PeaceNikki's JournalHe wants to be president of nothing.
He wants to get elected, get rid of all foreign arms of the government and get rid of all domestic arms of the goverment. He would have no job then but to aimlessly wander around the White House making racist and sexist remarks to and about the staff. FREEDOM!! LIBERTY!! CONSTITUTION! STATE'S RIGHTS! NWO!
We are being bombarded with 'news' about how much this recall will cost.
And DPW has responded. Have this handy:
The $9 million cost of a statewide recall election is great, but the cost of doing nothing is far greater. This undertaking is the biggest investment in the future of our state and families we can make.
It would take more than 7 recall elections to equal the cost of Walker's tax increase on seniors and working families. It would take more than 11 recalls to equal the tuition hike Walker foisted on University of Wisconsin-System students and their families. And Walker's $2.3 billion in tax giveaways to out-of-state corporations and the super-rich would pay for more than 255 recall elections.
Wisconsin simply cannot afford Scott Walker any longer.
"Wisconsin lit a fire that I saw clear down in the swamplands of Georgia"
Jeana Brown Throws Down on Scott Walker

Do you know how exactly Paul would effectively 'end' the war on drugs as POTUS?
I'm not trying to be snarky, I just want to know what his plan would be.
Sure, it's cool and sexy to say, "End the War on Drugs!". But, what would he do? Call off the DoJ? Huh, that would work while he was in office, but then what? Would he decriminalize drugs? How can he exactly do that... as POTUS?
Leading who? The Republicans? I think we are.
If you mean 'leading Ron Paul', I call total BS. His ideas are stupid, and won't work in the real world. It's no wonder that most of his supporters are people who don't understand what it means to live as self-supporting members of society.
And there is his UN/NWO bullshit is just that. Bullshit. The UN has no way to affectthe 2nd Amendment or any portion of the US Constitution. He is a paranoid, xenophobic crazy-man. aPaulogists are like cult members.
I actually kind of envy the aPaulogists their evidently bottomless stores of denial and ability to excuse EVERY glaring deficit in their completely twisted Great Leader. That kind of confidence is really pure in its way, even if it IS utterly blinkered and moronic and could get us all killed.
Paul is a wolf. The fact that he is the one trying to fit into the sheep suit isn't the entire problem, however; his platform is stupid and impractical.
What I find amusing is that some people support him on the grounds that the present system doesn't work. But it actually does, more or less. Libertarians want to exchange a system which actually works reasonably well for the majority for a system which doesn't work for anyone, except in a theoretical vacuum. It wants to let the market determine the economy without regulation. What's funny about that is the ones who are supporters of "OWS", yet support a guy who would remove all the socioeconomic checks and balances currently applied to the "1%".
Sure, he opposes military intervention in foreign wars, but not out of a sense of decency or pacifism; he would also withdraw from the UN (including humanitarian and peacekeeping operations, foreign aid would disappear, and if you think "unstable" regions are bad now, imagine what they would be like with the double-edged sword of multinational (read: US) corporate interests moving unchecked throughout the developing world AND an absence of monitored unilateral military involvement in those regions. Paul's position isn't one of altruism; it's one of isolationism. Not that I'm an advocate of First World military involvement in foreign problems, but look at what isolationism has netted in the past.
I don't know much about economics, but a return to the gold standard appears to me to be a likely trigger for severe deflation. Furthermore, while operating in gold might have worked 200 years ago, in a truly global economy, it doesn't.
He would remove social spending for almost everything, assuming the states would pick up the bill. First of all, where does he think the states will get the money for this? From the federal government, of course! So what's changed?
He claims to want to lower tuition, but what he wants to do is actually remove government control of tuition, and (wait for it) let the private sector deal with it. Do you actually believe that will result in lower education costs? Really?
None of us have time to cover point for point why Paul's selective and obsolete vision of a libertarian utopia won't work.
Let's just say it is the perpetual motion machine of political dogma; if it worked it would be really impressive and everyone would be happy, but it doesn't.
And, they have a paranoid nutter at the helm. Better luck next time.
