keep_left's JournalApropos, here's an old classic.
I remember that. Many of the kids sent were the failchildren...
...of the neocons from the Bush administration as well as the right-wing foundations and "think" tanks. I recall that Garrison Keillor had a few bon mots when it came to the disastrous Iraq reconstruction attempt. Keillor excoriated "the gilded corporate socialism of the right-wing think tanks" which served as "a make-work jobs program for the otherwise unemployable children of those who ran them".
Yep. "He's not hurting the right people!".
Anyone remember that? In this case, they were hoping Trump would hurt the other brown people...they never imagined they would get hurt as well.
This is why some of the Reddit groups, like the former ChapoTrapHouse subreddit...
...changed over to a federated approach, usually through either Mastodon or Lemmy social networking software. Reddit is really only good for uncontroversial, non-political uses these days (e.g. hobbies). Any controversy at all gets Reddit management nervous, especially since they became a publicly traded company. The old ChapoTrapHouse subreddit is now (CW: Hexbear is far-left, and some DUers will definitely find it offensive).
I never thought we would see political malfeasance reminiscent of the old USSR... America, but here we are. Trump releasing billions of gallons of water right into the ocean, political witch hunts over "wokeness" and "DEI", and now Sean Duffy giving us a taste of Romania-style Natalism as applied to transportation policy. What's next, Lysenkoist experiments funded by the USDA?!
Thanks for the history!

I remember some of it, but I forgot how many reprobate cases there were of Germans who just wanted to whine about losing the war, while taking no responsibility for having started it. And yes, ending Nazism did require bombing most of Germany into rubble. I recall that there was some discussion early on in the Manhattan Project about the use of an atomic bomb on Germany, but when it became clear that the Germans had no viable nuclear weapons program, the idea was abandoned. (Ironically, it was largely due to the Germans' persecution of Jewish scientists that they lost this technology to the Americans and the British).
I can think of only two effective responses to fascism.
The first is the "Paradox of Tolerance", which is a principle first stated by the philosopher Karl Popper.
The second response: Dresden.
One wonders where Trump is getting all these moronic ideas...
...about shutting down various agencies and programs that have existed for time immemorial. He can't possibly have the intelligence to make these plans, or even the curiosity to know that these things exist. I wonder if this is one of those instances where Trump is plagiarizing various insanities from Fox "News" or the WSJ editorial page. Or maybe this is coming from alt-right websites or something. But I just can't see Trump being the least bit interested in the workings of agencies like USAID, etc.
Yep, anyone getting gov't services is a "grifter" or "taker", and...
...according to their self-appointed "intellectual" gurus, "democracy is done"--which is really what this is all about.
It's called Economic Calvinism...
These people have been at it for decades. And now we have the sorry spectacle of a Congressman attacking "kids sponging off the government"...because they get their breakfast and lunch at school.
Maybe Trump is more like Kim Jong-Un than we realized. He's apparently...
...become a convert to the North Korean state religion of Juche--or at least the American version of it.
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