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I was surprised to see it coming from these sources.
By Greg Kelly
Marine Corps veteran, Newsmax host
This is the essence of blackmail: coercion through exploitation. It's a dark and dangerous reality. And it disqualifies Hegseth from leading the Pentagonor any national security role under longstanding federal policy.
National security regulations have been clear for decades: Individuals susceptible to coercion cannot hold sensitive positions. Executive Order 10450, signed in 1953 and still in effect, explicitly bars individuals with vulnerabilitiessuch as blackmailfrom positions of national security. This principle is reinforced by Standard Form 86, the mandatory questionnaire for all national security roles, which screens for "vulnerability to exploitation and coercion."
Hegseth's admission aligns directly with these disqualifiers. He has already demonstrated a willingness to pay off his accuser, allegedly to protect his personal and professional life. As Secretary of Defense, his responsibilities would be infinitely more critical, and his adversaries exponentially more dangerous.
Text is up at pastebin if you don't want to see the other RWNJ posts promoted at Newsweek.

(3,817 posts)this entity means to get America into some deep religious mayhem
(1,554 posts)And he has the top job in America.
The Washington Post just today also agreed that he should not be confirmed.
(121,089 posts)erronis
(17,593 posts)There should be a law.
And the law should be enforced.
Kid Berwyn
(18,996 posts)Happens a lot for surprisingly little.
(63,016 posts)Was he raping the woman for her own good too?
(34,263 posts)How can he lead an organization with women soldiers?
(63,016 posts)He will do what he thinks best for them and they will like or else.
Wonder Why
(4,886 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,016 posts)I sip Coca Cola and watch him slide off the bar stool.
Prairie Gates
(3,905 posts)Enough nonsense.
(64,610 posts)Irish_Dem
(63,016 posts)We are supposed to feel sorry for him.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)What a pathetic, mere shell of a man he is. Thank you for this.
Maru Kitteh
(29,493 posts)fat lotta good it will do, imo.
(51,791 posts)Donald Trump was recently convicted on 31 felonies related to doing the same fucking thing, and he's going back to the White House.
That Pete Hegseth is a troglodyte should be more than enough to keep him out of the job.
(10,911 posts)Stop deluding yourselves that they care about ANYTHING other than what Christ, uhh - I mean Trump wants.
(10,085 posts)ability to be exploited and coerced via social media by russian, chinese, iranian and ugly american trolls and their conspiracy bullshit.
(67 posts)Arent they the same now?
(19,258 posts)That, and his refusal to admit that he even has a problem. Just look at this classic alcoholic/addiict denial bull pucky:
Hegseth is a hot mess express, in the worst possible way. Being susceptible to blackmail is just the cherry on top of the raw sewage sundae. If the Senate actually confirms him, I will definitely lose what little is left of my faith in humanity.
Which reminds me, I need to write both my senators stat!
(15,554 posts)you know that he checks all the wrong boxes.
(3,633 posts)According to the Times, "conservative" organizations are targeting Republican senators, saying that they will pay a price if they don't back him.
(73,043 posts)... to protect his wife? Sure, I buy that. What was he doing in order to get put into position that such payments were seen by him as
I was born at night but not last night.