How Wisconsin has changed my life in 2011.
I love my state. I always have. I have been proud to come form a place with such a rich history of Socialist movements, union and labor pride, and to be able to call a politician like Russ Feingold my representative. The mid-term elections broke my spirit and my heart. We lost a progressive voice, gained a worthless suit in his place and an evil monster at the helm of our state. I was devastated and wanted to just stop caring at all about politics. I gave up.
And then it happened.
Walker held up a photo of President Ronald Reagan, who had famously fired striking air-traffic controllers, and said his plan to sweep away decades of protections for state public employees in a stop-gap budget bill represented "our time to change the course of history."
The budget-repair bill, which would strip most collective-bargaining rights from 175,000 public-sector workers while imposing immediate benefits concessions, went public four days later. Walker, a Republican, called for passage in the GOP-controlled Legislature within a week.
Read more:
And the people of Wisconsin came together. Teachers, firefighters, business owners, Republicans, Democrats. We stood in the cold and snow and shouted at the top of our lungs that we wouldn't take it. For weeks. And the country and the world stood with us. Proudly.
The GOP tried to push through legislation illegally, our Democratic State Senators, after trying to reason with the unreasonable, fought for us and stood by us by heading to Illinois, leaving the Senate one member shy of the 20 senators required to vote on budget-related bills. Assembly Republicans began procedures to move the bill to a vote on February 22 while Democrats submitted dozens of amendments and conducted speeches. At 1:00 a.m. on February 25, following sixty hours of debate, the final amendments had been defeated and the Republican leadership of the Wisconsin State Assembly cut off debate as well as the public hearing and moved quickly to pass the budget repair bill in a sudden vote. The vote was 51 in favor and 17 opposed, with 28 representatives not voting. The final vote took place without warning, and the time allowed for voting was so short that fewer than half of the Democratic representatives were able to vote; many reportedly pushed the voting button as hard as possible but it did not register.
They went on to get their legislation passed, we had a mess of a Supreme Court race that exposed serious issues with the handling of our ballots accross the state, especially here in my home of Waukesha County. But even on the tails of that, we Democrats stood up and together. We worked our asses off at the recount for weeks on end, challenging everything and forcing the County and municipalities to get their shit together. We formed committees and are observing every election with our own eyes.
And we recalled Senators. We didn't get the majority, but we gained 2 seats and lost none.
Our state Democratic convention was invigorating and inpiring. I was able to thank these fine Democrats for all of their hard work as well as hug, laugh and cry with them.
And now we're out again in the cold and snow recalling Walker, Kleefisch and even a Fitzgerald. It's not over for us and we have not lost. We're taking this great state back.
I know that the Occupy movement has been front and center since it began, as it should be... but don't forget Wisconsin. It has changed my life and breathed new air into my 'give-a-shit' meter. It has shown me that there are politicians who care. And they're Democrats. With spine. I am not alone when I say it and all of you who have stood with us has changed my life. So, as the year ends, DU... don't forget about us!
On Wisconsin.

By building him up, by supporting him, by taking him seriously, you are not driving a wedge
into the heart of the Republican Party--you are only giving him a helping hand along the road to his goal of destroying just about everything you stand for.
He is against public funding of schools, head start, college assistance, medicare, medicaid
He is against social security
He is for unfettered gun control
He's also wrong on:
Women's reproductive rights
Gay Rights
Church-State Separation
International Relations
Worker rights
Campaign finance reform
Universal health care
and he wants to privatize EVERYTHING
Fuck him.
Paul strikes a chord with the most selfish of our society.
He is dangerous because people are totally duped by a few topics they THINK they agree with him on. He's dangerous because some people who think they are liberal defend him.
His UN/NWO bullshit is just that. Bullshit. The UN has no way to affectthe 2nd Amendment or any portion of the US Constitution. People are defending a very paranoid, xenophobic crazy-man. aPaulogists are like cult members. His ideas are stupid, and won't work in the real world. It's no wonder that most of his supporters are people who don't understand what it means to live as self-supporting members of society.
