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carrying AK 47s, its all over. Finito, If you want to throw me out of DU, Ill feel bad, but it needs to be said that were watching a bonfire of our Constitution right before our eyes, the main thrust of which is yet to come. And what are Dems doing about it - writing to complain about TFGs promise to lower the price of eggs. Fuck the price of eggs! Our country is dying here, right now. To act forcefully as time goes on will only become more difficult as he solidifies his fascist takeover!
Damn it, elected leaders, DO SOMETHING AND START IT SOON!

(2,368 posts)I cant begin to predict where we will be even a week from now. The destruction of the United States is happening with breathtaking speed.
(4,281 posts)usaf-vet
(7,239 posts)

(10,944 posts)DENVERPOPS
(10,683 posts)all I said a while back was: " Oh wow........ "A Sternly Worded Letter......."
"They" were all walking down the jungle path, swatting at mosquitoes, and were completely oblivious to the Herd of Charging Elephants....(pun intended)
(5,854 posts)Firestorm49
(4,281 posts)Hitorque
(254 posts)I don't know what else to say...
(3,041 posts)The Vietnam wars were ending and there was all this momentum to manufacture and distribute weapons of war.
SWAT teams didn't dress like Ninjas at the time but they sure upped their methods from friendly cop to invading troops.
Teams enter homes with as much restraint as home invasion perpetrators, just like Germany in the 40s.
So, this isn't new; it's just much worse this year and yes, elected leaders need to do much more.
At DU, you're working with a very diverse membership and not everyone is going to agree on tactics and solutions.
No large group of people ever agree, don't expect 100% agreement with your points but know that I agree with you and share your frustration.
I'm very active locally with progressive and Democratic party groups, I highly recommend making time for that where you are.
(4,281 posts)electric_blue68
(19,864 posts)And I was active in campaigns, or single issues, but paid attention to stuff.
(3,041 posts)I had a high school friend who got a little high and went up on his roof with a rifle or shotgun and SWAT was called out, I think the might have been in 1974-1976.
Check it out:
(19,864 posts)Several neighborhoods back for me seems that Henry Kissenger's mother lived right near by.
We knew he was visiting when we saw sharpshooters on the roofs! 😄
One was on the typical 6th floor roof. But the other - there was a one story building with a Supermarket, and a bank. That one was very obvious!
(33,142 posts)but sit in our comfy chairs, and wail on the internet, we deserve exactly what we have. Hell, we deserve it anyway. We've been watching the progression for decades, and doing nothing but what we're seeing right now. The GOP has worked very hard, with untold assets to reach this pinnacle. Congrats to all.
(19,864 posts)Screw it!!!!!

