The GOP attack on the safety net and middle-class programs begins to take shape
No one can be surprised that Republicans are hoping to exploit their Washington trifecta the White House and majority control of the House and Senate by implementing vast federal budget cuts in order to save their 2017 tax cuts from expiration.
Now were beginning to see some meat on the bare bones of GOP policies, thanks to a menu of fiscal policy reforms recently leaked to Politico.
The one-page document, which Politico reports was produced by the House Budget Committee chaired by Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), lists dozens of cutbacks adding up to supposed savings of as much as $5.7 trillion over 10 years.
The primary near-term goal appears to be staving off the expiration next year of the 2017 tax cuts, which disproportionately benefited corporations and the wealthy.

(50,083 posts)Make new tax cuts. At the expiration of each term of tax cuts, enact a new term of tax cuts (indefinitely) and cut more money from safety net and middle-class programs until the programs are useless.
(6,524 posts)On the Chopping block - unbelievable
Prevention Public Health Fund - funds vaccination activities, preventive healthcare initiatives
o Site Neutral $146B
o Uncompensated Care $229B
o Bad Debt $42B
o BCA Mandatory Sequester Extension - $62B
o Per Capita Caps - up to $918B
o Equalize Medicaid Payments for Able Bodied Adults - up to $690Bo Limit Medicaid Provider Taxes - $175B
o Lower FMAP Floor - $387B
o Special FMAP Treatment for DC $8B
o Repeal American Rescue Plan FMAP Incentive $18B
o Medicaid Work Requirements - $120B
o Recapture Excess Premium Tax Credit $46B
o Limit Health Program Eligibility Based on Citizenship Status
- $35Bo Repeal the Prevention Public Health Fund $15B
o Appropriate Cost Sharing Reductions - $55B
o Reinstate the Trump-era Public Charge Rule -- $15B
o Reduce TANF by 10 Percent $15B
o Eliminate the TANF Contingency Fund -- $6B
o Reform the Thrifty Food Plan -- up to $274B
o Eliminate the Social Services Block Grant $15B
o SNAP Reforms $22B
o Discontinue the Green New Deal Provisions in the 2021 Infrastructure Bill $300Bo Repeal EV Mandate $112B
o Repeal IRA green energy grant s $56B
7. OTHER: ($917B-$1T)
o End the Student Loan Bailout $200-330B
o Rescind all Unspent COVID Money $11B
o Auction Spectrum $60 billion
o Repeal Orderly Liquidation Authority $22 billion
o Increase FERS Contributions $45 billion
o Other federal employee benefit reforms $32 billion
o Restrict emergency spending to recent average$500B
o Eliminate the TSP G Fund Subsidy $47B
o Green energy tax credits $200 - $500B, depending on political viability
o SSN CTC Requirement $27B
(6,524 posts)Corporate welfare
(1,512 posts)So sick of being ripped off by these monsters.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,079 posts)Here in California we are beginning to see their plans for us. They couldn't legitimately win most of the elections so they are going to force us to adopt Repug policies, using whatever strong arm tactics are available, e.g., withholding emergency aid for the devastating wildfires that are still burning
Never let a good emergency go to waste.
If the government won't help us in the way they have the red states on the East Coast -- with no conditions -- Californians should redirect the money they would have paid in taxes this year to use toward disaster clean up.
The thing that's most galling is their gloating: "They deserved it." "Serves them right because of their damned woke policies." "Real Americans shouldn't have to pay for their mistakes."
And Felon47 hasn't even been sworn in yet. It's going to be so nice to finally have a leader who knows how to get along with state and the leaders of other countries -- by making up nasty childhood names.
Just. Fucking. Die.
(19 posts)Shocking. Hard to believe.
(16,818 posts)It's his opinion piece. He and Steve Lopez are two of the reasons I still subscribe to the paper.
(2,857 posts)
Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX)
...but underneath:

(23,856 posts)than their own homes .
(11,157 posts)What do we have to do? Have two separate governments to serve Democrats and Republicans?
Call us The Ununited States of America? Or just The States of America?
Or The Democratic People? and The Republican People?
This kind of government has got to end. It's too savage under Republican rule.
Robbing from the poor to give to the rich. Something's got to give! But what?
Somebody's going to have to take up the slack. Churches? The Democratic Party? We can't
let the misfortunate just drop dead or be turned into criminals to survive. Food Pantries can
become Food Pantry Warehouses, which could include clothing, both from donations from the
communities. Who can help with their utilities? Foundations? What is the evil party going to do
to their housing?
I hope some kind person(s) in high places are thinking about these questions, because I think
the shite is getting ready to hit the giant proverbial fan.
(1,116 posts)The MAGA Republicans want to cut federal programs and "save money" by throwing the sick, the hungry, the disabled, and the elderly out in the streets. If they really wanted to save money, they would support Medicare For All. If we had Universal Health Care/Medicare For All we would save an estimated $450 billion dollars a year (this information is from an article in the Lancet from back in February of 2020. I do not immediately have a link.).
If the MAGA Republicans are serious about saving money, they would support Medicare For All. It would also save an estimated 68,000 lives a year and vastly improve the health and quality of life of all Americans. The billionaire oligarchs have all the money in the world but apparently they want more, and at the expense of the American people. They really need to be stopped.
(27,342 posts)The only thing that's trickled has them pissing all over the rest of us as they haven't increased the worker's pay or benefits to improve more Americans lives, in fact they've done the exact opposite plus they've offshored millions of jobs.
So I say fuck them!!
(2,857 posts)
(7,114 posts)But, I do have to say, that is the cleanest, most sterile image of the homeless and destitute I have ever seen. It almost looks like a fun day in the city, as opposed to the suffering and horrors of being homeless and alone on the streets. I am not complaining about the choice, just saying what I thought when I saw it.
(2,857 posts)

(1,189 posts)When you take away hope from the lower classes, and healthcare, food assistance, health insurance subsidies, deport a huge part of the labor market who fill lower wage jobs, to give more to the most wealthy the billionaires, you are going to create a large number of desperate people, that will increase crime, violence, sickness, and widen the wealth gap.
I have a feeling a large part of Trump's base thought these things would only happen to other people i.e. illegal immigrants, but the FAFO crowd along with the rest of us are going to see a lot of suffering first hand, plus throw tariffs and bad economic policy on top of that and even those of us with a means to survive the worst of this are going to feel the pain of the consequences from this election
This is not the America that I was raised to believe in, this is not what Christian values look like, this is shaping up to resemble pre-revolution France where the little people aren't even going to be able to afford to eat cake.
(16,818 posts)with a lack of meaningful accountability. What could go wrong?
(1,512 posts)The slaughter of rich people may be the only way to stop the monsters.