marble falls
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Obama Beautifully Urges Americans To Fight For Criminal Justice Reform After George Floyd Verdict
Today, a jury in Minneapolis did the right thing.
For almost a year, George Floyds death under the knee of a police officer has reverberated around the world inspiring murals and marches, sparking conversations in living rooms and new legislation. But a more basic question has always remained: would justice be done?
In this case, at least, we have our answer. But if were being honest with ourselves, we know that true justice is about much more than a single verdict in a single trial.
True justice requires that we come to terms with the fact that Black Americans are treated differently, every day. It requires us to recognize that millions of our friends, family, and fellow citizens live in fear that their next encounter with law enforcement could be their last. And it requires us to do the sometimes thankless, often difficult, but always necessary work of making the America we know more like the America we believe in.
While todays verdict may have been a necessary step on the road to progress, it was far from a sufficient one. We cannot rest. We will need to follow through with the concrete reforms that will reduce and ultimately eliminate racial bias in our criminal justice system. We will need to redouble efforts to expand economic opportunity for those communities that have been too long marginalized.
And as we continue the fight, we can draw strength from the millions of people especially young people who have marched and protested and spoken up over the last year, shining a light on inequity and calling for change. Justice is closer today not simply because of this verdict, but because of their work.
Michelle and I send our prayers to the Floyd family, in the hopes that they may find peace. And we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all those who are committed to guaranteeing every American the full measure of justice that George and so many others have been denied.
Justice has been denied for too many African-Americans who lost their lives due to police violence. Justice has been denied through a rigged criminal justice system that rewards skin color and wealth over the facts and evidence.
The conviction of Derek Chauvin is the first step. Just like electing Obama didnt end racism in the United States, convicting one cop wont end police violence.
The country needs real criminal justice reform. Republicans will stand in the way of progress, but progress will eventually win.
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Kenosha, Wis., officer who shot Jacob Blake returns to active duty
Kenosha, Wis., officer who shot Jacob Blake returns to active duty
Daniel Uria
Kenosha, Wis., Police officer Rusten Sheskey who shot Jacob Blake last summer returned from administrative leave last month, Police Chief Daniel Miskinis announced Tuesday. File Photo by Alex Wroblewski/UPI | License Photo
April 13 (UPI) -- -snip-
In a written statement, Miskinis said Sheskey was "found to have been acting within policy and will not be subjected to discipline" after an investigation by an outside agency and reviews by an independent expert, the Kenosha County District Attorney and within the department.
"Although this incident has been reviewed at multiple levels, I know that some will not be pleased with the outcome; however, given the facts, the only lawful and appropriate decision was made," Miskinis wrote.
Blake's uncle, Justin Blake, told Kenosha News the decision was "outrageous," specifically citing the fact it came amid the fallout of the fatal police-involved shooting of Daunte Wright in Minnesota.
"We think it is an attempt to further harm the African-American community," he said.
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