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(63,716 posts)He is drug addict and traitor.
And those are only the crimes we know about.
(2,829 posts)underpants
(188,532 posts)Thatd be my guess.
(5,785 posts)Who the hell is he to be taking time from public officials to get answers to his questions.
Glad they set the record straight but surely they had better things to be doing
Polly Hennessey
(7,659 posts)This guy is the richest human in the world. Help me understand this. How does he manage to communicate with people working for him.
(22,720 posts)When he pays you, he pays you to understand whatever he is talking about. This type of communication doesn't translate well to the public space where I have no financial incentive to pretend he is saying things worth hearing or even conveying them in an articulate way.
(36,920 posts)Isn't that's why he's paid so much?
(89,515 posts)Who the f*** died and put him in charge!
(188,532 posts)I'd guess because he donated cyber trucks to use its WiFi
Thatd be my guess.
(1,519 posts)magicarpet
(17,576 posts)... but he came up way short of the mark no matter how many ways he structured and restructured the questions to specifically trip up the Dems.
Eloon's only purpose is to make trDUMP look good,... and shit all over the Dems. Then trDUMP will send governmental contracts and other davorable business policies Musk's way go make him an obscenely rich trillionaire.
(15,783 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,922 posts)bronxiteforever
(9,890 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,241 posts)People think that water is just infinite within our pipes. You've got 6 inch pipe going to fire hydrants, it's not an infinite supply, people imagine it's like a 4 foot side sewer pipe just pressurized with water, it isn't. If you've got one structure burning you can use all that water to fight it, if you've got 100 structures building, it's a totally different matter.
Other than investing $trillions into water infrastructure, there's no way to fight wildfires like these with water from fire hydrants alone. It's about as useful as duck and cover is during a nuclear bomb.
And people taping their sprinklers onto their roofs with the spicket open aren't doing much either. You've got an inferno coming fueled by 90 mph winds, your sprinkler isn't going to help and if it seems like it did it was just by luck you were spared.
(3,922 posts)My condo complexs hydrant system was built with asbestos angle pipes which are rather brittle. Those have been damaged at least twice recently. The only way we found out was a sudden giant bill from the city who supplies the water. We had to spend an astronomical amount finding and repairing the leaks and repairing the foundation of the adjacent buildings.
It was the first the homeowners association knew of the problem or liability. We still dont know how to identify problems sooner.
(15,783 posts)He only checks his own perverted website. (summary)
(188,532 posts)I relied to each person who bought this mounting a link refuting it.
(3,517 posts)UpInArms
(52,072 posts)What a buffoon
Kid Berwyn
(19,080 posts)Only one who appreciates apartheid can harness that potential.
(1,910 posts)he even bothering to be concerned with anything in California? It's none of his business.