Today's Tiedrich rant: evil Republican shitweasels set conditions on California aid

way back in the dark ages, when a state experienced a natural disaster, pretty much everyone in the federal government pitched in to help, no questions asked.
in 2020, Louisiana got the shit flattened out of it by two hurricanes, Laura and Delta. nobody blamed then-Governor John Bel Edwards for letting it happen. nobody accused him of having magical hurricane-stopping technology that he was refusing to employ. then, in 2021, Hurricane Ida swept through Louisiana. nobody demanded to know why the fuck Louisiana couldnt get its act together. what did happen after the three hurricanes is that
the federal government approved a $1.7 billion aid package for Louisiana.
just four months ago, in September 2024, Hurricane Francine ravaged Louisiana. nobody claimed it was current Governor Jeff Landrys own fault, and nobody suggested that disaster relief be withheld until Landry agreed to a ludicrous list of demands. what did happen was that
Congress swiftly approved $65 million in aid.
now lets check out Louisianas own
Holy Mike Johnson, that feckless poltroon currently cosplaying as the House Speaker. Alexa, show me what the opposite of leadership looks like.
... I think there should be conditions on that aid.
that was Holy Mikes answer to CNN's Manu Raju, when asked if hed be putting conditions on an aid package to wildfire-devastated California.
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"Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."