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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsWhat was something you were really , really into as a kid. Anything-toy, book. song, TV show,,
Mine was Barbie. and jump rope

(107,628 posts)talking to and admiring the hunting dogs (Yogi the Weimaraner and Trouble the German Short-Haired Pointer) through their kennels--even as a toddler.
The neighbor's cat got my attention too, but it was ALWAYS the dogs that were an obsession for me.
(41,535 posts)
(1,648 posts)I was an amateur magician in junior high and high school.
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(1,648 posts)
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(24,906 posts)I lived in a housing tract in the 60s where a bike represented freedom and mobility to me. Many of my friends lived a few blocks away and while walkable, it was a few minutes on my bike.
(41,535 posts)with the wind in your face. Oh I so remember it . Thank you for bringing those memories back to me.
(24,906 posts)We didn't need any helmets, either.
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(63,063 posts)If it was on mainstream TV, late 60s onward, I probably watched it.
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(23,993 posts)

(41,535 posts)
(595 posts)Baseball.
(10,432 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,385 posts)When 8 or 9 years old, practically every kid thought he'd be a major leaguer!
A cousin of mine, that did make the majors, disabused me of that notion.
I was ok, but when he was 10 (same as me), was moved up to playing with 11 & 12 year-olds, and hit .840 for the season.
I think we all realized that this was how good someone needed to be to make the majors. Our dreams of the majors became "just have fun".
(41,535 posts)
(35,714 posts)My mother bought me pads of blank paper from Woolworths and Id fill up one every couple days.
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(35,714 posts)Id love to see what youve done.
(41,535 posts)see what this one does,
When I was twelve I rebelled against playing the piano. My teacher urged me to try the organ instead. I could barely reach the pedals but soon became really in love with it. I have been playing for 63 years, and am still in love with it.
(41,535 posts)
(655 posts)Mine was Chatty Cathy, Betsy Wetsy, Barbie, books, playing cops & robbers and cowboys & indians, jump rope, riding my bike, my Kodak instamatic camera, and my dog (who posed for the camera), and watching Popeye and Captain Kangaroo on TV.
I also loved the birthday parties, holiday celebrations, and school carnivals that were common in the 1960s (at least on Air Force bases).
(41,535 posts)
(9,320 posts)debm55
(41,535 posts)
(9,848 posts)(Don't tell anyone, but I'm still into them.)
(41,535 posts)made clothing, When I was in college , my mother gave all of my Barbies and clothes to my cousin , without asking me. I was very hurt. Later as an adult and had the money , HSN or QVC would sell these designer Barbies. themed around movies. time periods, etc. I even joined the Barbie club and had the Macky Barbies and Birds of Fantasy Barbies. I was obsessed with them. Went to Ebay and found the dream house and the original Barbie,But I kept them in the box, It wasn't the same. I took all the boxed ones to Children's Hospital and the Center for Abused Children, I even had all the Christmas Barbies, But it felt good as I was an abused child, Still am.
(9,848 posts)one of these days. But I have sooooooooo many more.
I am so sorry to hear about your abuse. I hope things have gotten better for you as you've gotten older.
(10,077 posts)If you're willing to part with them, I'm looking for the following unboxed but in nice condition:
1980 Western Barbie #1757
1981 Pink & Pretty Barbie #3354
1982 Angel Face Barbie #5640
1983 Great Shape Barbie #7025
1983 Loving You Barbie #7072
1984 Crystal Barbie #4598
Here's a small peak of what I have.

My horn.
My friends.
Sci-fi books.
Star Blazers
(41,535 posts)
(6,327 posts)I had a few dozen of them, and spent many, many hours playing with my fellow wargame-loving friends. I still have a few of my old worn favorites that I break out on very rare occasion, when I can find someone to play with.
(7,567 posts)And Feudal, but can't find anyone to play it with.
(6,327 posts)But I can definitely relate to the challenge of finding people to play with. These games all have a pretty high learning curve, and can often take a long time to play. It's certainly a big commitment to make during this era of short attention span and immediate gratification. My younger friends want no part of it!
(7,567 posts)
Acquire is sort of like Monopoly. You build hotel chains and create mergers.

