keep_left's JournalMaybe Trump is more like Kim Jong-Un than we realized. He's apparently...
...become a convert to the North Korean state religion of Juche--or at least the American version of it.
Wait...Trump said he was "Mr. IVF"! He assured all...
...the women voters that he supported fertility treatments--he couldn't have been lying, could he?! I mean, everyone just knows Trump is a man of his word, right?
What a surprise...right after he's elected, Trump sucks up to the most fanatical right-to-lifers. Who could have guessed?
The really sad thing is that this event is almost believable, as we have...
...all witnessed Trump and his proxies making so many crazy statements over the years. Do we need to rehash the JD Vance "Haitian pet eater" tales yet again?! Vance kept lying about that even after he admitted it was fabricated! And after years of Kay-Lie, I've come to expect outrageous farcical lying from the Trump regime on a daily basis.
What we're seeing could be called "medical bowdlerization".
During the time of Stalin, the USSR had an especially pernicious distortion of science that became known as Lysenkoism. I guess we're going to reinvent the wheel once again in this country...maybe it will be known to future generations as "Trump-Elon-ism" or something.
"The Alabama Democrat"?! Does Yahoo have no standards...
...of proofing or fact-checking? It seems like any idiot is allowed to write articles these days, and no one is editing or supervising. It literally took me five seconds online to verify Tuberville's party affiliation (R-Naturally). This might seem like a small thing, but I don't really think so. It's so easily fact-checked that I'm starting to wonder if this is the Fox "News" technique we've seen over the years now being adopted more widely by other partisan hacks. You know the one...where Fox deliberately misidentifies a politician's party affiliation.
If you cannot be trusted in small matters, neither can you be trusted in large ones!
Hi, everyone!
I'm listening on the Netroots Radio stream. For those still listening the old-school way (laptops, desktops, hardware audio players), here's the streaming URL:
Wonderful. These assholes destroy the country with their "think" tanks...
...bought-and-paid-for media, "public relations", political megachurches--a million anti-democratic streams that all run together like mud--and once the destruction is nearly complete, they then brazenly declare to the little people that "democracy is done". They're the reason why!
Good old hee-haw Economic Calvinism... slavery, one of America's original sins.
It's basically the old-time hee-haw Economic Calvinism...
...that has always been a pernicious feature of American culture. You know: the rich are blessed, the poor are cursed, and so both deserve their station in life. We saw a variation of it during the pandemic, when assholes like MTG and Bill Maher claimed that those who came down with Covid didn't go to the gym enough, ate too many Twinkies, etc. (MTG made a YouTube video about how "the gym is my vaccine!" ).
The "transhumanism" being pushed by Eloon et al. is just the latest version of old wine in new bottles. Every few years, someone invents a new way to dress up the same old Calvinism, which serves to mystify it, keeping the rabble from noticing that the wonderful Tech-Bro transhumanist future will not be available to any of them.
Attacks on DEI are coming mainly from the usual far-right...
...foundations and "think" tanks. Christopher Rufo, the same asshole behind the "woke" moral panic, also seems to have a big hand in the DEI "controversy".
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