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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI am starting to think Trump is mentally disturbed
It is more than just plain lying. He is living in an alternate raelity. In other words he is nuts and he is similar to Jim Jones. Nothing penetrates that skull .

Ocelot II
(122,949 posts)He's as mad as a box of frogs, which has been obvious for years.
(1,532 posts)since he was a tadpole
(18,380 posts)chowder66
(10,133 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,602 posts)Thanks for that
(10,133 posts)LeftInTX
(32,285 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,549 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,602 posts)


Response to Henry203 (Original post)
Wifes husband This message was self-deleted by its author.
(46,221 posts)Compounded with decades of cocaine and speed abuse.
There are more holes and cavities in this guy's head than useful matter
(12,604 posts)All those burgers he eats every single day.
(41,297 posts)Initech
(103,591 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,549 posts)

(8,558 posts)Paladin
(29,394 posts)surfered
(4,946 posts)He's been sooo normal up to this point 🫤
(38,753 posts)JohnSJ
(97,447 posts)We are immersed in a sea of ignorance. Those of us who can recognize the emperor has no clothes are surrounded by the culturally deprived who perceive this imbecile as the second coming.
(2,237 posts)Ya think.
(4,315 posts)pdxflyboy
(801 posts)n/t
(27,172 posts)I want to see the size of the rock you've been under all these years.
(280,820 posts)He is eff in crazy
(769 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(158,151 posts)claudette
(5,009 posts)How frightening. How did he get so many magat fools to vote for him? Why couldnt they see it?
(951 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,445 posts)Even when he didn't get into politics.
His old age makes him more emboldened.
(42,391 posts)
(1,577 posts)The man is a psychopath. He admires Hannibal Lecter. He talks about him as if he is real. If it weren't for the protection his wealth has always provided, he would have been locked up long ago. Either for criminal or mental issues. He's loaded with both.
(5,178 posts)Jilly_in_VA
(11,527 posts)You can be a sociopath and still be mentally ill AND have dementia besides! I think he's all three.
(96,125 posts)Many people with relatives who have dementia have been saying this for years.
Many people who work with drug addicts see this in trump and junior (Adderall for trump, and junior has coke jaw )
Many psychiatric professionals have signed on to public letters under the heading of Duty to Warn.
It goes on. And on. And on. The man is nuttier than squirrel poop. And hes vicious.
(63,837 posts)No one seems to listen or care.
(19,402 posts)And it's filled with toadies and sycophants who are more than happy to tell him whatever he wants to hear and validate his delusions, in return for getting the things they want out of him (like huge tax breaks for the super rich).
He's easy to manipulate and getting easier all the time as he sinks further and further into the fog of dementia.
(57,596 posts)I've been telling everyone that "Civil War 2.0" won't be fought with bullets and bombs, but with keyboards and hackers and troll farms and conspiracy super-spreaders...
Not only has the new Civil War already started, we're steadily being pushed back.
Evolve Dammit
(20,001 posts)NoMoreRepugs
(10,964 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)
(94 posts)The felon is Hitler and Jim Jones 2.0
Will his followers drink the Kool aid? They have already in a sense.
(49,856 posts)He's really dumb, which on one hand blows my mind, but then I realize being dumb makes him the perfect tool for much smarter people.
Ping Tung
(1,641 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,208 posts)PatSeg
(49,856 posts)be afraid of. It is not just Putin. Vain and needy Donald is the perfect puppet for all the mega-rich corporations, authoritarian leaders, and wealthy people who just can't get enough money and power. Trump is the quintessential "useful idiot".
(97 posts)Grumpy Old Guy
(3,676 posts)
(9,859 posts)who very well knows his lies are lies.
Just Jerome
(148 posts)A shithouse rat !
(12,764 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,300 posts)strongermessage
(302 posts)claudette
(5,009 posts)Us it was apparent from day one of his political career in 2015 that he is insane
(3,058 posts)Henry203
(330 posts)in the first moratorium in November 1969.
(3,058 posts)bdamomma
(67,350 posts)that out now???? Read the Guardian article here: It is 4 years old but I think you find it eye opening
Title: Kremlin papers appear to show Putins plot to put Trump in White House
Wiz Imp
(3,672 posts)I think that is spot on.
From wikipedia:
God complex is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder and does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordFeers (DSM). The recognized diagnostic name for the behaviors associated with a god complex is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). A god complex may also be associated with mania or a superiority complex.
Many mental health professionals over the years have agreed with the diagnosis that Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Again from Wikipedia:
In my opinion, that describes Trump perfectly. How Can You Tell if Someone Has a God Complex/NPD?
In the study Disorders of Personality: DSM-IV-TM and Beyond (1996), Theodore Millon suggested five subtypes of NPD. Trump unquestionably belongs inn the first category.
Unprincipled narcissist
Deficient conscience; unscrupulous, amoral, disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive, arrogant, exploitive; a con artist and charlatan; dominating, contemptuous, vindictive.
The worst part of it is that his cult members have bought into his God Complex themselves and treat him as a "god". Unfortunately, the scale of Trump's hold on his cult members is so strong nobody has come up yet with a way to break it.
(3,565 posts)SocialDemocrat61
(3,479 posts)Martin Eden
(13,818 posts)His disturbing mental pathologies have been evident for many years.
(43 posts)I highly recommend the podcast Shrinking Trump, by a pair of psychiatrists. Very good.