(10,683 posts)Right on Target........................
(3,968 posts)This is real.
You are not alone
(6,625 posts)This is Nazism 2.0.
(19,864 posts)sop
(12,432 posts)I can envision Trump ordering Hegseth to run over protesters outside the White House with Tanks.
(979 posts)Firestorm49
(4,281 posts)uponit7771
(92,347 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,201 posts)I truly believe he'll get his wish this time around. I'm sure he thinks that killing a few hundred people will keep the rest of the country in line.
(10,944 posts)Erdogan's security assaulted reporters in DC, and the charges were dropped
That's what they want to do here.
(19,864 posts)DENVERPOPS
(10,683 posts)was the Insurrectionists actually KILLED AND MAIMED Police officers, and he pardoned them, AND RELEASED THEM BACK INTO SOCIETY TO REEK REVENGE.......
Wingus Dingus
(8,575 posts)grabbed off the streets and placed into white vans.
(2,818 posts)By the FBI and were pressed to name names of their fellow protesters.
Usually they were released by the next day since it was essentially a false arrest.
(10,683 posts)were in full battle gear with absolutely no markings of who they were or to what group they belonged..
Rumors were that they were brought up special from the Border Patrol.........
(3,041 posts)FoxNewsSucks
(10,944 posts)Bluethroughu
(6,753 posts)For the love of country! NO WORK, NO BUY, NO PAY BILLS until this regime resigns and this includes the complicit Republicans!
Nobody gets hurt, when everyone stays home!
We feed eachother, and care for eachother!
Hospital with critical care are the exception.
Otherwise shut it down! Organize in our communities, the military should stand down against this vile unconstitutional coup!
(2,664 posts)No work and you get fired. Don't pay bills and you just get charged late fees, followed by your credit rating being ruined. So who gets hurt there?
Simply staying home and not shopping at all would be sufficient if we got all Dems to do it, but good luck with that. Even 3000 doing it in a country this size would not even be a drop in the bucket of the economy. And a buying revolt of the size needed would take months to coordinate, not a couple of weeks.
We do have the power to change what is happening, the problem is this country is just too %^&* big for citizens to coalesce to do anything. Isnt that why we elect representatives?
(10,683 posts)resistance, but if any think that it will affect the Corporations, it will not.........The effect to the corporations will be minimal.
Hell if they all lost total revenue for a day, it wouldn't come near the amount of money they have received in tax cuts by Trump, with the promise of more to come.........
I always enjoyed lists of Corporations to Target...........the list became so immense, that many finally realized it was ALL the corporations, and if you didn't buy from any Right Wing/Religious corporation, you wouldn't be able to buy anything.....LOL
The Dem Politicians should have gone all out in a revolt in 2010 when the USSC backed the Republicans with
The Dem Politicians should have gone all in on the blatant 2000 election, or the 2004 election, or the 2016 election, etc etc etc
As I have said countless times, the perfect title for a book about the past 45+ years would be:
WE need lots of people to participate. Is there a call for a general strike Feb 14th on other platforms/organizations?
(2,593 posts)johnnyplankton
(477 posts)CaptainTruth
(7,392 posts)Where are the huge protests in the streets? Protests at government offices? Protests at Tesla dealers?
Yes, we need government action, as much as a minority (in government) party can do. It's necessary but not sufficient. This isn't business as usual where the government can save us, WE ARE AT WAR with domestic enemies & we all damn well better realize it & start fighting like it or our country will be destroyed.
We need massive civil action, protests, by all of us.
And call &/or write to members of Congress EVERY DAY. Refuse to be ignored!
I'm gathering info on ways to protest, especially Musk, I'll post it here when I finish it.
(10,683 posts)are just waiting for us to revolt/protest so he can have cause to enact the "insurrection" clause and bring in the entire military......
(62 posts)Stay at home and don't buy, work, drive. Workers can say they were not feeling well if they are in fear of losing their jobs. Go back to work after a few days if the threat of losing your job is there, but still refrain from extra buying, diving, etc., except for essentials.
Lulu KC
(6,537 posts)All kinds of protest info that's been going on for days and will continue. All over the country! Freeways blocked in LA and a demonstration in Pittsburg, KS. It's happening. It's not on the front page of MSM but it's there.
(35,742 posts)
(4,281 posts)relayerbob
(7,094 posts)Hotler
(12,636 posts)yellow dahlia
(1,203 posts)Senators and my rep in Congress.
Some Senators will take emails/communications on their website from citizens from other states. So far, I emailed Blunt Rochester, Cantwell, Gallego, Gillibrand, Hickenlooper, Slotkin. I started with them because they voted to confirm Bessent. I contend that Bessent took and oath and then broke it by giving Musk access to the systems at Treasury.
I share your sense of alarm. I have been warning that this was going to happen. I'm jumping up and down and screaming in any way I can. I am going to do all I can to protect our Democracy.
(19,864 posts)I've been e mailing Schumer bc he is my Sen so I feel I can represent for us DU'rs on a larger scale . It's one thing I can do. Calling, too, even if leaving a message.
If you caught any of the Dems press event in front of USAID today - one of The Senators said that their phonelines were burning up.
Their staff pays attention, and alerts them.
Maybe I'll e mail some of the others you mentioned.
(3,910 posts)Started Sunday and continued overnight has a big story on it if you cant see the LinkedIn link.
(224 posts)LPBBEAR
(450 posts)I wouldn't advocate for your removal from this forum at all. You're absolutely right.
This didn't just start with Trump's recent election. It's been planned since 2020 when the ahole lost.
Its not an accident that Musk purchased Twitter, he was in on it from the start with Trump. None of this is spontaneous.
I'm sorry to say our "leaders" won't do enough fast enough to stop this. This is going to lead to Civil War. After Trump and his goons get done with this first phase they will start coming after sites like this to shut down our ability to communicate because our ability to communicate threatens their survival. They'll buy us out, use pressure on ISP's to shut us down, use the power of corrupted government agencies to threaten the good people who run sites like this....whatever they think they can do or get away to stifle the ability of the public to protest and communicate they will do.
It's coming people. No way around it we're going to have to fight.
It's obvious most of our Democrat leaders haven't figured this out yet. Most of them are still in the "Roberts Rules Of Order" mode of thinking that their positions in Congress have any power. They still think getting up and making flowery speeches will accomplish something. It won't. This government and country will have to be taken back by force. All the prepetraitors (misspelled on purpose) will have to be dragged from positions of power and imprisoned for life. Some will deserve the death penalty. Their companies will have to be broken up and sold with the proceeds going to pay back citizens and the US Government for the damages these people are causing. Lists of names of those who collaborated and facilitated in this coup will have to be gathered and they will need to also be imprisoned. Any and all Judges, Congress people, their aides etc who assisted in this will have to be removed from office and imprisoned for their cooperation with this coup. Basically purge all these traitors from our society and put them where they belong....prison.
You may think I'm overly dramatic here or too extreme. Sorry, wake up, we're in the middle of a coup. We're losing our country and rights to people who want to remake them in the Putin and Orban image of the countries they currently rule. Dictatorships. I, for one, wasn't born in a dictatorship and don't want to die in one.
Most of you probably don't remember this but in July last Summer after the attempt on Trump's life some of you were whining about how we Democrats and Progressives should be condemning that failed attempt. After all, we're better than that. They may go low but we always go high blah blah blah.
I posted in response something along the lines of "By this time next year some of you may wish he had better aim".
Its been less than the year I predicted.
Now that our country is being destroyed by this ya all feeling about that guys ability to aim now?
(10,944 posts)it's just that they finally got to the point where they can act openly because they believe they can't be stopped.
They're probably not wrong.
(7,271 posts)I wish there were a list of our elected leaders we're allowed to criticize before they leave the party. Especially, when it's obvious they don't support Democrats. Gabbard. Sinema. Lieberman...
(25,565 posts)just a thought we own these buildings ..............we really do...............and not some high school punks ...............
(7,667 posts)It's too easy to jump to conclusions, especially in these tense times. We need facts, not speculation.
(4,712 posts)50501 protest. I'm thinking a trip to the capital the following day to join in the protest would be a good birthday present to myself. As for what you say in your OP, I understand and worry about it.
I'm assuming that from now on, all those Dem's and other left-leaners who can will carry, as well. Be good to let them see we are not afraid to carry our arms in front of them, as they prance around with theirs. JMO
Response to Firestorm49 (Original post)
chia This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,934 posts)Oldsters and women can't turn this around on their own.