Related: About this forumTrump: Romney Shouldn’t Turn Over Tax Records Until Obama Turns Over College Records think its worth considering. Mitt: show us yours first and then find a court anywhere in the US that would not accept the Presidents native birth documentation.

(5,420 posts)It doesn't matter what Obama turns in, they will try to find something else to demand.
Then run back to birth certificate to try to rouse up the meatheads.
marble falls
(63,132 posts)Cirque du So-What
(27,791 posts)tRump can go pound sand. He should be on everyone's Pay-No-Mind List.
(44,895 posts)Panasonic
(2,921 posts)I am not seeing this image in your signature:
(44,895 posts)It's an MP3 file!
Above my signature, you should see a standard DU smiley.
marble falls
(63,132 posts)C_U_L8R
(46,182 posts)are republicans mentally deficient or what??
WTF is with the silly stupid childish games they insist on playing???
Are they 4 year olds?
Just show you goddamn taxes Romney or go away.
If you don't commit to transparency then you
have absolutely no business running for office.
Just stop with the fuggin' idiocy !! ACK !!
(2,921 posts)I gave up discussing politics with him.
(27,787 posts)Because that's where the super rich will put the tax breaks Romney wants to give them.
marble falls
(63,132 posts)still_one
(97,392 posts)marble falls
(63,132 posts)JoePhilly
(27,787 posts)marble falls
(63,132 posts)POTUS.
(2 posts)Seriously? On both sides of the coin, why do celebrities feel as though it is their place to get involved in politics? What formal training do they have? None, they just have easy access to mediums which they can use to force their opinions on others, and they use them often. There's my rant for the day.