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Last edited Fri Jan 17, 2025, 06:57 AM - Edit history (1)
Friday night, while driving for Lyft. I had a passenger and we were on a main highway here in DFW. We were only a mile from his dropoff when all of a sudden a car slammed into my driver's side. He hit us so hard that it pushed me into the guard rail. I was so scared we were going to go over it that I pulled my wheel in a hard left, which helped and put us right back in the middle of the highway, facing the opposite direction.
Whew... just putting it in writing
gives me anxiety. Other than alot of bruises and soreness, me and my passenger are okay. The other driver ( who is an Uber driver and also had a passenger) had a torn up front end, but they were okay too. His insurance company got in touch with me Saturday and I've filed a claim with mine. Today, being the first business day since it happened, looks to be a day going over this statement many times with each insurance company again. My car had to be towed, so it looks like a total loss since the tire was pulled off and the axel ( I think) is broken.
This whole thing is so overwhelming and I keep reliving the possibility of going over that rail. It was about a 50 ft drop. I think the shock is wearing off and the real fear is setting in. I'm not sure why I'm sharing all this with you, because I'm usually more private about these things. But, I've been here with DU so long it kinda feels like family and since my sister has become a MAGA, we don't talk much.
With all that said, can anybody here relate to this and what is your best advice in dealing with these insurance companies?
Thank-you for listening
Edited for Update:
I can't thank-you all enough for the kind words and great advice! It melts my heart!❤️ I initially hesitated to put this out here, but I'm so glad I did! We really have awesome people here on DU!
Since I last posted this, I have gotten an attorney, who seems to be very good. They are taking care of everything. Communication with insurance adjusters and all that having an accident entails. It's taken a big weight off my shoulders. I'm also going to the doctor tomorrow. Your advice is spot on! I have noticed a few things that I need to get checked out. You're right. It does take a few days to start noticing things are not back to normal. And I have noticed I now jump at the smallest thing. So, I'll get this checked out too.
Without going into too many details, I have the accident report from the police and it does show that I was not at fault. I didn't know that the passenger in the other car was taken to the hospital, by the ambulance, before the police even showed up. ( the weather had the police hustling with accidents) Nobody got the passenger's name, not even the police, so that was weird. Surely, paramedics did.
Lastly, I just want to say, this week my phone has literally gone crazy with all these calls of "collison help, medical help, attorney help, etc.,"!! I've tried to block the ones that say, "Scam likely", but they are still popping up with a different number. 🙄 Hopefully, it will begin to ease off soon.
Thank-you all again and I will keep you all posted as things move along.

(148,432 posts)Just hang in there. Do what you need to do to keep things moving along. Eventually, you'll see the end of whatever is going to happen. It will start being less traumatic soon, no doubt.
Take care of yourself.
(13,607 posts)
(10,519 posts)That is the advice from an attorney who did PI work for 33 years in Texas.
H2O Man
(76,145 posts)FSogol
(47,137 posts)with you until you are done talking to the insurance companies. Some guy hit me once and because I didn't remember some details (the guy's last name) they waivered on believing my side. I pulled the info together and called them back. It was a hassle, but I prevailed.
Most insurance companies these days want to share the blame to spread the cost around. That might be best for an insurance company, but it isn't the best for you. Watch out for that.
(13,607 posts)out the report said they only do the crash report. The insurance companies determine who's at fault, unless it's a DUI or something fatal.
The policeman did tell me that it was 100% not my fault, even though that wasn't put in the report. But, who knows how the insurance companies will work this out.
(25,183 posts)while I was driving a small compact car.
Despite wearing a seat belt, I bounced up, hit my head on the car roof, and had a concussion. (Several years ago, old car, no air bags.)
I could not remember my address when EMTs arrived, let alone details of the accident.
Fortunately, there was a convenience store at the intersection where it happened and 5 customers had been outside the store chatting. They saw it happen and all of them volunteered their statements. It was a slam dunk. The truck driver's insurance company paid for my hospital visit, a temporary rental car, and enough for me to replace my totalled car with another used car.
Those witnesses made all the difference.
Are there any security cameras in the area? Any businesses? Can you run a local ad asking about witnesses?
(2,361 posts)if he doesn't put who's at fault in the report you might need to get him to communicate this to the insurance company. Perhaps insurance can make the same conclusion he did, but since they aren't on site and he was, I'd make sure I had a way to contact that policeman if there's any problem.
(25,183 posts)MadameButterfly
(2,361 posts)wnylib
(25,183 posts)call the cop who wrote the report to ask any questions that they have.
The cops here draw a diagram on the report, indicating where each car was before the accident and afterward. From that info, they can usually see who hit whom, estimate the speed, assess whether a traffic sign or stoplight or any other traffic law was violated, and ask the drivers to tell what happened. If one of them says something that does not match with the amount of damage and position of the cars, that person is usually the one who caused the accident.
I'm surprised that the cop did not assign any blame or responsibility.
My accident occurred in an intersection. The traffic light was in my favor, so I pulled into the intersection. The truck came out of nowhere at 50+ mph, ran the red light, and slammed into me. The driver was cited for speeding, running a red light, and driving recklessly.
I had one other accident several years earlier than that one, a fender bender in a parking lot. I was backing out of a parking spot at a corner convenience store when another driver entered the lot from another street, turned a bend to the front of the store, and hit my car. He tried to tell the investigating cop that it was my fault because I backed into his path. The cop said that the other driver was at fault because I had started out of my parking spot and the other driver came on the scene after that. Therefore, I had the right of way. He fined the other driver.
Cops around here always assume that one of the drivers is at fault unless there are extenuating circumstances that neither driver could anticipate or avoid.
(280,634 posts)Rec.
(13,607 posts)Thank-you
Faux pas
(15,512 posts)that's scary! Glad you're okay. What caused the other guy to hit you? All I know about insurance companies (from experience is that they're going to try to screw you over so beware.
(13,607 posts)side of the highway, so I couldn't get over there to him, but the police said, he told them he was trying to pass me and he thinks his car slipped on ice. Weird thing is, I just so happened to look in my side mirror about 2 seconds (literally) before he hit me. The highway was busy and me and my passenger had been talking about all the crazy drivers and how they were speeding. We had snow and sleet the day before, but the roads had cleared that day. Only spots of ice in less driven areas.
