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marble falls's JournalJobless Keith Olbermann Wants His Old Job Back
Jobless Keith Olbermann Wants His Old Job Back
By Adam Clark Estes | The Atlantic Wire Sun, Mar 3, 2013
By Adam Clark Estes | The Atlantic Wire Sun, Mar 3, 2013
Former Current TV chief news officer and host Keith Olbermann is talking to the head honchos at ESPN, possibly about rejoining the sports news giant where he worked from 1992 to 1997. In fact, based on the details in a just published New York Times piece, the outspoken commentator has been exploring the idea of returning to ESPN for quite a while now.
A few months ago, Olbermann sat down to a very friendly dinner with ESPN president John Skipper at the Four Seasons. Skipper says Olbermann reached out about the dinner date, and it turned out to be a lot of fun. "I agreed to dinner with Keith because I assumed he'd be provocative and witty and fun to have dinner with, and he was indeed lots of fun. We talked sports and politics, and we had a nice chat. He is very interesting," said Skipper. The executive added, "Clearly he was looking to see if there was an entry point to come back."
It already looks like Keith and ESPN are burying the hatchet, though. Olbermann recently participated in an ESPN documentary about baseball cards. (Olbermann loves baseball cards.) Unnamed executives also told The Times that "Olbermann's representatives" had been contacting high-level people at the network in recent weeks about job possibilities. That said, Olbermann's people have apparently been contacting a lot of companies in the past few months and tried to find their boss a job.
So who knows how seriously to take the recent Olbermann-ESPN activity. Olbermann's currently wrapped up in a $70 million lawsuit against Current TV, where he held an ownership stake and the highest editorial position until it all fell apart in a very predictable little scandal. Depending on how that turns out, Olbermann might really need the money. His sunset photography doesn't quite scream "second career."
Why can't DU hire him? I will start watching ESPN if he goes there.
Glenn Beck Tried To Purchase Current TV
Source: HuffPost
Glenn Beck's media empire tried to acquire Current TV, the Wall Street Journal reported. Beck also addressed his attempt to purchase the network Thursday morning (see update below).
News broke that Al Jazeera purchased the progressive news network and announced its plans to launch Al Jazeera America on Wednesday. Current TV had been searching for a buyer for some time, and had reportedly turned down some offers.
The Journal reported:
Other suitors who didn't share Current's ideology were rebuffed. Glenn Beck's The Blaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that "the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view," according to a person familiar with the negotiations.
After Al Jazeera purchased Current TV, Time Warner Cable dropped the U.S. channel from its lineup. The Huffington Post's Michael Calderone reported that "Some media observers interpreted the move as motivated by politics."
UPDATE: Thursday, 11:56 a.m.: Beck spoke about his failed attempt to purchase Current TV Thursday morning. Beck charged that an inquiry into purchasing Current made by his media company, Mercury Radio Arts, was rejected by founder Al Gore within 15 minutes. He also said that Al Jazeera was not the highest bidder.
"[Gore] didnt sell to the highest bidder. We were not allowed to the table. He didnt sell to the highest bidder. He looked for, who do I ideologically align with," Beck said.
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I guess Beck couldn't sell enough gold!
Trump: Romney Shouldn’t Turn Over Tax Records Until Obama Turns Over College Records think its worth considering. Mitt: show us yours first and then find a court anywhere in the US that would not accept the Presidents native birth documentation.
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