In Feudal, the pieces move like Chess. The big difference is that when it is your turn, you can move all your pieces.
(6,327 posts)Feudal looks familiar to me, the box does, but I don't remember ever playing it. It does look like it could be interesting though. I did a quick search and found this review video...
I kind of like it! The guy in the video does a pretty good job making up his own solo rules. There are probably some other solo rules online somewhere that others are playing by too, but I haven't searched for that. It seems to be designed as a 4-player game, but I would guess that a 2-player variation wouldn't be that had to come up with.
I think I'll try to pick up a game somewhere, which will probably be much easier than finding three other people to play it with in person.

Thanks for the recommendation!

(41,535 posts)
Solly Mack
(93,705 posts)Didn't matter, read them all.
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(68,958 posts)I dont collect the toys, or keep a library full of Star Wars novels. I dont do Star Wars conventions or cosplay.
I just watch the movies and TV shows and enjoy them.
That will never change.
(41,535 posts)
I was just hooked on space travel, astronaut toys. spaceships and such.
My favorite was Major Matt Mason and their stuff.
(40,891 posts)Most have visitor centers which are akin to Disney World for those who appreciate their work. Like me. NASA is my favorite government agency.
(46,980 posts)I missed seeing the Enterprise though.
(41,535 posts)astronaut?
(46,980 posts)
Seriously, I did want to do it, but knew I couldn't.
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(40,891 posts)My older brother had a mono record player. I wore it out. I still dance like nobodys watching.
I also cherished my bike for the freedom it provided.
(41,535 posts)Also loved my bike--needed to get away from the house and it gave me that freedom.
and I did get them🙂
(41,535 posts)
(7,779 posts)And the Little House on the Prairie books. I still like historical fiction.
(41,535 posts)
and reading
(41,535 posts)one until SO and I went to ND.
(124,263 posts)a girl with long hair. My mom wouldn't allow me long hair (she did only once til i was 12 or 13 and could make up my own mind, and it lasted for less than a year). My sister had long hair. My mom's hair was long and curly as a child and she cut it off when the went to university at 16 and loved it so I got the same cut as her without any say because mine was curly too. My sister had bone straight hair. I sometimes would put a towel on my head to feign long hair. I wore it to dinner one night. I wore it to watch TV with the family another. I would flip the towel back over my shoulders as if it was hair. I remember in grade one our teacher got us to squggle all over the paper and then colour in the different squigglies like it was stained glass. I of course took the opportunity to put a princess in there with long hair and I think flowers in her hair like Heidi. My teacher saw through my ruse. I got scolded for not following the rules. My mother took my and my twin brother's pastel/crayon work and put them up at the cottage where I could look at me going wild and my brother following the rules for the next 45 years. His was a nice picture. Mine not so much.
(41,535 posts)
(7,567 posts)Saturday morning was Heaven.
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(39,224 posts)I couldn't afford the relatively safe Estes rocket kits and engines so I learned to make my own.
It could have ended badly.
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(3,697 posts)I didnt get hurt playing ball. Now at 65 Im just a huge baseball fan, and love attending games. I take my hubby in his wheelchair and we always have a great time. MLB accommodates disabled fans pretty well these days. How long till opening day???
(41,535 posts)
(168 posts)My grandma taught me and sometimes we would sit together on the piano bench and play duets. It set me up for a life long love of playing music. I still play piano, but also acoustic guitar, fiddle, and acoustic bass. I loved riding my bike alone or with friends and playing card games with my family. I liked reading the Ginny Gordon mystery books. You post such good questions, Deb. Fun thinking back and remembering. 😊
(41,535 posts)
(25,183 posts)Rode the bike everywhere.
Had a grey tabby cat, Smokey. Poor kitty. I dressed him up in doll clothes and put him in a doll buggy to go for a walk. He leaped out and ran off in a doll dress. Fortunately, he did not hold a grudge against me for that. He used to follow me around outdoors, even down to the corner mom and pop store and back.
Books - read everything, from adventure stories to kids' detective books, kids' joke books, nature stories. Got a book for Christmas one year that was called 365 Bedtime Stories for Children. One short story per page. Our encyclopedia set had 10 separate books that came with it, on topics like poetry, history, myths and legends, etc.