Faux pas
(15,512 posts)wild and crazy stuff! Maybe the ice kept it from being a harder impact? The universe was looking out for you.
(1,158 posts)So glad that the guardrail held and that you're ok. Can't imagine how frightening that was.
(13,607 posts)The policeman said I hit the guardrail hard. It was dark and I was on the other side of the highway. I think I was in shock, but I didn't get to see it.
(83,453 posts)You are not normal.
Trauma induces "shock", it is a defensive mechanism, and normal.
The advice to get a lawyer is a good idea. Remember, there may be underlying damage that may not appear for a time.
Not to be scary, but I know of one passenger that "walked away" from an accident and died two days later from internal bleeding.
Caveat: I do not think this will happen to you, but things like a concussion are always something to look into.
(13,812 posts)Get a copy of the accident report and verify that is on it.. File a correction for anything that is wrong in the report.
(122,035 posts)know that your DU family is here for you. Please keep us posted.
My advice? DO NOT talk to either insurance company yourself. Find a personal injury attorney TODAY. DO NOT agree to sign ANYTHING, ever, without having an attorney, you wiill get screwed over.
so much and good advice!
(407 posts)Wish I'd known this when a car came out of a parking lot and hit me broadside.
After months of useless conversations and estimates on the car, I finally listened to a friend and met with a personal injury lawyer who dealt with insurance companies in ways that they listened to.
(13,607 posts)that caused the insurance companies to have such useless conversations if she hit you? These are the things I need to know about, so I can watch out for it.
(5,438 posts)totaled - one with injury, one without - and handled both myself. With the injury one I had to have surgery and did meet with an attorney for a consultation. He gave me an idea of what the injury was worth, his fee would be 30%, and if I couldnt settle on my own to come back to him. That one was 20 years ago and I settled for 80k.
The other one I argued with the insurance company re the value of my car and got them to increase payment by 5k. Since you have no injury (make sure those bruises and soreness arent an injury! take pics of bruises) , once fault is determined to be the other driver (critical), your only issue is the value of your car. It wouldnt occur to me to go to an attorney ($$) for that but I guess if they try to seriously low-ball you and you cant get them to budge
So glad you are okay! For me, the reliving/trauma faded after a reasonably short time. Heres hoping it does for you as well.
(13,607 posts)🙂
(16,474 posts)You need a lawyer. Do not talk to the insurance companies period.
True Blue American
(18,353 posts)Told me to not speak with anyone but them. I refused to talk with the other company who notified me right away they were not to blame. My insurance company gave me a more than fair settlement on my 10 year old car. I was ready to trade, they made it easy.
I do not see reputable Insurance companies as my enemy. My agent and the owner were fair. I can not say the same for that one who advertises constantly on Cable.
(16,474 posts)I didn't make that clear. I've had good experiences with my own insurance companies also.
(407 posts)and calling again and again to ask if there was any progress on my claim, they finally asked if we knew their insured was at fault. I was so unaware that I didn't even know that my insurance company should have taken care of it and then gone to the other driver's insurance company for reimbursement.
Also, I had plenty of available vacation time and good medical coverage so all I was asking for was repairs on my car. The lawyer went for reimbursement for lost time from work and medical bills.
The lawyer navigated the issues with who was at fault and how much should be paid. Apparently my description of the accident and the fact that she had pulled out of a parking lot and hit me wasn't enough to convince them (or more likely they were just trying to avoid honoring their obligation). I'd advise talking to a lawyer before you even bother calling their insurance company but definitely letting your insurance company know.
Decades later it still makes me smile that it ended up costing them almost exactly 10 times what the car repairs would have cost if they hadn't been ignoring and obstructing my request to fix the car.
(5,341 posts)sorry this happened to you. attorney is in order here. They will receive payment from the insurance company. It will be 0 out of pocket for you
(19,321 posts)8 years ago (I think?), my husband and I got t-boned by a guy who ran a red light when my husband was trying to turn left on a green arrow. Since the idiot was driving a big old SUV and we were in a compact car, the impact caved in the driver's side of our car, and my husband (the driver) ended up with a broken hip that put him in the hospital, followed by rehab, for 2 months total.
The impact also caused our car to slam into the car behind us (which was also trying to turn left), and the driver of that car confirmed that we had a green arrow and the othe guy was responsible. That was a bug relief to my husband, who had been second guessing himself as to whether the driver that hit us actually had a red light.
Our car was beyond totalled. They used the jaws of life to remove the driver's side door in order to get my husband out and then had to remove the back door as well (basically the whole left side of the car) to extricate him. There wasn't much left of the car after that. (Amazingly, my husband didn't have a mark on him; all of the damage to him was internal.)
I didn't think I was injured at all, but the next day I woke up aching in what felt like a thousand different places, and it took several days for that to subside.
We immediately agreed that we needed to get a lawyer, and I'm so glad we did. Among other things, when the hospital and medical bills started arriving, the lawyer told us to just bring them into the office, which we did, and they handled everything from there. When you're injured in a motor vehicle accident, your health insurance company, your auto insurance company, and the other driver's auto insurance company immediately start wrangling over who has to cover what, and the lawyer did all the necessary wrangling on our behalf. Not having to deal with all of that was a real sanity saver.
(65,394 posts)Blue_Roses
(13,607 posts)
(9,361 posts)
(46,989 posts)I was hit head on by a woman driving too fast in a snowstorm.
While I was on medication for the pain, my stupid Father convinced me not to get a lawyer.
As a result, I got only $10,000 in a settlement, even though my face needed a lot of work, and I to this day have complications.
So get a lawyer.
(13,607 posts)I haven't been through anything like this before and I just want to get ahead of all it.
(2,262 posts)Blue_Roses
(13,607 posts)Thank-you!
(2,262 posts)While Morgan & Morgan was historically considered a firm focused on personal injury, medical malpractice and class action lawsuits, it also expanded practices to other areas of legal services. The firm has offices in all 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. 108 offices (2024) in all 50 U.S. states and Washington D.C.
(10,102 posts)We're always here to listen.
I have a suggestion that would be helpful in more than one way.
Write this all down in a notebook or a journal.
It helps to remember specific questions to details that anyone investigating the accident might have.
