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I've spent more than a few sleepless nights this past week going over scenarios about what happened and prognosticating about what I think will happen. One thing that I keep telling myself is that the Right wing, Republicans and the everyday casual voter that voted for this monster are not coalesced into a national front. I'd imagine that the casual Trump voter isn't even thinking about politics anymore, they have gone back to slugging down brewskis at the corner bar and don't give a shit. The rabid Tea Party types that create political theater and only want to own the libs are under an umbrella but they are divided into racist NAZI types, incel misogynists and evangelicals, all vying for clicks and subscribers for their Youtube channels. A big chunk of these people may sour on Trump after the euphoria has passed when they come down off the election sound bite dopamine and within the first 6 months he'll be at 35% approval rating. Hopefully. That's what I like to tell myself and if the past is an indicator that may happen. The Media and trump's inner circle want people to think that Trump has a mandate. He absolutely does not. If Trump doesn't act on his promises they will turn on him. If he does act on his promises then the economy will burn to the ground. How ever late at night I ponder the worst case scenarios:
It's pretty much a given that Trump will pardon the thousands of January 6th traitors that stormed the US Capitol on his first day. In fact I'll bet it will be his first act, he'll do it right after he's coronated standing in the Capitol rotunda so as to rub the lefts noses in shit and to visualize that the Trump Coup was successful. Then in the following months he'll throw a rally for these same people probably on the Ellipse in the same spot where he summoned his flying monkeys to do his bidding. There will be tables stacked high with McDonalds hamburders and Trump women wearing shirts, "He can grab my pu$$y!" And Jim Jordan will pass legislation creating the Ashley Babbitt rose garden on Capitol Hill grounds.
The Proud Boys will regroup and they will form a sort of Brown Shirt league that will roam around blue cities and states stirring up trouble and creating mayhem. Any sign of progressive or leftist protests will be met by extreme violence by this group. Again I expect this to happen on day one before, during and after Trumps coronation. Not sure who will be in charge of security, if it will be President Biden or the Coronation Committee. If it's Biden then the National Guard will be beefed up on the ground in DC. If its some republican Inauguration committee then they may try to eliminate protections on the ground so Trumps thugs can roam and pillage at will. Expect violent protests on college campuses in blue cities. I feel like this inevitable, again look to the past, Berkeley, Portland, Charlottesville, D.C. etc. Also Rape Gangs. Rape will be used a political weapon. It's been green lighted.
A potential terrorist attack. We will be completely boned. Again, probably in DC, the ground work is already being laid for a false flag attack to be blamed on Iran. Trump will use this to dismantle the Federal government in DC, slim it down and move it to a super red state, lets say, Kansas. He moved BLM headquarters to Colorado in his first Reich and now he'll do it again using a "terrorist attack" as pretext to move the government and attack Iran. Probably with nukes. At home, draconian measures will be carried out, martial law, restrictions of movement, rounding up dissidents. Your basic Nazi playbook. This one is a little farfetched I know but this is the world we are living in now.
A little piece of me thinks and hopes that things will be bad but some how he will be reigned in by the US Constitution, saner republicans or his generals. At the very least, the economy is going to be shit, probably a global depression and the US will lose long lasting alliances with European and world nations. The parallels between Trump and how I felt during the W. Bush administration are the same or Reagan. Carter is to Biden as Reagan is to Trump. The parallels are uncanny. These fascist fucks that voted for Trump that adore him so much have replaced their Dictator Daddy Reagan with Dictator Daddy Trump. Oh yeah, they'll also start naming shit after him too. More statues to tear down for the future. Also, has anybody noticed how Thomas Homan looks exactly like the People Eater from the rebooted Mad Max movies? Sick fucks.
(58,702 posts)Good post!
(356 posts)Must work on my writing style
(58,702 posts)You write well.