NuclearDem's JournalAnyone remember the time Clinton filed a lawsuit to make Washington State a closed primary?
Yeah, I don't either.
They're already planning to Operation Chaos the polls tomorrow., looks like Operation Panderfex Maximus was a massive dud.
Pretty much just the same stump speech as usual, flubbed a question on who actually wrote the document in question, and no photo op with Il Papa.
Whoever planned this should be fired.
We think it's getting to be our cat's time.
A couple of years ago, one of our cats was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. For up until two months ago, she handled it like a champ. Now, she's getting more tired, having litterbox issues, and losing weight. I'll be taking her into the vet before the end of the month to see what more can be done, but it's very likely that her time is quickly coming.
I'm not asking for sympathy; I haven't even really come to terms with it yet. All I'd ask is that those of you with furry friends give them a big hug tonight and remind them how much you care for them.
Thank you.
Bill de Blasio, that fucking racist
Below is a collection of the many vile, disgusting epithets dished out by the Klansman in Gracie Mansion:
de Blasio: New York blacks still live by master/slave relationship.
New York Mayor: Sorry, New Yorkers, Blacks Over 65 Voted Against Your Future
de Blasio: 'Race-Nagging' has truly driven me to not give a shit anymore
de Blasio: African Americans psychologically damaged, won't vote for me
What a disgusting man.
Jeff Weaver's on Hardball.
What a fucking scumbag. At least Matthews isn't letting him get away with his bullshit.
For those keeping score at home, the Vatican is a-okay with Sanders supporters
while Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign have long since been thrown under the bus by the same as the "political establishment."
It's happened again--just can't stay out of her data:, in an email sent today, March 30, Ms. Kramar exposed confidential Hillary for America (HFA) campaign information and data by unilaterally adding a representative of Senator Sanders campaign into a chain of email correspondence between HFA, the Clark County Democratic Party and the Nevada State Democratic Party. As you know, the confidentiality and propriety of data is paramount to any campaign. Ms. Kramars carelessness or worse in exposing HFAs data is plainly unacceptable and must not be tolerated.
Second, in another email sent today to both campaigns, Ms. Kramar engaged in a series of unwarranted and inexcusable personal attacks against HFA representatives, and frivolously accused HFA of engaging in unethical practices in its preparation for Saturdays convention. Indeed, it is apparent from Ms. Kramars email that she is advocating for positions in her role as credentials chair based on candidate-specific grounds, rather than making impartial decisions that are in the best interest of the tens of thousands of Clark County Democrats who turned out to caucus last month and who wish to participate as delegates to the Clark County Democratic Convention. Ms. Kramers behavior is at odds with the values of Nevada Democrats and the spirit of the primary campaign between Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders.
In her latest email to both HFA and the Sanders campaign regarding the credentialing of delegates, Ms. Kramar issued HFA an ultimatum: either the county convention proceed on Saturday under the terms agreed upon by both campaigns or the convention be delayed for further discussion and resolution of various credentialing rules. To be clear: it is and always has been HFAs position that the Clark County Democratic Convention proceed as scheduled and under the agreed-upon rules and procures. However, it is my strong belief that Ms. Kramars behavior demonstrate that she is not suited to administer the convention in an impartial way according to those rules and procedures. As a result, I respectfully request that this board immediately relieve Ms. Kramer from playing any role related to the credentialing of delegates or any other party procedures to take place at this Saturdays county convention.
Wonder where those incorrect mailers to Hillary delegates were sent from?
EDIT: Also, 15k posts!

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