Also, for myself, it helps me to write events down. It's therapeutic for me.
I wish you well and wish you healing from this traumatic event.
(13,607 posts)so much! I've started in a little notebook and I think I'm going to have to get a bigger one!
(38,997 posts)So glad you & your passenger weren't hurt & especially that you didn't go over the edge!
I would write the whole thing down now while it's fresh. Try to remember every detail. Do you have the number of your passenger so you can see if they remember anything that you don't? Take great care when reading the other driver's account, that their version is accurate & challenge anything that isn't right.
When I was 16 & a brand new driver I hit someone pulling out of a parking space & the other driver told the cop they'd been going the opposite direction than the way they'd been going. I was so nervous & worried I didn't pay attention & fortunately a witness came up & said, "No. They were driving the other way." It was a parking lot so no one was ticketed, but that inaccuracy would have made a difference with the insurance companies.
Take it easy today!
(13,607 posts)Good advice!
(2,255 posts)We were coming off of a highway, and hit some ice on the overpass, sliding sideways into the guardrail and coming to rest facing ongoing cars. It was slow motion. I was in the passenger seat. The slow burn of adrenaline from almost going over the guard rail quickly became ice veins as we sat poised to oncoming cars. We got over and all was fine but we went crazy feeling like life just offered another chance
(13,607 posts)All I could think of was, "I can't go over this guardrail!" I am so sore from turning that wheel so hard!
If you've ever seen Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol, with Tom Cruise, and that scene at the end where he goes off that car lift, that's what was going through my mind!
(4,478 posts)and bruising. There could be hidden or delayed issues that could crop up. The medical documentation could be important when it comes to settlement.
(64,743 posts)tell you in the commercials. Their job(s) is to make money and pay nothing. They'll assess fault, then subrogate the losses. Know your policy, what your vehicle "replacement" value is, as well as any other losses you can claim, all in the regard of your driving for Lyft at the time of the collision. Say nothing about fault on your end ("I guess I might have been talking with my passenger..." . If you find that you're still in pain, see all the doctors and get a consultation with good counsel if needed.
From your OP, it sounds like everyone came out of this without a lot of known personal injury, which is the most important and is great to hear.
Thankful for the engineers and regulations that built the guardrail and put it in place.
(13,607 posts)So thankful it held! Good advice about the insurance companies. These are the questions I need answering.
True Blue American
(18,353 posts)You will be fine. I was flooded with Attorney mail. I pitched them all after I was awarded a fair settlement.
(7,029 posts)And that they did exactly what they're designed for!!
I hope you have a good experience with your insurance company.
About three years ago I was in an accident that totaled my car. My car was eleven yrs old (a Smart car) and they gave me $5000, enough to buy another (used) Smart car. My agent was incredibly supportive and helpful.
(85,143 posts)And, to you, Blue_Roses, thanks for checking in! Especially after what you just went through! I hope your insurance company responds quickly and doesnt give you the run-around! Heaven knows youve had enough trauma!
(13,607 posts)I did get an attorney and they seem to be pretty good. They've already jumped right in and got the ball rolling. I've had some medical issues this week that didn't show up until a few days after the accident, so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.
(85,143 posts)
(13,607 posts)I'm still sore and pretty bruised up, but getting better every day. Now, it's just getting all the other stuff worked out. 🙂
(89,420 posts)Blue_Roses
(13,607 posts)Me too!
Response to sheshe2 (Reply #28)
Blue_Roses This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,607 posts)
(12,525 posts)It is PTSD. It will fade, but you will never forget.
It is great you are otherwise okay. The car was totaled, but not you.
(13,607 posts)
Liberal In Texas
(14,858 posts)There are some real bad drivers here in the metroplex. There wasn't much you could do evasively when you got T-boned.
Anymore, you pretty much have to let the insurance companies fight it out. But it sounds like the other guy was 100% at fault.
(13,607 posts)is like being back in the wild, wild, west! Such carelessness and speeding. I see it all the time doing Lyft. I've been doing Lyft for 7 years, part-time and this is my first accident, so I've been lucky!
(83,453 posts)As far as insurance, it depends on your coverage.
If you have collision, you should be good to go. They will make a settlement offer, it will be low-ball.
Check your policy, make sure they are not going to screw you over.
Stay safe, thankfully, no one was seriously injured or killed.
(13,607 posts)Yes, we are family...
I do have Comp & Collision, but still not sure how this is all gonna play out. It has me alittle anxious.
(1,105 posts)Talking about it here and with others helps. I had a really bad car accident years ago and for 6 months after every time I heard tires squeal - I flinched!
The more you talk about it the easier it gets.
Light and love
(13,607 posts)I do keep reliving it over in my head. The last two days I've been resting and I just haven't wanted to go far from my bed. That's not like me.
(19,864 posts)I'm a NYC'r. Here, we had on line, and ?pamphlets of what kind of trauma symptoms people might expect post 9-11: physical, mental, emotional. Even from watching it on TV.
If you can't get your regular doctor appointment quickly - maybe you can get to an Urgent Care facility. Like others highly suggest you should be looked over.
Good luck in all aspects! Glad you made it out mostly ok.
(13,607 posts)I've found myself jumping at any loud noise. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, because I've got a knot on the back of my head that is extremely sore and I've been having bad vertigo and headaches. It's probably nothing, but I'm still gonna get it checked out.
(19,864 posts)hidden injuries.
All the best for an easy, reversible outcome with time! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
(11,629 posts)Similar experience here. Talking about it helped a lot, though I think my spouse was tired of hearing about it, though they never complained.
(43,851 posts)and your passenger. It sounds like a terrifying experience.
I hope the insurance process goes smoothly for you.
(13,607 posts)
(23,701 posts)to you!
(7,392 posts)As for insurance companies, just take it step by step. If you have an agent or other representative you can deal with that can help.
Good luck!
(138,124 posts)Thanks for sharing.
(71,482 posts)I'm certainly not an expert, but if the police report includes the guy admitting he slipped on ice, I'd say chances are this will go smoothly for you.
Not that my opinion means much to the insurance companies.
(23,113 posts)well, I know about bruises and soreness and the emotional toll...
