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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMaybe I found the source for Boebert
and her weird UFO/aliens living underwater, aliens looking to grab us and mutate our DNA etc. I was flipping the TV dial at the same time a phone call interrupted my "turning the knob". When I finished the call I realized I had left the channel on this apparently wacky, seemingly pseudo-religious program called Worldview Weekend. This guy, the internet says he is Brannon Howse, was going on and on about how Revelations is really all about how the UFO aliens are after us sexually. Now before we feel too spiffy about humans being inter-galactic hotties in the eyes of the aliens it seems according to this guy it's about using our DNA and our bodies in order to "change" us for the purposes of ............ the demons.
I mean who wouldn't believe this guy because after all he's hooked up doing a show called The Lindell Report. As part of his supposed proof of this and that it can be done he referred to and showed pictures from the movie "Alien" and he remarked how that looked like what he was reading in Revelations. So apparently in MAGA land if it was in a movie that means it must be real. Of course, according to the internet, like so many of the MAGA gurus this one also recommends that everything can be made better if people would just call the 800 number of this wonderful company that will set you right up with a purchase of gold.
Holy cow that must be part of the dastardly aliens plan!! Drain our bank accounts and then we won't have the money to resist them dragging us to their underwater love nest. I hope I'm wearing clean underwear and a fresh t-shirt when they grab me. Otherwise I'd be so embarrassed when they turn on the Mantovani music and the action starts. Maybe I can ask them to dim the lights.

H2O Man
(76,147 posts)It is good to be aware of beliefs in conspiracy theories and superstitions always increases during times of great social tensions. One could look to the south in the years before the Civil War.
(6,472 posts)of stoke the fears and ignorance, lay out the idea you have the only answer and then ring the cash register. Barnum redux.
allegorical oracle
(3,974 posts)during the "Red Scare" of communism during the 50s.
H2O Man
(76,147 posts)Or Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds."
Mike 03
(18,079 posts)I recall as we approached Y2K there was a plethora of ideas in the air. The combination of uncertainty about the computers, the Hale-Bopp comet, former CIA "remote viewers" coming forward with all sorts of predictions, and UFO sightings over Phoenix combined to create a frenzy. Back then it seemed entertaining and exciting, but the climate we inhabit now is much more dire. Of course even that Y2K stuff became quite serious when the members of the Heaven's Gate cult took their own lives.
One should always be aware, when watching or reading the news, that actual living "former" CIA/military intelligence individuals are a mighty rare species ..... unless for those who are, in President Kennedy's words, "as dead as Kelsey's nuts."
Cults almost always contain the seed of their own destruction (speaking of nuts). It's just a matter of how much damage they do in the process.
Brother Buzz
(38,184 posts)Surely, theres a diabolically connection
(6,472 posts)and so it is possible.
Brother Buzz
(38,184 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,244 posts)I found a dvd of his sermons attacking the "New Spirituality" and the "Emergent Church" (although it's not entirely clear whether or not those are meant to be the same, or different) as propounded by such influential figures as, well, Oprah Winfrey(!) and a long list of "pastors" I'm very happy I had never heard of before and have sworn to forget ASAP. Apparently he lays bare the creeping paganism and mysticism that are creeping into popular "Christian" movements (other than his? Maybe he can't call his "popular" , and explains how all this leads to "radical environmentalism" (I wish!) and embracing the "myth of global warning", which he supposedly "demolishes" with "scientific facts" and -- AND! -- "Biblical truth" (not at all clear why you need "facts" if you've supposedly already had "truth" for the last 2000 years, but, hey, I never claimed to be a theologian). Maybe there's a subtle distinction between creeping "pagan spirituality" and batshit insane over-the-top whirly-eyed fun dementalism, but it all went over my head, and my head thanks me for that.
(6,472 posts)line of thought changes with what seems to "work" as one line of crap fades in influence.