Rocks and shells -- I grew up on Lake Erie and collected mussel shells (look like clam shells), colorful beach glass, and tiny spiral shells. The spiral shells were not native to the area. They were in sand that was hauled in as fill for beach erosion at the Lake's state park. Collected fossils in the creek bed at my grandfather's farm, along with the shale and slate rocks that they were embedded in.
Languages -- my grandmother's sister lived with our family. She came to the US as a child when her family immigrated from Germany. She was fluent in English, but spoke German with old friends when they visited. We had neighbors who were immigrants from Italy, so I heard them speaking Italian in their yard or on their porch in summer. Picked up some cuss words in German and Italian and thought it was fun to get away with using them around people who did not know what I was saying.
Picked up a few Yiddish words from my widower grandfather's significant other. Learned a few Polish words from an older cousin's wife, whose parents were from Poland.
Read the front section of our big dictionary where it told about languages and language families. I think I was the only kid in grade school who knew the branches of the Indo-European language family, and the language family groupings of Native American cultures. So of course as an adult I majored in a foreign language and minored in anthropology.
(41,535 posts)would use them on bullies in the area. I read every night before I went to sleep. Nancy Drew was my thing. Thank you for sharing with us.
(25,183 posts)book for my birthday one year and got hooked on the Belden series. A girl across the street had some Trixie Belden books, too, so my sister and I traded them back and forth with her. We kept looking around the neighborhood for mysteries to solve. LOL.
In the books, Trixie's best friend was Honey Wheeler. They lived in eastern NY state. Years later, doing genealogy, I discovered Wheelers and Beldens from New England and eastern NY in my family tree. The friend from across the street discovered that her family traced back to one of the women who was executed at Salem for witchcraft. Her ancestors and mine probably knew each other.
(41,535 posts)
(25,183 posts)debm55
(41,535 posts)
Ocelot II
(122,649 posts)Also maps, which I found fascinating. Any kind of animal. Wasnt the least bit interested in dolls, which I thought were stupid and boring.
(41,535 posts)as I could design and make clothing for her.
Paper Roses
(7,526 posts)I had to bike to get there, in fact, we biked everywhere. Reading was my best pastime, no computers back then.
Those were the days of 'test pasterns' on TV. Friday was a special day for us, "I Remember Mama" was on at 8PM.
(41,535 posts)town and I too would read the Nancy Drew Books. Loved them.
(465 posts)Sixty yrs on.
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The Madcap
(852 posts)Watched tons of baseball, played it, and played the Avalon Hill (?) game Statis-pro baseball (keeping stats on notebook paper). Played lots of table hockey with my brothers.
(41,535 posts)book of stats on the players. We also had an air hockey table. Loved it. Got one for my son when he was younger. Found a puck last
year have no idea where the table is,
The Madcap
(852 posts)It unfortunately had a tendency to sag at the center due to its fairly large "ice" surface. I spent many hours playing that game.
(41,535 posts)
(24,478 posts)We loved making things, from realistic looking roaches to mini cakes - all were so much fun. My sister took the Creepy Critters thing too far when she put 2 roaches in mom's purse and it got taken away for awhile.
We also took mom's pattern books and cut out the women to make paper dolls and played with them a lot!
Climbing trees was also a joy, we had 2 pecan trees which were great for climbing and I could use the excuse that needed to get some out of the top of the tree that didn't come down when we shook it.
(41,535 posts)
Midnight Writer
(23,387 posts)I could read before I started school (thanks, older siblings who were patient enough to sit with me, read aloud, and show me the words so I could follow along) and I would read anything.
I read the classics, the Bible, the complete plays of Shakespeare, loads of science fiction and fantasy, comic books, magazines, newspapers, manuals, catalogs. I would go to the public library and spend the whole day there, often picking books at random and reading them. I would read through a set of encyclopedias from A to Z.
Now I am an old codger, retired and single, with plenty of time, and I still can't read enough. I spend probably 66% of my waking hours reading. I think of it as "input" and it is pretty much a compulsive behavior. I can't get enough, and there is so much more out there.
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(12,359 posts)I also really liked Leave it to Beaver. It was my favorite show until I was, like, 15.
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(2,704 posts)