I am still working with Progressive 4 1/2 months after one of their insured pulled directly out in front of me... my passenger had a fractured sternum and hematomas, and it seems the impact of airbags dislocated my shoulder... still doing PT and going in to get statement from orthopedic doc for the insurance company this week...
dealing with insurance?? don't compromise, be firm, be patient... they are paid to not pay out any more than is absolutely necessary
good luck
edit to say... write it all down while it is fresh in your memory and don't sugarcoat... they are at fault.... explain how stressfull it all is and how it has affected your life negatively... I would never lie but they need to know how devastating it all is for you
I know people are suggesting a lawyer and sometimes that is necessary... this is my second accident in 2 years where someone pulled out in front of me and I chose not to use a lawyer... they end up taking a lot of the payout but your choice
first time without a lawyer, my car was paid for, all medical bills paid and thousands of dollars for "pain and suffering" I am expecting the same again this time
(13,607 posts)issue you are having with them? I have Progressive too.
Hope you are feeling better!
(23,113 posts)my insurance is Geico and they are great... Progressive is the other guy's insurance and he was found to be at fault. They have taken responsibility for the incident itself and now we just hash out the payment... they have already taken responsibility for medical bills and I have been reimbursed for my totaled car. The issue will be what they call "pain and suffering" in the business... it is difficult to put a dollar amt on that but you must do it and hold firm.... if you don't get a lawyer (I didn't) do a lot of reading about the subject and/or talk to as many people around you who have an opinion.
first time around, progressive offered me $7,000 and I said no, not enough and did settled for double that... many said I should have gotten more money but I was ok with that.
This time around they are offering much less and because this has affected so much of what I do, for these past 4 months, I will not settled for less. again, good luck
(14 posts)Voice of experience here. Leap from your car, grab the smartphone and start taking photos and/or a video. Get clear shots of the license plate and the driver's face. The more the better. Include damage to both vehicles and road way. Insist on calling the police regardless of how minor the damage may appear. Even if you know it was your fault, never say "My fault". Don't agree to not call your insurance company and "settle this between us". Wrong move. If you have any injury or pain do not ignore it. Get a ride to the nearest ER.
Lulu KC
(6,537 posts)Glad everyone is okay! Thank goodness for guardrails!
I had a spin out on an icy overpass once and hit the guardrail. Not going fast, no other cars involved, but it was terribly scary to me and affected my comfort in driving during the winter to this day (at least 10 years later). Especially since you drive for income, you might want to check on resources for PTSD treatment. I know someone who had a terrible crash and she went back the next day (in a different car) and drove the route where it happened repeatedly. She did this daily for about a week. (She had researched what might help.) She believes it saved her. My alternative approach was just to grit my teeth and feel faintly ill every time I was forced to drive over that overpass again! Even in the middle of summer it was still held in my body.
Best wishes to you with your insurance company and your continued recovery.
(5,530 posts)I've been in a few minor accidents but nothing like this. You may want to get checked out by your Doctor just to make sure you don't have any fractures or anything else that my not be readily apparent....again, better to be safe than sorry.
Happy Hoosier
(8,727 posts)My daughters was T-boned in an intersection. Despite a police report that clearly found the other driver at fault, her insurance company resisted accepting responsibility. My insurance company suggested we use OUR insurance to make repairs (her car was ALMOST totaled but not quite) but that that meant covering the deductible. The Insurance company would then go after the other drivers' insurance. OTHERWISE, we'd have to wait for the case to resolve to repair the car. Ugh. We wound up doing that, but it took a YEAR to get reimbursed, for the deductible and then another year to get the accident labled as "not at fault" by the inusrance company.
So my advice is to RIDE the insurance company to aggresively pursue the case, especially since you cannot work until this is resolved.
(177 posts)Sending best wishes and healing thoughts your way.
(122,035 posts)It can take a number of days to present. Please be kind and gentle with yourself, and not just for a couple of days.
Many years ago, I was with friends in a VW Bug, coming back from visiting a museum. We were hit broadside by a Buick sedan, driver doing about 50 in a residential//school zone. Fortunately, apart from my friend's cracked rib (from hitting the stick shift), we were okay, although they apparently had to stop me from going after the jerk who hit us. The police were totally useless. When we went to retrieve the car the next day, we saw that the passenger side window where I had been sitting was completely spider-webbed and almost pushed out. The imprint of my head was clearly visible. We had not realized that I had hit it til that moment, which accounted for my headache. Years later, I was talking to a massage therapist to see about working together. He ran his hand down my spine, stopped, and said, "You were in an accident years ago weren't you? You have a knot right here."
I tell you this to please, please, take good care of yourself, pay attention to what your body is telling you. Things can show up much later.
(13,607 posts)I got an attorney this week and I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. You're right. Things don't show up until days later sometimes. I too, have been having vertigo and headaches. Come to find out, I found a knot on the back of my head that's very sore.
(122,035 posts)the accident, refer them to your attorney. And I am glad that you can see a doctor tomorrow, hope they can help with the headache and vertigo, and really check you out. Please keep us posted.
Trueblue Texan
(3,141 posts)I don't know if you've ever been in a car accident before, but in my experience, you re-live it almost every time you close your eyes for a while. Peace and healing be with you!
(14,011 posts)Wicked Blue
(7,284 posts)I'm so glad you weren't badly hurt.
If re-living the accident becomes bothersome, you might consider seeking out a therapist for a few sessions. I don't know much about insurance, but maybe you can claim the cost of therapy.
(740 posts)So glad you were not badly injured and that no one else was either. I am sure you will be going over this very scary event for quite a while. Now, while your body is very sore, you should write down each day what parts of you hurts and what activities you cannot do because of being sore and what activities you normally do that you now have to do very slowly. Assuming you see a lawyer and some months from now are asked how this accident affected you physically and mentally you will have this notebook, kept in real time, about how you were each day since this happened. It is very easy to forget details, especially after such a horrible trauma. This actual documentation of your pain and suffering will be very helpful to you.
(13,607 posts)I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get some things checked out. I also got an attorney and I'm so glad I did. They are taking care of everything. It's alittle overwhelming.
(284 posts). . . but just in case no one has mentioned it, don't sign any health releases until you know you are truly okay. Symptoms can come up much later.
I was hit years ago in a similar way and had flashbacks for a long time.It may be a good idea to see a therapist to help process the accident.
