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how they pulled this off - still unable to process this madness
That is all

(17,948 posts)kentuck
(113,226 posts)is their leader.
(5,040 posts)They cheated.
(26,425 posts)The FBI still hasn't met with Elon Musk about his frequent conversations with Putin.
(9,264 posts)Big money has taken it all. The next chapter is up to the sane among us. It won't be pretty and no guarantees on the outcome. I'm old but I'm in. My grandkids deserve grandparents saved it for me.
(165 posts)At some point the major players are going to anger each other. Does big money want unfettered mergers and low taxes more than a stable market that has enriched them for decades? I guess so. Im old too, but with you.
Self Esteem
(1,935 posts)That's it. Almost never does the party with a very unpopular president keep the White House.
It was always going to be an uphill battle to keep the White House.
They pulled it off because enough Americans felt the cost of everything was too high that they were willing to risk Trump again.
And when you have an uninformed electorate, it's easy to message.
Everything was cheaper under Trump. Even before COVID. Trump is promising to make everything cheaper again. And that's how the country approached the election.
What's baffling is how many people are utterly floored by the result when the polls showed Trump was potentially positioned for a win and even Harris' campaign expressed that they were the underdog.
This was always going to be a tough election. That's why Joe Biden dropped out because he eventually concluded he would lose and that someone else might do a bit better.
But in the end, Harris was always the underdog. Just as her campaign said throughout the election.
(12,566 posts)Bumbles
(289 posts)Are there enough people, especially those in the know (journalists, former and current government employees) with the will, fortitude and energy to bring this to the attention of the American people? What happens if we just go along to get along? How many are truly aware of the stakes in the sick game?
(15,870 posts)Nigrum Cattus
(390 posts)Non republicans (Independents) who truly believe God sent him.
Also, because the Last Court (formerly known as the "supreme" court)
allows political speech in churches (unconstitutional). They voted
against their own best interests, and they are very selfish people.
skydive forever
(481 posts)DENVERPOPS
(10,814 posts)have been creating this "tsunami" ever since HWBush basically committed Treason, to get Reagan into office. Every chance they got, slowly chipping away at everything and anything that would get in their way, in the future, to reach the point we are at today...
As far as the Republicans are concerned, Their Means, Justifies Their End Goal......
As I have often said, the perfect title for a book about the past 45 years would be:
There were many on this website who were screaming our heads off, from the rooftops, since Reagan was "installed" by HWBush and his CABAL........all our screaming, for 45 years went unheard........and here we are.........
(48,633 posts)and they still have to explain why those polled on early voting were for the most past lying to pollsters.
(516 posts)It is the age old war of the Rich against the poor. In this case it's also about 'The South Will Rise Again!' white supremacy. Look at the 100 year old 'Great Replacement Theory' touted by FoxNewsmax.
golden rule: who has the gold makes the rules
(18,587 posts)I reckon first looks should go to the unqualilfied cohorts who are being put into positions far exceeding their expertise and intelligence.
(8,003 posts)...didn't show up in the numbers that we did in 2020.
Look at the vote totals, especially on the Democratic side.
So much for the "ground game."
Democratic voter apathy led to this.
The real question is where did the other 6 million Biden votes go?
That was the whole ballgame.
Loupe Garoue
(77 posts)Amaryllis
(9,960 posts)Along with a LOT of voter suppression.
(26,314 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)And Elmo unleashed God knows how many Trumper AI bots on Twitter... And that's before we get to the Russian troll farms...