(41,535 posts)Haven't seen those in a long time.
(17,861 posts)debm55
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(1,394 posts)Little Lulu, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Superman, Katy Keene, Mad magazine, Children's Digest.
I'd roller skate over to the corner candy store, buy some Musketeer bars or Pez (wish I'd kept those dispensers!) and browse across wall-to-wall comics, magazines and pocket novels.
(41,535 posts)know if we kept all the comic books, etc. We would be rich. Who knew.
(15,042 posts)debm55
(41,535 posts)
(2,581 posts)I couldnt get enough books to read! Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Donna Parker, Trixie Belden, Cherry Ames and more. We had the Arrow Book Club at school and Id always have a bag full of books to read on delivery day. There were two books that I remembered from Arrow, The Janitors Girl and Seaview Secret - so I searched for them online a few years ago and bought a copy of each so I could read them again. I also enjoyed Encyclopedia Brown! I started buying Nancy Drew books several years ago to re-read. A nice little walk down memory lane!
(41,535 posts)recycle book store whe have around here.
(2,112 posts)In Seattle in the 1950s, the only major league sport we had was the yearly hydroplane race on Lake Washington.
So we kids would make little hydros out of scrap lumber and race them, year round, rain or shine, behind our bicycles.
(41,535 posts)
(7,042 posts)And, horror, specifically Stephen King.
Also Matchbox, Hot Wheels, and Johnny Lightning cars. I still have most of them.
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(7,248 posts)I read them over and over.
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(465 posts)I was 4 or 5 and had a Zorro hat, mask, plastic rapier, and cape.
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Different Drummer
(8,954 posts)I read encyclopedias (World Book was what we had at home) and phone directories. I also read The American Heritage Dictionary, which was a gift from my paternal grandmother.
Another thing I did was collect baseball cards. I started collecting in 1969 and remember the first two I got out of my first pack--Tommy Reynolds (Oakland Athletics outfielder) and Lowell Palmer (Philadelphia Phillies pitcher). I spent many hours studying the information on them. My maternal grandfather used to play a game with me regarding my baseball cards. He would take them from me and then call out a name from a card. I was to tell him the team(s) associated with the name he called out. Not to brag, but I did quite well with that game.
(41,535 posts)came at school during recess. You would flip your cards against the building. If it landed on a card/cards you picked them up as they were yours. My game wasn't as hard as your game.
(43,847 posts)debm55
(41,535 posts)teacher.
(43,847 posts)debm55
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(39 posts)Snorkeling. 50 years later still go out and do it.
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(11,498 posts)Star Trek (the original series...that's all that was on back then)
Magic tricks and magicians (I could tell you the difference between Robert-Houdin and Harry Houdini, and what year William Ellsworth Robinson was killed attempting the bullet catch trick)
The Mad Scientists' Club books, then later classic Sci Fi
Yes, I was/am a hopeless nerd.
(41,535 posts)
(19,787 posts)wooden train sets.
This was very early 1960s. I loved changing up the layouts, though I didn't have a ton of the various tracks.
When I visited by invitation my aunt & uncle who moved to Switzerland (and the house some of my cousins grew up in) my uncle w one of his grandkids had the same/similar train set, and a much bigger layout! I almost squeeed! 😄 🥰
One thing I've been thinking off & on for decades 😄 is buying a set of Tinker toys. I had the big set as a kid.
I did rebuy Legos as an adult! 🥰
One thing I never had but want is (have looked on line occasionally) a rebuildable marble run! 🥰 What fun!!!
(41,535 posts)WalMart. After a couple of years I had the class use walls in the cafeteria and use TP tubes and Paper towel tubes. and tape. They broke into groups of 4 and made their runs. It was great. Kids were very creative. If I get the magazine again , I will post it.
(22,988 posts)Reading was really it for me!!! Began when I was 5 and has never stopped. The Christmas I was in first grade, the first 3 Bobbsey Twins books were under the tree for me. This was in 1954 and were the original versions, not the watered down and simplified ones that came along later. I dived into the first one and barely came up for air the rest of Christmas vacation. I think I got my last doll at age 8, which was the Revlon Doll and my mom made her some gorgeous dresses. She was the first fashion model doll and much larger than Barbie, also more realistic looking. I read somewhere that Lauren Hutton was the model for her.
Anyway I really never wanted anything other than books until I got old enough to be interested in clothes.
There were lots of things I enjoyed and would do whenever I had an opportunity (like cartoons on TV or wading in the creek with friends) but nothing ever topped a good book.
(41,535 posts)