I'm relieved for you and your passenger. Stay well.
(13,607 posts)I am going to the doctor tomorrow. I haven't been feeling very good this week and you're right about seeing a therapist.
(99 posts)The particulars in the report will determine who has to pay.
(17,342 posts)It might help in the long run.
Good luck dealing with this. And especially glad no one was injured beyond aches and pains but the memory trauma will linger for a while longer.
(36,515 posts)It probably saved both of your lives.
I can't really give advice on dealing with insurance companies because I've only had minor fender-benders. You're smart to ask for advice on DU though, because several of our readers are either lawyers or insurance experts.
Good luck to you my friend!
(13,607 posts)I've never been so scared in my life. I thought I was okay, but I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. It's weird how survival skills that we never knew we have...until something like this happens. I like to think that I had alittle extra help...
(4,238 posts)Get a lawyer. Do not sign anything. Let the lawyer do EVERYTHING. Do not talk to anyone officially except your lawyer.
Glad you are not hurt.
(14,384 posts)a way of running out, so I recently installed one. Also if I were a driver for hire, I'd want to have one that shows not only the front and rear views but the interior view (passengers) as well, just for any issue that might arise.
Glad you are safe and things sound like they are working out.
(3,469 posts)Its worth talking to an attorney to make certain you are protected from future passenger claims. Also include lost wages and health claims regarding the accident. It will take time for you to determine injuries that you may have sustained in the accident. They will advise you to keep the case open until you are certain of your injuries. Even if you dont have an attorney dont let the insurance company rush you into settling.
Im sorry you had to go through this. It will take time to recover from it all. Wishing you a full recovery. Take care!💗🙏🏼
(16,474 posts)I was hit by a red light runner. 50 MPH and he never touched the brake. I thought I was the only one not injured, but it turns out I had the worst injury. It took 3 days present itself.
They need to talk to a lawyer.
(3,469 posts)I had a concussion. On day two this guy is on the horn asking about the condition of my bike, something about the chain being off. I told him I had zero idea as I was unconscious laying on the road. That seemed to stop the questions. Its good advice not to talk to any of them. Im sorry about your injury. That is very scary.
(813 posts)PTSD is real. Find some help.
So glad you and everybody are OK. That's a blessing!
(10,875 posts)That's the most important thing.
It looks like you have good advice in the thread re: insurance, lawyers, etc. Much depends on the police report, who was at fault, etc.
Clouds Passing
(3,524 posts)
(100,528 posts)slightlv
(4,712 posts)Badly hurt. You were so lucky! Black ice and freezing fog took our my car a few years ago. It was weeks b4 the shock wore off. I skated across three lanes of rush hour traffic then rolled down the hill b4 stopping. Totaled the car, hit a few and got hit while the ice had me. But I had my seat belt on, which saved my life.
Although it was totally weather related accident, it was still my fault. But I didn't get penalized by the police or insurance. My rate went up a little, but it truly was inconsequential compared to the accident. I had Farmers at the time and they worked beautifully with us. Winter is just bad driving time. You'll be ok... my biggest issue was getting another car asap, since I commuted to another city to work.
Hang in there and just treat yourself gently as the shock begins to wear off. I think the first thing I did once I was back home was to go to bed. It helped me immensely. You might consider that. Your body will thank you. Healing energies your way, hon.
(13,607 posts)that was some accident you had. So glad you are alright. I am going to the doctor tomorrow and I did get an attorney. I think it's gonna take alittle longer to deal with this than I initially thought.
Thank-you and good advice!
(4,735 posts)Your passenger was still with you, correct? So that person should be a witness.
Youve received a lot of good advice here but I will emphasize the documentation. Its always good to be prepared. If theres a local personal injury lawyer who gives free consultations you might want to meet with that attorney.
Good luck. I hope all goes smoothly. Sorry you have to go through this.
(15,827 posts)That says you are physically fine.
That let's them off the hook if you develop back problems, for example, down the road.
Spoken from experience.
I'm glad you are ok.
True Blue American
(18,353 posts)Not your job. Only talk to them. First thing I was warned. Please.
(62,471 posts)It will help document everything. How you feel, who might be harassing you, etc.
Get a good lawyer. I hope you get a nice replacement car out of this along with all of your medical paid.
There is a treatment for PTSD that certain counselors are able to do with you, called EMDR.
I hope for the best for you and your customer.
(53,871 posts)Just your description gave me the willies, so I can't imagine how it feels to picture the actual event in your head.
Gives some perspective. You are OK. Forget everything else for a while if you can.
(35,273 posts)I had one of those first big clunky cellphones, so I dialed 911. 4 other vehicles, lots of injuries. Cops come and I leave.
When I got home I made diagrams and wrote down everything I remembered.
(39,557 posts)Depends on your insurance company, so a good rule of thumb is to be friends with your local agent. Give him a call, and take his advice. He'll probably sympathize very much with your accident on the job, especially when he hears this story. Also. See if Lyft provides any compensation for accidents while on the job. I hope you had police file a fault with the other driver report, and you got his license plate and other ID. Best of luck to you, Blue.
(99 posts)do you have to buy your own insurance?
(13,607 posts)insurance, but they also provide insurance just for our car too. Lyft is handling the car and I have an attorney to help me out with the rest of it. It's pretty overwhelming.
(3,910 posts)The passenger already has, you probably have a very tight window to do so.
(13,607 posts)
(81 posts)I was hit on the driver's side over the front wheel and hood. Had a bruise across my chest and shoulder that was the imprint of the seat belt. Car was totaled. Took a long time to get over it
True Blue American
(18,353 posts)It is scary when you think about it. You do not have time to think but you did or!👏
I was broadsided a few months ago by a guy running a blinking red light. The woman behind him said he stopped and then pulled out, actuallybroke my front axel. And I was driving a LaCross. Air bags actually broke my collar bone. But I would not go to the hospital, thought it was just the airbags.
I am glad you did not go over. I wound up in a drugstore parking lot.
But glad you are fine.
