marble falls
marble falls's JournalEurythmics - Farewell to Tawathie
Judy Collins & Leonard Cohen - No Way to Say Good-bye
Joni Mitchell - Clouds
Joni Mitchell - My Father (another tender song for Covid times)
All I could do to get this done before it got too misty in here.
Trump supporters' lawsuit against grocery clerk over insurrection may backfire
Trump supporters lawsuit against grocery clerk over insurrection may backfire: report
By PhillyNews.FYI , in News , at March 6, 2021 Tags: feed, news
Katheryn Cagle and her mother Thelma Cagle were allegedly in Washington, DC for the January 6th insurrection of Trump supporters after organizing busloads of attendees from Georgia.
Now the Cagles are reported suing grocery store clerk Rayven Goolsby for social media posts criticizing the insurrection, The Washington Post reported Saturday.
In late February, the exchange jumped from social media to a Pickens County Superior Court when the Cagles sued Goolsby for defamation and libel. Goolsbys attorney, Andrew Fleischman, characterized the Cagles suit as an example of a prominent family active in local politics using the heft of the courts to intimidate his client, who works at a local grocery store, into silence, the newspaper reported. The social media posts at the heart of the dispute, including deleted ones referring to the Jan. 6 protest, are preserved as screenshots in legal filings. None of the parties deny making the remarks cited in the dueling lawsuits.
The newspaper noted, The anti-SLAPP suit notes that Katheryn Cagle deleted all of her social media history pertaining to Jan. 6. If the matter goes into discovery, both sides could be compelled to produce troves of personal data, such as GPS location history and message logs all kinds of stuff even a police officer would have trouble getting, Fleischman said.
Why would their lawyer not tell them that they are also opening their lives to an investigation?
Former NYPD officer who put Eric Garner in lethal chokehold loses bid to get job back
Former NYPD officer who put Eric Garner in lethal chokehold loses bid to get job back
Thu, March 25, 2021, 4:24 PM·2 min read
Former NYPD officer who put Eric Garner in lethal chokehold loses bid to get job back
Daniel Pantaleo was fired by then-New York Police Department Commissioner James ONeill after a departmental trial found he used an unauthorized chokehold to restrain Garner, a 43-year-old Black man who was arrested on Staten Island in a dispute over selling loose cigarettes.
Substantial evidence supports respondents conclusion that petitioner recklessly caused injury to Eric Garner by maintaining a prohibited chokehold for 9 to 10 seconds after exigent circumstances were no longer present, thereby disregarding the risk of injury, the three-judge panel decided.
The departmental trial determined Pantaleo did not intentionally strangle Garner but the appellate division said his firing was not unexpected.
Conduct far less serious than petitioners has been found by the Court of Appeals to have a destructive impact ... on the confidence, which it is so important for the public to have in its police officers, the panel said.
Primus - Tommy the Cat
Ram Jam - Black Betty
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