BaronChocula's JournalI hope Springfield and Aurora schedule counterprogramming
when the fetid rapist shows up for a visit. I hope churches open their doors for appreciation services. I hope there are fundraisers and events that will also attract press to show the indicted conman that the people of these towns aren't intimidated by the hate-filled rhetoric of him and his awkward and incompetent lackey.
I know that some people are afraid, but nothing is going to change unless people show up against maga lunacy.
BREAKING: NC Lt Gov. Confesses: "I have dyslexia"
On Thursday embattled North Carolina Lieutenant Governor and GOP nominee for governor in the state has called a press conference to address posts he made in online porn platforms stating he was a black nazi.
"You see I have dyslexia. I get my letters all messed up." The sweaty candidate continued "What I meant to say on that porn site was that I was a black aniz. You know the bodily coifire, I mean orifice. See I just did it again. Oh and I'm also a bad speller. But I now know how to correctly spell anus. Gays are filth and I won't be taking questions at this time."
More on this story as it develops.
No, not Borowitz...
But yes, fake!
'Republicans for Harris' coalitions have launched in several swing states
Source: NPR
Since Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee, Republicans for Harris coalitions have launched in several swing states. They want to galvanize support for Harris among Republicans wary of former President Donald Trump. The thing is, they're also reluctant to vote against the party they've long belonged to.
Read more:
In spite of their reluctance, I think we should call them Harris Republicans. I hope they do for Harris what Reagan Democrats did for Reagan. And I hope we talk about them for years and years to come.
Democrats are so much better at handling the economy
Republicans are great at inheriting good economies and then running them into the ground.
Joe Biden bailed the U.S. out of a trump slump all while keeping inflation at the lowest rate among the world's leading economies. And now both inflation and interest rates are coming down as the economic engine continues to hum.
The slump guy is looking for a slump redux with his simple-minded tariffs THAT ARE PAID BY AMERICAN CONSUMERS. Clearly not an economics guy. But definitely a rapist.
Let's call them Harris Republicans
In 1980 a segment of Democrats voted for Reagan in numbers large enough to have given them a name in electoral history. That group was not recognized to any extent prior to the election and the moniker Reagan Democrat did not come about until the election aftermath. As a matter of fact polls were mixed and tight that fall regardless of their accuracy. There was no consistent evidence that there would be a Reagan landslide boosted in part by Reagan Democrats.
In 2024, a bloc of Republican voters pledged to vote for the Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. Many have become active to varying degrees as members of Republicans for Harris. What binds them is not a shift in their policy stances, but their disgust with the nominee of their party who one can surmise was supported by them in at least one of the two prior elections in which that candidate ran.
Interestingly, we have yet to reciprocally label the Republicans for Harris and their dissatisfied friends as Harris Republicans. Unlike the Reagan Democrats of 1980, Harris Republicans are a known electoral value prior to the election. Meanwhile no one clamoring for attention in the media field has wisely stuck the name Harris Republicans on this faction. Not that many conservatives pulling the lever for the Democratic nominee this go-round would be ecstatic about that label. It doesn't imply enough of the reluctance with which they're doing it. At least being called a Republican for Harris implies maintaining one's individual identity as a Republican first and foremost. Being called a Harris Republican, on the other hand, suggests that they are taken with Harris' magnetism which is not exactly the case with the great majority of them. They see Harris as a lesser of two evils.
But this shouldn't stop Harris surrogates from making reference to "the Harris Republicans," as it does suggest more of a policy preference. It could also suggest to other reluctant Republicans who may otherwise stay home to actually fill in the dot next to Harris/Walz on a ballot. In any event it would be refreshing after having heard the annoying term Reagan Democrats ad nauseum over the past 40+ years.
We need to make "giuliani" a verb
as in "if you do anything to violate the law in the name of interfering with the election on behalf of Donald Trump (or anyone for that matter), you will be giulianied."
Rudy G has become America's Loser, skulking around, dragging his assets in a virtual sack trying to keep them hidden from courts that have imposed loss after loss on him. How did he get there? By thinking his white privilege and allegiance to a felon/rapist would keep him out of trouble after peddling slanderous lies and engaging in election interference in support of said felon/rapist. Boy was he wrong.
Giuliani is teetering on being destitute. And he was RICH. Imagine engaging in that same type of activity and then having to pay lawyers to defend your guilt while NOT being rich. Imagine having to defend yourself in a class action civil rights suit against voters who were wrongly disenfranchised. There are millions in funds waiting to defend those cases. Who's going to pay for the trump election interference crowd defense? Just ask the scores of fake electors and magas who are under indictment right now. Ask them how confident they are about coming out of these cases with all of their assets in tact.
If you don't wanna get giulianied, don't interfere with our Democracy.
Does trump remind anyone else of Charles Manson?
To quote president Biden, it's no joke. I'm serious.
The guy is constantly off the rails with this desperate free association (bacon, wind) and it's vexing to see that other people just eat it up until you remember it's a cult. All those magapublicans who do his bidding, be it violent or legislative are just part of the t"rump family." Your Marsha Blackburns and your Mike Johnsons are no better than the filthy rabble who found themselves in Manson's disturbed orbit.
I've been saying for years that republicans are motivated by psychology rather than policy based on their need for dominance for dominance sake rather than sustainable solutions that lift everyone up. Now it seems they're motivated by PSYCHOSIS.
As you watch the debate on Tuesday close your eyes and listen to the words coming out of the rapist's mouth. You may find it to sound scarily like one of those Charles Manson prison interviews. And the trump family will hail his ramblings as genius.
Fraternal Order of Police go with convicted felon over prosecutor
That tells you everything you need to know.
Of course, the FOP and organizations like it are dominated by conservative white members. When black members speak out, they are not heeded. I found this PBS link from 2020 that I'm pasting below. it outlines the frustration among cops of color.
Republican Veteran Stands With Kamala Harris, Not Donald Trump
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Gender: MaleHometown: Long Island, Vermont, Los Angeles
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