Liberty Belle
(9,638 posts)Your insurance should provide a flat rate for up-front medical expenses. My insurance provided up to $5,000 up front. See a doctor and get xrays to be sure nothing is broken. Assuming nothing is broken, see a chiropractor and a massage therapist immediately as you'll likely get whiplash or other pain over the next few days. With two of my accidents I waited quite a while to see a chiro; the third time I saw the chiro same day, after xrays, and had the least residual pain as a result. For me, that worked better than physical therapy though you may need that, too, if you have substantial injuries. If anything doesn't feel right after a few days/weeks, such as numbness/tingling or limbs that don't work right or a caved in area on your back, insist on seeing a neurologist. I didn't learn of nerve damage until 6 months after an accident and by then, surgery didn't work, though it took another 6 months to know for sure.
Your insurance should find the other driver at fault. So if your insurance doesn't fully cover replacement cost of your vehicle or all of your medical care, not to mention pain and suffering, you can seek compensation from the other driver. Don't sign anything accepting "final" or "full" payment as injuries can take a while to show up. I didn't learn I had permanent nerve damage until nearly a year after the worst accident.
You can go through mediation/arbitration with the other driver or if necessary, sue them. I had to sue twice and the outcome was worth it.
Does Lyft have any responsibility here? Ask a lawyer, since you were on assignment for them.
Price shop online for best deals on a replacement vehicle, but chances are you'll only get the depreciated value. This was the hardest aspect for me; I had to pay out of pocket a significant amount to replace my vehicle that was totaled in one of the crashes, but did get it back when I sued the other driver.
I hope you feel better soon, and that your insurance takes care of you. I have GEICO and they've been beyond fair to me over the years--unlike some insurance companies that are notoriously bad at settling claims.
Hard as it is now, you may come out ahead in the end. I wound up with a somewhat better car, medical care that helped with the pain, and a substantial financial settlement from one particularly negligent driver.
If you have issues with your insurer, you can also complain to your state's insurance agency.
Good luck!
(13,607 posts)And great advice! I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and I have gotten a lawyer. It's just too much to handle on my own.
Liberty Belle
(9,638 posts)usedtobedemgurl
(1,474 posts)I have experience. I will share some here, and if you want to talk, I am happy to answer any questions, or give more advice.
First of all, for future reference, always take photos at the scene of the accident. I take photos of my car and the other car. In case, I also take photos of the license plate of the other car. If he flees, you have some info on him.
Never say you are OK. This was taught to me in driving school - Young Drivers of Canada. Symptoms can take up to a couple of weeks to show up. If you say you are ok and then symptoms show up later, they will try and use it against you.
NEVER talk to the other person's insurance company. They can use and twist anything you say. If they call you, tell them you are looking for a lawyer and to please stop contact. This did not work for my last accident. They kept calling me and I kept telling them besides giving my name, phone number, birth date and the date and time of the accident, I would not say anything to them. They harrassed me, but I was in so much pain, mentally and physically, I could not research and find someone right away. Whatever you do, do not talk to them!
See a doctor. Even if you feel fine, see one and have everything checked. I knew I was in a lot of pain, but until I saw a doctor, I did not know I had a concussion/traumatic brain injury, whiplash or the myriad of other things I ended up diagnosed with. Sometimes you do not know what you do not know.
If you are going through anything, sometimes it helps to not feel so alone. I found several great forums on Reddit. There is a TBI (traumatic brain injury) forum, concussion forum, car accident forum and more. It helped with my brain injury, especially, because so much is not known or understood about the brain. If you end up with such an injury, it helps to talk to others who know everything you might be going through, from headaches to memory loss to grieving who you were and not wanting to accept the new person you have become.
It is so important every step of the way to document with the medical profession what you are experiencing. It is important to find tools going forward. For example, I have a laminated card that explains I have a brain injury. It says things you may expect from me - slow to answer questions, off balance, getting mad/irritated easily, etc. plus an emergency contact number.
Things my dr did not tell me, but maybe assumed I knew? I was diagnosed with a concussion. Sounds like your accident is bad enough that you may have one. Not all concussions are equal and nor do they all present the same way. I was not told after a certain amount of time (four weeks, I think?) it turns into PCS - post concussion syndrome. It just means it is an extended concussion.
There was something else I had to figure out on my own, but my memory was severely affected (I have forgotten my husband's name at times, but never did before the accident) My speech therapist told me I have the top three reasons for memory loss, including pain and anxiety. It came back while I was writing that, and now it is gone just as quickly. Ugh! So sorry. I really do want to help you.
Trust your instincts and look up what they try to give you. I looked up one prescription and found it was bad for someone with things I have. I called my dr and explained what conditions I had and how the internet said I should not take it. They said it was fine. I called the medication company. They said if I took it, I could end up in a coma or dead. I did not take it.
If you are just achey, epsom salts are your friend. Pain patches can help. Icy Hot pain patches do not stick well and will fall off. Lidocaine patches (OTC, not prescription) also seem to tend to fall off. The best ones for staying on, I found, were CVS (drugstore chain) pain patches. They heat up nicely and are really hard to pull off.
Absorbine junior roll on does not do anything for me. Biofreeze roll on woks well.
Take it easy and rest. Know if there is some sort of concussion or brain injury, things are not in your imagination For example, things can sound too loud at a volume which never bothered you before. You may have light sensitivity in general. But it may really be irritated by screen time - TV or computer. Sometimes I "watch" tv with my eyes closed.
Anyway, do not want to bore you. Again, so sorry this happened to you. I hope you will be ok. If you need to talk, I am here. Oh! My concussion specialist said give it three years before you find your new normal. I am going toward four years now! But some things did somewhat resolve themselves. Hang in there.
(13,607 posts)Great advice! I am going to the doctor tomorrow, because I need to get some things checked out. I also have an attorney to handle things now. Such good advice here on DU!
(19,204 posts)I had one bad accident where my car almost went under a semi. My car was hit by a delivery truck. No broken bones but there were lots of tiny broken vessels all over my body. I felt like a bowl of jello.
I kept thinking about going under the semi truck, but I didn't.
I remember being surprised that an accident turns out to be such an administrative nightmare. Lawyers, doctors, insurance companies... and I was without a car for 4-5 months.
Be glad its over and that somehow you and everyone else came through it. I can't imagine how bad it feels when somebody dies, even if its a true accident. I think everybody gets at least one of these in a lifetime. Fortunately cars are safer than they used to be.
(21,213 posts)It was 20+ years old.
