I don't know about that prison, but some prisons do aloud your family members to order books new and in a package unopened online from Amazon.com or barns and nobel and they can't be hard covered. You should write to your senitor of your area and your conguess and see if that helps you, and if you do have ways on computor look for sites to help inmates in prison, or imates rights. people in prison are human, they breathe the same air, n walk the same ground and I believe should NOT be treated like they are any diffenet if anything they should be getting alot more training in their for schooling, jobs, and the governments should NOT be taking all that away from them they should be fed healthy food, not rotten foods n less amounts of foods just because 1 inmates does something better then the next, everybody is the same n to get along in their they need more things to do so fights, n bad things don't happen to our loved ones in their that are just trying to get thur this hard time them selfs, Alot of them are having mental issues that they may or may not be on meds for but the ones on meds are taking care of in a buddy systom, the ones that aren't taking care of n needs the meds won't do it cause of the fear of the buddy systom n they aren't safe