... while less dangerous drugs are either outlawed entirely, nearly impossible to obtain by prescription, and only available on the streets with questionable purity and supporting organized crime.
This society hates addicts; it's like we want them to suffer and die. Too bad about the damage they do to everyone else...
Sure, addicts have to "want to change" but many drop dead before they reach the lowest point of their journey.
Taking the example of my high school class: the kids who got into I.V. drugs are, with a few remarkable exceptions, dead. AIDS got many of them.
The teenage heavy smokers and drinkers are beginning to die off now in their fifties.
Then you've got people like Rush Limbaugh who had easy access to clean prescription quality oral opiates. They don't die unless they are suicidal.
Last but not least, the heavy cannabis users, most who simply don't use as much as they once did, and don't seem to die at a rate any greater than the rest of us.
We've got to start treating addiction as a medical problem, not a moral or criminal problem, going so far as to provide safer drugs and living situations to people who won't quit.