All I got was a bill for $550.00 to have it towed to a wrecking shop.
The insurance gave me nothing!
So, whatever eh?
I'm glad you lived to tell about it.
Get a lot of rest. I hope you are ok!
(5,167 posts)My advice-Just be careful not to ignore aches and pains. Take photos, keep a journal. You may have more problems than you know currently and symptoms can erupt later on. See a doctor to get checked over and get referrals to ortho and a therapist if needed. I had a labral tear in my hip when I was rear ended and major neck issues, including a brain stem injury that made my head feel like someone had taken a cheese grater to it. Don't discount your mental stress either. Consider seeing a therapist and having his insurance foot the bill. I would talk to a good attorney. My car was totaled and they just kept trying to low-ball me. Watch out for attorneys that want you to sign up immediately to be represented. A bad attorney can be another level of stress that you don't want. Don't agree to give a recorded statement to his insurance. Even if the other driver has been cited. Get a copy of the police report to see what was documented. And see what your insurance policy covers. Some people use their insurance coverage for medical bills etc.. and then let their insurance get compensation for their bills. Talk to your insurance. Good luck!
(157,833 posts)Kali
(56,051 posts)if you are able, you might want to check with an attorney (and a doctor)
(43,107 posts)You came to the right place!
Glad you're ok, remember it's ok to be not okay sometimes. Hugs
(2,739 posts).....the way down and there was your post. Beat me to it. No great surprise, as we all need a kind ear to listen once in a while.
(1,758 posts)That is scary as hell.
(2,167 posts)Im glad youre okay!
Second, hire a personal injury lawyer ASAP. Even though you didnt get badly hurt, you are still suffering. Aches, pains, PTSD (youll be freaked out while driving for quite some time, in my experience), and anything else that shows up once the shock eases are all injuries. Lost wages, too.
I learned that even with good health insurance, if you receive any damage or pain and suffering settlement, your health insurance can (and likely will) require you to pay them back. A good lawyer will negotiate for all of that on your behalf.
Finally, keep all records! I used one of those plastic accordion files in a super bright color to keep everything in one easy-to-find location.
I hope you feel better soon.
(30,348 posts)And that your passengers and those in the other car survived. I hope that you get the money to replace your car.
Best of luck!!!
(137,986 posts)
(31 posts)Boy, that was a scary accident. Thank God you and your passenger were not seriously hurt or worse yet killed. What you are going through is normal but very stressful. You may need to talk to a mental health counselor. I hope you recover from all your injuries.
(7,106 posts)Yes, get an attorney.
If you can't get an attorney...
I suggest a shotgun. ( )
(10,555 posts)Back in high school, friend was driving, I'm in passenger seat. We get T-boned by a fellow high school student who ran a stop sign. Guardrail saved us from going over as well. The drop wasn't as far, but we would have been killed, seeing as how we were in a very old VW sedan. That thing would have crumbled like a tin can.
I'm now in my 60s, and there are days when I think about that accident, and I start shaking. So what I'm telling you is, don't be surprised when the feelings of shock revisit you. When it hits you that you came so close to very serious injury or death, it really does impact your life.
I am so glad that all in all, you are okay. And also that of your passengers, and the people in the other car.
(73,188 posts)
(21,144 posts)Riding in my BF's van at the top of a mountain pass in Canada - all of a sudden the van did a 360 degree spin. We had hit a wind shear. It was slow motion for me as I watched my BF try to control with the steering wheel but I knew we were going to go over a many hundreds of feet cliff. When we stopped my BF looked at me and said - My god you're gray! We survived.
When we got home, I slept straight for a couple days. That fear haunts me to this day.
(13,607 posts)That IS frightening!! I can already relate to the PTSD. I've noticed that I jumped at the littlest sound.
So glad you guys are OK.
Alice B.
(358 posts)and wish you better days ahead,
(6,636 posts)you can hire a Private Adjustor. It's like an insurance adjustor that just works for you. It can be better than a lawyer... it can be worse. What state are you in? Some states have a proliferation of them, some have hardly any.
(789 posts)I'll be thinking of you. I had a bad accident on black ice many years ago when I was a college student. I almost went down an embankment like you describe. No guard rail at all. Had nightmares for years. What helped me was to journal about the accident and to make myself drive. That being said, I can drive in snow, but I refuse to drive on icy streets--I just stay home!
If you're really worried about being cheated, consult a lawyer. I would also make a written statement that you consult when talking to the insurance companies. I had to write down an account of the accident for my insurance company, so you'll be ahead if you write it down. Again, I'll be thinking of you, and I'm sending you hugs. Take care.
(16,597 posts)I have a dash cam cause you just never know!
Hope you heal nicely
(1,225 posts)After my parents was in a very bad accident.
Document everything. ( journal/ diary) who you spoke to etc
Especially any injuries if it becomes a lawsuit type case you will not remember a year from now how you felt today.
(17,555 posts)Write everything down. A few times so you remember to make a note of all events of the accident.
Get a police report.
Get a personal injury lawyer.
Hopefully your insurance and the other driver's insurance were told that the both cars were being used as livery vehicles and used to take the public on hired rides.
You better get a lawyer to sortvthis out.
Are you over 60 years ? You might be eligible for low cost no cost attorneys. Call your local help for the elderly agency. Here they call it Seniors Plus. The local library refference department might be able to direct you to an agency that helps the elderly.They might be able to connect you with legal help to sort this out more quickly than if you tried alone.
Be very careful what you say or write to the other insurance company, or the police accident report. Were there any witnisses who saw the accident happen? Then pulled over willing to be identified ?
First thing,... speak to a lawyer if you can locate one.
Good luck getting this settled and resolved.
Evolve Dammit
(19,827 posts)
(44,895 posts)Last edited Fri Jan 31, 2025, 06:54 PM - Edit history (9)
and heading straight toward me, and had time to ask myself, "Should I hit the gas or swerve?" Decided on doing the former because I was in the right-hand lane and had no traffic in front of me. With my eyes focused straight ahead, I heard rather then felt the Hummer hit me -- thankfully nowhere near hard enough to knock me off course.
