuel Alito as the culprit for why the Supreme Court has yet to issue a ruling on whether Donald Trump should be afforded blanket criminal immunity.
Speaking with the hosts, Stern was asked why the court is dragging its feet on a case that could have a major impact on the 2024 presidential election. "I think the problem here is that the Supreme Court's conservatives are, if not corrupt, then wrapped up in this fantasy of a presidency that has safeguards, that has guard rails against abuse and corruption and they don't think what Donald Trump did at the end of the day, was all that bad," the legal analysts stated.
"This came out loud and clear in the conservatives' decision on the ballot removal case where the court refused to grapple with this question on whether Trump engaged in insurrection, refused to address the true gravity of January 6, and issued a very formalistic non-originalist opinion that allows Trump to appear on the ballot, despite the 14th's Amendment clear bar against insurrectionists holding federal office," he continued.
"We could see that same dynamic play out on this decision," he continued. "Maybe that is the reason for the delay behind the scenes but I also think it is possible that Justice Sam Alito is simply dragging out the opinion writing process to run as much interference for Trump as possible to run out the clock and ensure his guy doesn't have to see meaningful legal progress in this case beyond November and beyond."

(12,624 posts)RESIGN. He's thin skinned, hate mail will get to him.
(8,232 posts)I've come to realize it's actually probably Thomas and Alito.
Scalia was an a****** but Thomas and Alito are just corrupt as hell.
(7,080 posts)die under a hooker on one of their special vacays like their predecessor Scalia did
(65,326 posts)Alito and Thomas are simply stupid and mean.
(4,012 posts)And both of their wives are up to their snouts in this sh6t!!! Sickening. Corporate bootlickers AND religious fanatics.
(36,862 posts)The most brilliant people tend not to have.
Baitball Blogger
(49,073 posts)Polybius
(19,049 posts)He was charismatic, an intellectual, and intelligent.
(47,778 posts)no_hypocrisy
(49,977 posts)how much money he paid Alito.
Trump found a way to get Justice Anthony Kennedy to step down. He knows how to leverage the USSC.
(63,218 posts)And how much?
Blackmail wouldn't surprise me either.
The holier than thou GOP are usually hiding gross crimes and immorality.
(37,488 posts)yardwork
(65,326 posts)Now Kavanaugh, he's bought off. Somebody paid his gambling debts. I have no doubt that Trump's people have dirt on Kavanaugh.
(37,488 posts)yardwork
(65,326 posts)Walleye
(37,488 posts)Mr. Mustard 2023
(276 posts)...losing its power. They'll do anything to keep it.
Those white boys are afraid, once they're in the minority, they'll be treated as they treated minorities.
Religion is about power.
(37,488 posts)Deliver from scared little white boys, please
(1,988 posts)When it makes no sense, it is motivated by religion.
Baitball Blogger
(49,073 posts)What he is, is a right-wing ideologue. He is the opposite of what is expected of a Supreme Court justice.
We have a political activist on the highest court of the United States.
(37,488 posts)Theyve never really gotten over racially integrating the schools. They called it legislating from the bench.
Baitball Blogger
(49,073 posts)Irrational and entitled.
(36,862 posts)The world that Trump would bring him.
(58,714 posts)Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)The Colorado ruling was supported by liberals on the court, and constitutionally, was the correct decision.
Alito may be dragging his feet on writing his opinion, whatever it is, and that is delaying publication of the courts ruling, but surely Roberts has given a deadline of the end of the term for Alito to have his say.
All the rest is completely made up clickbait with no evidence to support it, just Sterns imaginstion.
(11,098 posts)Scrivener7
(53,835 posts)surfered (910 posts)
8. According to Weissmann, the most telling thing was that the Supreme court took only two months to rule
Reply to gab13by13 (Original post)
Fri Jun 21, 2024, 09:24 AM
on the 14th Amendment challenge by Colorado, keeping Trump on the ballot there. The Court took only one day to hear and decide the Bush/Gore case. It's been four months since the Court agreed to hear Trump's immunity claim, almost assuring there won't be a trial before the election. It's an obvious demonstration of bias.
(11,098 posts)But you dont need a Harvard educated lawyer to tell us that
(53,835 posts)onenote
(44,921 posts)Kaleva
(38,877 posts)It reinforces their world view so to them, it must be true even if it really is just pure speculation.
(53,835 posts)Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)And, IMO, delaying any trial until after the election was the primary motivation in SCOTUS accepting the immunity case, not the merits of the case itself. The delay in issuing the opinion until the end of the term was baked in the moment they accepted the case.
But, as with those who presume that Garland intentionally obstructed or delayed Trumps investigations, there is no evidence to support Sterns specific speculation about Alito and the rest of the court.
"This came out loud and clear in the conservatives' decision on the ballot removal case where the court refused to grapple with this question on whether Trump engaged in insurrection, refused to address the true gravity of January 6, and issued a very formalistic non-originalist opinion that allows Trump to appear on the ballot, despite the 14th's Amendment clear bar against insurrectionists holding federal office," he continued.(this is the part I consider the most nonsensical, as it ignores the liberals who concurred with the ruling, which had nothing to do with Trumps disqualification, it was about whether a state had the power to disqualify a candidate for federal office, and they correctly ruled it does not. The suit should have been filed in federal, not state, court.)
