I was a teenager in the 60' when the protest songs were everywhere. There are some songs that young people should really listen to. Exact same themes then as now. Same stuff, Different Decade.
Some good ones are "Big Yellow Taxi," by Joni Mitchell; "Eve of Destruction," by Barry McGuire; "For What it's Worth" by Buffalo Springfirld, "Get Up Stand Up" by Bunny Wailer; "One Tin Soldier" Coven, and, of course "War, What is it Good For?" Compare the angst of that generation who wanted change and brought about so many good changes. That's my generation and I have to say the BabyBoomers of the of the 60's protests have truly left younger generations totally fucked.
Then listen to music today protesting the same things you are. Greed and supreme assholery of my generation left a fucking world-wide disaster for you all to clean up. I'm so sorry. I have 3 young adult children and I'm truly frightened for them.
Hang in there, keep fighting, don't back down to evil assholes and sociopaths. Don't make the same mistakes. You can see where it's gotten us all.