The car's driver-side tail light was my only casualty (someone was taken to the hospital by helicopter). I chided myself for not having driven a little faster because it would have allowed me to emerge completely unscathed, but only until I realized that I had been on an overpass: If the Hummer had missed me completely, it could have gone through or over the railing and down to the road below.
(10,730 posts)minstrel76
(92 posts)MustLoveBeagles
(12,943 posts)Don't try to fight the insurance company yourself. My mom did that after we were in a 7 car pileup 30 years ago and it didn't end well for us.
Good luck to you.
Maru Kitteh
(29,566 posts)So thank you for sharing your story. I think we all need to share stories like this when we can. Its what will help us sustain each other going forward.
(8,087 posts)Most will take the case upon getting paid if they win it. I would not be surprised if you get sued by the passenger attempting to go after Lyft with you as the driver. Best option is to talk to a lawyer.
(2,926 posts)It takes a toll anyway, but youll get through it. Lots of good advice especially, get an attorney.
(3,427 posts)We are thankful you lived through it! Apparently without serious injury either.
(6,951 posts)I have been in one serious accident and passed out briefly, I had a concussion so it took a while to remember it the right way, my brain reversed it. It was the start of chronic pain, with a severe whiplash/back nerve damage and other injuries.
I was in another high speed one where someone ran a red light and hit me but I was only very mildly injured due to him swerving and me speeding up.
As far as the insurance went, both cars were old and were totaled so ins paid a certain amount towards a new car as I recall. I was not at fault in either one. I was also rear ended by someone years later in stop and go, who did not have insurance. Her bf showed up and tried to pay me not to call the police. In the end we just reported to my ins, I had to because I had another more minor whiplash re-injury. Then a few years after that while shopping as a pedestrian, someone hit my cart and I fell down and my back/pelvis was re-injured- months of therapy and pain.
The hc part of the auto insurance companies are no fault so they will cover injuries, only up to a point though, and they assign percentage of blame in the accident. It sounds like this was 100% the other driver's fault here so I think his company will pay the value of your car if you own it etc. Your own company would pay for medical treatments you need. Call your insurance and ask them about it.
It will be a trauma, you will probably replay it for a while and then in time it will fade away. In mine where I was injured I was scared to drive through intersections, (someone turned in front of me in an intersection), for a long time. Even now sometimes, years later, I still get that feeling but not nearly as bad. The sound of the car hitting mine was like a bomb and it stayed with me for a while. I think if I had not had a sustained injury it wouldn't have lasted for so long. I also managed to drive between two trees, prolly saving myself, no airbags then. Not nearly as bad as possibly falling over an embankment.
Someone here said to get a lawyer and I agree if you are injured... get one. Your medical care could be a lot more expensive than you think and you could end up with sustained injuries and pain etc. I did for both accidents where I was injured and needed months of care and had a sustained injury. The first time the lawyer did a much better job, so pick a good one.
(1,146 posts)RVN VET71
(2,833 posts)About 30 years ago, my son was in a traffic jam and his car drifted ahead and bumped -- just touched -- the care in front of him. All passengers immediately got out of their car and started complaining of injuries and even called an ambulance. They sued for $20,000. It was an obvious scam but our insurance paid them.
I complained -- wtf? the car that was "hit" sustained no damage, not even a dent or bump! But insurance told me that insurance considered it better to pay (up to $20,000, he said , the exact amount the scammers demanded -- coincidence?)) then to go through the time and expense of a court battle. Our rate did not go up, but I was and remain angry that they'd let the bastards get away.
If no injuries were reported, your insurance should cover your car for book value.
purr-rat beauty
(630 posts)I would be careful not to be seen as something might arise later related to this that the insurance will certainly fight.
I was crushed between 2 cars once, was in some pain but didn't think I was broken - I was told be my colleagues (who are doctors) to go the emergency room and get checked - I had a very fine break in my leg.
adrenaline is a hell of a drug
Tom Rinaldo
(23,024 posts)So glad you came through it in good shape physically. That's what counts. the money/insurance issues will sort themselves through in time.
About 50 years ago I was vacationing in Jamaica driving a rental car over a mountain road. Although it was an adjustment to drive on the left side of the road I don't think I could have avoided the accident we were in if I could have been driving on the familiar right side of the road.
Two lane ride, maybe one foot of shoulder, and a car suddenly approached us partially in my lane as it came around a fairly sharp curve. I quickly swerved left to avoid it. The approaching car clipped the side rear of my car, my front left bumper of my car clipped a reflector post positioned at the edge of the pavement beyond which there was a 200 feet drop into a canyon.
I turned the steering wheel sharply to the right and held on for dear life as the car went up on its two left wheels as we skidded on the brink. I glanced at my friend in the passenger seat who was elevated above me due to the angle of the car at that point. We probably skidded for 5 to ten seconds, it's hard to gauge time at a time line that, before the right wheels fell back onto the pavement and we stopped with the right front wheel collapsed with a broken axle. We were both unhurt.
Another driver saw the accident and was willing to testify that we were not at fault, plus there were skid marks on the road that backed my statement. The police pleaded with me not to press the matter as it would financially wipe out the family of the driver of the other car. I didn't know the local culture very well, we were not on the coast in the tourist district, plus I was somewhat in shock. Without knowing for sure it was the right thing to do I dropped it. My fear was that by doing so it might somehow be used against me by the authorities, but as it turned out it wasn't. The rental agency did not hold me accountable for the wrecked car either (but they refused to rent me a replacement.} So we took local buses for the remainder of our trip. But we were healthy and alive and nothing else mattered.
Again, I'm so glad you came out of that terrifying moment OK.
(13,607 posts)Just reading this made alittle anxious! That feeling of not being able to have control, even for a split-second, is enough to put you in shock. Sounds like you did a good job of keeping yourself
out of that canyon!
I can understand dropping it. Driving a taxi is how many of them support their families. ( heard this from Uber and Lyft drivers who came from another country)
Glad to hear you came out of it okay. My axil broke too and my right tire tore off where it hit the guardrail. 😪
Fla Dem
(26,235 posts)All the best.
(19,864 posts)As for your jumpiness....
Your "jumpiness" is a perfectly normal response to such a traumatic event!
The amount of time it lasts varies for each person.
You might be prescribed anti-anxiety meds for a time, if you feel too disrupted too often by your jumpiness.
Good Luck!
(96,050 posts)