Where Have All The Doctors Gone? Read It and Weep
Read It and Weep, Where Have All the Doctors Gone? Daily Kos, Jan. 14, 2025. Ed.
The AARP Bulletin has a article this month by Howard Zucker that makes me want to tear something up and scream. It documents the bad trends in our the number of doctors in our nation and how they are used and treated. Short summary: our system is screwed and so are we, and it is only going to get worse, assuming no changes and there is little reason to expect any. Here is the link, although you may have to register: Where have all the doctors gone? Some key excerpts:
The backbone of our health care system, private practice, is on the brink of collapse, warns Clarel Antoine, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York Citys NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
As a result, the nearly 70 million Americans on Medicare, many with chronic conditions, can expect longer waiting times for medical care.
Why dont we have enough doctors? In 1980, a U.S. government report concluded that American teaching hospitals were graduating too many medical students. It predicted a surplus of 70,000 physicians by 1990, an alarming statistic. In response, medical schools established what became a 25-year moratorium on increasing class size, enforced by the AAMC and the American Medical Association (AMA). Yet there was a significant flaw to that initial report: It failed to account for the nations rising population, which is now 110 million more than it was 45 years ago.
And how are they forced to use their time? In reporting this story, I spoke with dozens of physicians, the vast majority of whom vented their frustrations with the current state of medicine. But just as tellingly, almost all of them also refused to talk to me on the record, fearing that speaking out could cost them their jobs. Part of whats driving this is the growing trend of private equity firms and corporations, such as CVS Health and Amazon, purchasing hospitals and private practices. One major medical group, with about 90,000 doctors in some 2,000 locations across the country, has spent billions of dollars acquiring physician-owned practices, home health centers and surgical centers.
This past April, the Physician Advocacy Institute reported that just shy of 80% of all doctors were employed by hospitals or corporations, up 200% in just over 10 years. Typically, when for-profit firms acquire practices, they approach these acquisitions utilizing a profit-based strategy. What does that look like? The doctors I spoke with off the record explained that corporate entities now govern their allotted time with patients, often allowing just 15 minutes per visit, a situation that isnt healthy for either the doctor or the patient. They control every aspect of a doctors professional life, and its all about the money, one doctor told me...

Bread and Circuses
(480 posts)In 1997, a consortium including the American Medical Association (AMA),
the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Amer-
ican Osteopathic Association, the National Medical Asso-
ciation, and the Association of Academic Health Centers
issued a consensus statement that there was compelling
evidence that the United States is on the verge of a serious
oversupply of physicians.
(43,402 posts)The amjmed link doesn't work - error.
(37,568 posts)But hyperlinking text works.
Try clicking here
(43,402 posts)no_hypocrisy
(50,151 posts)He had a sizable clientele of Medicare patients and likely kept many of them alive and viable compared to the 1950's when he started his practice.
He could not have practiced medicine on his terms in today's world. He would schedule patients 15 minutes apart but would often consult with them for 30 minutes or more. He'd ask them about what they ate, if they drank, if they smoked/if they quit smoking, if they exercised, if they had stress, if their marriages were going well, if they had any children, if they had pets, their lifestyle, etc. He believed he could only properly treat them if he had a better idea of each patient.
My father made house calls in the middle of the night, often accompanying his patients to the Emergency Room.
He would indulge the pharmaceutical representatives who visited but would not push their latest products arbitrarily on his patients. Instead, he'd keep the samples and give them out to patients who didn't want to purchase a prescription without first seeing if there were side effects.
And I know this is hard to believe, but there were several patients who were widows or just not doing well financially. Dad would bill them, but he told his bookkeeper to tear up the invoices. And his bookkeeper would yell at him and he'd continue.
There is no way in Hell that my father would be able to practice medicine his best way under the constraint of corporate overlords today. The latter has killed the practice of healing and medical treatment.
(34,834 posts)Seem to listen to me and less likely send me to a specialist. Also NPs and PAs.
(43,402 posts)Snoopy 7
(614 posts)This story is no different than the teachers, military, science and many more logic based studies. Don't forget the gop leader, trump loved to say he loves the uneducated (https://www.amazon.com/Love-Poorly-Educated-Trump-T-Shirt/dp/B07L56J7QN?customId=B0752XJYNL&customizationToken=MC_Assembly_1%23B0752XJYNL&th=1). The trump followers we the down trodden who feel the educated employment jobs are leaving them behind. Remember jobs are moving into computers and that takes an education. All this also comes up with hating the "immigrants" because the jobs left over are the ones that don't take a higher education level. This is how they can attack the Doctors after all they have a doctorate degree, something they will never accomplish.
(36,608 posts)Longer wait times are to their benefit.
Lulu KC
(6,705 posts)I knew about the PE firms and the rest, but had no idea about the poorly timed moratorium on increasing #s of graduates. Unbelievable!
Thanks for posting.