keep_left's JournalDoes anyone know what Trump's fixation with the Kennnedy Center... about? This has to be some sort of Kulturkampf thing, but I'm at a loss as to why. I'm guessing it has to do with some obscure passage in the Project 2025 documents, or maybe it's because Trump overheard one of Steve Bannon's alt-right Nazi rants about "degenerate art".
Whatever the case may be, I've never heard an account of why Trump has suddenly become so interested in the performing arts. When (or if) we get a cogent explanation, it's bound to be equally entertaining and colossally dumb, I'm sure.
If you had told me back when I was in high school (Gen Xer)...
...that Eloon and Drumpf were the leadership to which we could look forward in the 21st century, I would have recommended that you report immediately to an insane asylum. Enough said.
In a previous post, I wondered what unreconstructed Cold Warriors... the late John McCain would think of the Republican party now enthusiastically supporting a Russian stooge like Tulsi Gabbard. For God's sake, even McCain's daughter was using her little bully pulpit to boost Gabbard's cause, including going on Charlie Kirk's moronic show to attack those in her own party over legitimate concerns about Gabbard's loyalties.
These people are just asking for it, and that's been the case...
...for way too long a time. At some point, there have to be some consequences.
They declare "democracy is done" after they have destroyed it.
George Carlin was right. They want it all. They want to take back even the lousy concessions they had to make in the '60s and '70s.
That history is rather complicated, and I'm no expert.
There were definitely some really vicious proto-Nazis (and actual Nazis) in the Church before and during WWII--particularly in the former Yugoslavia, where the Ustae were an especially pernicious movement. However, Pope John XXIII (of Vatican II fame) helped many Jews (particularly children) escape certain death by forging their baptismal records. So it's not as simple as the sledgehammer rhetoric you sometimes hear online. And you won't find more committed antifascists than you'll meet among liberal and left-wing Catholics.
Today on (Ir)-Relevant Radio: Trump is our savior!
Relevant Radio is a radtrad Catholic radio network originally from Green Bay, WI and now headquartered in Lincolnshire, IL. It is the successor to the ill-fated "CatholicFamilyRadio" (yes, all one word) of the late '90s. The two networks never existed at the same time, but they are quite similar, featuring most of the same shows and personalities for more than two decades.
One of the worst of these is the Drew Mariani Show, which has to be heard to be believed. The program is supposedly about "faith and real life" (or something like that), but day after day, host Drew Mariani inevitably steers the show onto the rocks of far-right politics. He's been doing so since his CatholicFamilyRadio days, when his show was called The Road Less Traveled (original, no?).
The network has gotten itself in legal hot water a few times, and one would think that their lawyers would be strongly advising them to tone down the politics, but the Trump worship on Relevant Radio is now a constant feature of their programming. Today's Drew Mariani Show did not disappoint, going on and on about how Trump "could be considered a savior" because of "all the good things he's doing at the border, for life, to protect gender...", etc. I heard no mention of Pope Francis' recent chastisements of nationalist conservatives' attacks on immigrants around the world, and in particular that of the Trump regime. But this is par for the course with Relevant Radio. It is starting to become clear to me how some really terrible political movements get their start; once you get media "buy-in" (or at least acquiescence), these things can quickly build momentum and become a crusade.
Ray Magliozzi, the surviving brother from the "Car Talk" show...
...went on the warpath about that recently in his syndicated Car Talk column. IIRC, he was car shopping at a Toyota dealer, and they have apparently started turning car features into a subscription model. Magliozzi was royally pissed.
Trump is either going to attempt to repeal the 22nd Amendment...
...or he's going to try to run the US as a quasi-royalist North Korean style government, as several posters here have already noted. I wouldn't be that surprised if there is a leak from inside the Trump regime that Don-old has multiple presidential terms planned for all or most of the Trump siblings, not just Don Jr. And I'm sure that most of Trump's fans would find that just dandy.
Trump just doesn't get it. The reason that Canada makes some...
...of our cars has a lot to do with the historically high costs of our health care system, as well as many other things. (In recent years, those costs have begun to moderate thanks to the ACA, which Trump is of course trying to blow up). US automakers were willing to accept a European level of taxation because Canadian health benefits were so much cheaper.
The Canadian Auto Workers union is a labor force with great skill and work ethic, their auto plants are in close proximity to ours (Windsor, where my car was made, might as well be the fictional "South Detroit" in the Journey song), and Canada has a lot of technical and engineering talent that benefits both countries--so we signed mutual trade agreements which Trump is also trying to blow up.
As has been mentioned on DU many times, we need our own media infrastructure...
...and we need to stop ignoring the power of hate radio and TV. There is no way Trump should have won a second election in this country, especially not after his total incompetence at handling the pandemic, attacks on our medical and scientific leadership, and turning Covid into another front in the culture war.
Creating our own media infrastructure will necessarily be a long-haul process, and it will require a great deal of support over time. The former Air America network should have been seen as just the beginning of what is possible.
I've made a number of posts about this recently.
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