keep_left's JournalYep. Trump was the one saying "I love the poorly educated"...
...and if you continue that line of thinking, the rest of that sentence would read "because they're so damn easy to manipulate!". It's a totally naked version of right-wing Leninism. I was surprised that Trump got away with that comment, but he did.
And there was this also.
She showed up at a CPAC event with one of those half-gallon Big own Teh Libz, naturally.
My niece's dog thinks so, too!
One Sunday morning, her dog grabbed a stollen off the countertop, still wrapped from the bakery, and dragged it over to the couch to rip it apart. We called it "the case of the stolen stollen".
And yes, the cleanup took forever. At least it was mostly powdered sugar, and stollens aren't especially greasy, so it could have been worse.
Yeah, he just keeps on doing that. Even political cartoons...
...have picked up on it, since Trump makes so many grammatical and spelling errors. Here's one from This Modern World (see panel #1).
I've made a few posts over the years about Duffy and his wife...
...Rachel Campos-Duffy. And yes, they are best known for their appearances on several MTV "reality" shows. Rachel Campos-Duffy is one of the benchwarmers on Fox and Friends Sunday, a placeholder show that no one watches. (Until he was selected by Trump for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth was also one of the hosts).
Campos-Duffy and her husband are constantly making TV appearances, and both of them now co-host Fox shows (Campos-Duffy on Fox News, Sean Duffy on Fox Business). I have also seen Campos-Duffy on EWTN (radtrad Catholic TV).
"Ozempic face" has been suggested. He dropped a fair amount...
...of weight recently, and it wouldn't be surprising that happened because his doctors read him the riot act about the stress of a second term (along with his ketchup-throwing rage fits, etc.). I'm sure he was told that if he didn't drop the weight, he wouldn't survive another four years. Unfortunately, any sudden weight loss can really show in your face, and those GLP-1 drugs can really make the weight come off fast.
Based on that recent Air Force One picture, however (the one with RFK Jr), it looks like Trump's diet is as horrifying as ever--he's just probably eating a lot less of it. I'm amazed he's lived as long as he has, with all the KFC and Big Macs he's put away over the years.
The worst aspect of the religious right is the media infrastructure...
...they have created over the years. It's not just ranting televangelists anymore--they have entire "news" divisions that are like a simulacrum of the national networks, complete with flashy graphics and professional studios. The news topics that are presented are, naturally, as slanted as one would expect. The evangelical Protestant media (e.g. CBN News, Salem) are bad enough, but the radtrad Catholic networks have to be seen to be believed--worse than Fox "News" and sometimes giving even OANN and NewsMax a run for their money.
Who wants to make a bet on a MAGA chud popping off...
...and committing a domestic terror attack on the Pacific Institute? (See video clip, 0:46-0:54). Anyone remember the attempt on the Tides Foundation in CA? Glenn Beck--on Fox "News" at the time--kept hammering on the Tides Foundation, over and over, until one of his many unstable listeners decided he just had to do something.
Don't forget that LBJ quote about race and class warfare... this country. Many are quite happy to suffer under the Trump regime as long as those people--the "undeserving poor" as they see them--get to suffer even more. And believe me, the MAGA chuds definitely see Head Start families as those people.
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