(44,921 posts)We don't know how the case is coming out. If he's part of the majority, Robert will assign the decision to himself. If Roberts is not part of the majority, and Thomas is, then Thomas will assign who writes the opinion and probably will give it to himself or, maybe Alito. But whichever way it comes out, there is a very good chance that each Justice, or nearly each Justice, will write a separate concurring or dissenting opinion. And thus, it could be any one of the justices that are holding up the release of the decision as they go back and forth and tweak their opinions. That's almost certainly what happened with the Rahimi decision, where eight of the justices agreed on the majority opinion which Roberts assigned to himself, but there still ended up being concurring opinions from 6 of the justices and a dissent from Thomas, which helps explain why it took so long for the decision to come out -- the case was argued in early November -- more than five months before the immunity case. Interestingly, the only justice in the majority who didn't sign onto a separate opinion was Alito.
In short, there is no evidence that Alito is the sole justice standing in the way of the decision being finalized.
(63,218 posts)Covering, aiding and abetting a known traitor.
(37,488 posts)They know the Democrats arent going to send a big mob with bear spray to storm the Supreme Court building. They really live in a protective bubble. Also our side doesnt give out death threats because of a wrong decision. So they allow Republican fascists to break the law with impunity
(4,636 posts)When given facts, they get really upset. Thats what is going on with Alito. He is more than just corrupt. He is a cultist.
(12,201 posts)Martin68
(24,900 posts)want to.
(1,988 posts)After all, it is "the Roberts Court". His reputation and legacy are at stake.
On the other hand, he seems to be a more subtle version of Alito and Thomas.
Get radical self-serving religiosity out of government !!!
KS Toronado
(20,499 posts)it'll give them 4 more years to carry out their conservative agenda without having to answer to Congress.
This is utter bullshit having a S.C. approve of one political party over the other.
(13,794 posts)Silent Type
(8,117 posts)be interesting to see if they issue the immunity decision the day before or day of the debate.
The delay is in trump's favor, but don't think he'll get immunity for anything he's charged with at this time.
(53,835 posts)That tells us all we need to know.
(2,685 posts)They were just quieter about their overall agenda and hadn't named it yet.
The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation have been working toward this since the early '80s, and their goal is essentially to establish a minority white rule in perpetuity - a sort of American Apartheid if you will.
I'm becoming ever more increasingly anxious as everything plays out like it is doing on a daily basis now. It also doesn't help that I'm reading Sarah Kendzior's superb book, Hiding In Plain Sight. It's about the political-economic and geo-political climate that led up to the installation of he who shall not be named here. But the overall aim of these folks is to establish authoritarian rule to ensure their aims. Truly, if you think about it and remember the period post-FDR, the goal of the rethugs (and white evangelicals) was to tear down all the institutions and programs that were enacted to combat the great depression; i.e., wipe out the social safety net programs such as Social Security (especially Social Security and later, Medicare). The wealthy elites and corporatists don't give a continental shit about anyone but their ilk. The rest of us are around to serve them and then die, the sooner the better. Oh, and they couldn't care less about the planet. It's simply around to be exploited and stripped for parts or hunted down.
(8,184 posts)What in the hell are you (rich people) going to do when the planet turns into a wasteland? Burrow underground? Blast off to Mars?
All that money isn't going to do shit for you then.
(1,988 posts)We need to get radical, self-serving religiosity out of government.
(2,685 posts)They've obviously been making contingency plans or else they're hoping their orange Jesus can beam them up in the Rapture or something. I don't even begin to understand where they think they're going to use their US dollars (or maybe it'll be bitcoin by then) after they've sacked the planet, pillaged it and raped it into oblivion.
(48,432 posts)duckworth969
(966 posts)If the Dems get control of Congress, reform is going to be pushed hard.
SC could be trying to stave off any moves in that direction.
Protecting their cushy lives, keep political power in their hands to remain virtually untouchable.
(157,543 posts)Alito is a partisan hack who is trying to help TFG
Here is the youtube of this interview
Link to tweet
(26,082 posts)Brat!
Arrogant prig!! Let him write a dissent and be done with it!
(53,541 posts)Republicans need to understand that immunity would allow a president to kill any of them.
(53,835 posts)Ray Bruns
(4,921 posts)Deep State Witch
(11,580 posts)I'm betting that it's those two who are holding things up.
Blue Owl
(55,200 posts)Skittles
(161,554 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,461 posts)Oh you can be sure that they are not not corrupt.
(2,047 posts)with all four of it's wisdom teeth.
They can't seriously chew the nation's most important issues, because the core of these problems involves the hard cooked food of radical authoritarianism. What they are cooking is damned hard for a representative democracy to eat. It hurts conservatives feelings to bite down on these things that they know don't belong in the cuisine of American democracy. Yet they can't drop their insistence on radical ingredients that turn healthful culling of unhealthy American foods into a steady diet of toxic catholic integralism cooked up by uncompromising authoritarians who claim their way is what the American diets should look like.
They expect the rest of us to accept that their chewing around the bitter pits as a model of intelligent reasoning in a nation that ostensibly bans religious zealotry from law making. Even while their rich friends fly them to better food venues of the corporate overlords.
So, a large part of this is bullying by judges with rotten teeth. Their opinions float in on breath fragranced by the rot inside.
Criticism of the courts legal hygiene hits Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch like ice water on exposed nerve endings. They don't do the ice-cold criticism. And they don't do the oral hygiene that might return their ability to have any interest in a balanced approach to America's legal dietary needs. They skip all the hard foods and suck on their authoritarian alcohol hoping that the absence of need to chew frees them from the dental pain and that their stupor apparently will keep them blissfully unaware of the expanding problems they are generating by squeezing all this religious fat into the nation's liver.
(157,543 posts)