It's ok though, because he's not going to win, which will give what his blindered believers what they really want anyway; the ability to declare that his defeat is because he's just too pure and good for our corrupt system. We don't *deserve* Ron Paul, in much the way we don't *deserve* a puppy!
’Twas the Night Before Recall
Twas the night before Recall, and all through the state
Of Wisconsin were voters who scarcely could wait
The papers were xeroxed and readied with care
In fond hopes of the signatures soon to be there
The children were slumbering, home safely from schools
Which were gutted and cut by Republican tools
With our Recall Scott Walker sign stuck in the lawn
My wife and I planned to arise with the dawn
And set out, door to door, to those neighbors we knew
Who were just as disgusted at Scooter and Crew
When down from the street there arose such a blast
I thought, Lord, what new hell has the GOP passed?
The November air, once so chilly and quiet
Was filled with excitement; could it be a riot?
A storm, it was breaking; not one from the sky
But a groundswell that rose with a hue and a cry
When what to my wondering eye appeard at last
But a figure in black from a century past
He marched with a fist raised in manner defiant
While his workers upon evry word were reliant
On Wausau! On Oshkosh! On Point and Milwaukee!
Kenosha and Ashland! Yes, you too, Pewaukee!
To each office and home, till you reach one and all
Now sign away, sign away, sign to Recall!
They came from their neighborhoods, came from their jobs,
They came, though reviled as thugs and as slobs
They came from Menasha, Monona and Merrill
They came, for they knew that their state was in peril
There were Waukesha folk, not a lot, it was plain
But they worked with resolve like their county was Dane
Now who was their leader, this fiery speaker
Who roused them when they should grow sullen or weaker?
His clothes were familiar, his stance, it was steeld
But the night kept his features from being revealed
I awaited the chance when mayhap we would meet
As he solemnly marched up my once-sleepy street
a turn! Now a street lamp! Epiphany in light!
And we saw Bob La Follette returned for the fight!
No ephemeral ghost, but substantial in power
That grew from his minions, was fed by the hour
And at last I could see, and with joy understand
That the Progressive Spirit returned to our land
Then our gaze finally met, dear old Bobs and my own
And for one beat in time, we were two souls alone
He gave me a smile, I returned it in kind
Though one living, one not, we were of the same mind
As I saw tears a-welling from dusty old lids
I held my wife close, and we thought of our kids
For this task to be done wasnt for here and now
But for those to come after, so they would see how
We must always be wary and watchful and wise
For greed and corruption takes any disguise
And when given the chance, shapes the world to its wishes
But Wisconsins not open to those avaricious
Bob La Follette, he knew it, and now we do too
Though the task is historic, we must see it through
Then Bob gave me a nod, and the night closed around
As he slipped from my view, making nary a sound
But I heard him exclaim as he marched out of sight,
Happy Recall to all! Never give up the fight!
Read more:
‘Twas the Night Before Iowa … (A Visit From St. Reagan)

Twas the night before Iowa, when all through the state,
The wingnuts were fuming, their heads fat with hate.
The caucus was planned, in just over a week,
Yet the GOP candidates were unelectable freaks!
The reporters were nestled, in bedbug motels.
Their noses recoiling from strange Iowa smells.
Of corn syrup fields, and thick manure dollops,
and visions of Newt giving trinkets to trollops.
When out in the lobby there arose such a clatter,
Candy Crowley ran out to see what was the matter.
Out by the remote truck, a big plane had crashed.
And a zombie crawled out with a sackful of cash.
The moonlight it bounced off the black salted ice,
As the undead old man told the same dumb joke twice.
Then he turned mean and weird and his voice was a bark,
Aimed at eight tiny cretins holding hands in the dark.
This grim wrinkled ghoul in his Air Force One slippers,
I knew in a flash that it must be The Gipper!
More vapid than talk shows, more empty than air.
Could this rotten old corpse save the eight cretins there?
Much MUCH more at link:

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Member since: Sat Apr 14, 2007, 04:49 PM
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