Mr.Bill's JournalGuess who isn't asking for immunity from prosecution?
Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Feel free to add any names you wish.
Just found this guy on Youtube.
I don't know anything about him, just wow.
Henry Acker.
If you have about 50 minutes to invest,
And want to hear a couple of great guitarists, stay tuned. If not, that's okay, too.
I saw a great Christmas sweater today. (picture in post #2)
My checker at the grocery store was wearing it. It was the usually gaudy colors and it had a picture of a gray cat with an indifferent smirk wearing a Santa hat. The sequinned letters on it said Merry Whatever.
Just a very minor glitch,
When you bookmark something it says you can find your bookmarks under My Stuff. But My Stuff is now called My DU.
I finally got my current Covid shot.
I'm not even feeling any pain at the injection site when I poke at it. The guy at Rite-Aid who gave me the shot was really good. I never felt a thing. I hope no symptoms show up in the next day or two. It's a Moderna shot, just like all the others were.
I want a Moderna Tshirt.
Drinking and the holidays.
I rarely drink before late evening. Gotta be sober during the day if I want to get anything done.
But right now, it's 2:00 here and I'm two brandy and egg nogs and two bloody mary's into things and I'm feeling pretty fucking good. The company is good, (only my wife and daughter) and although we had planned on driving to my grandson's house after dinner, those plans have been changed and I don't have to do any driving until tomorrow.
The breakfast and snacks have been fantastic and the rest is in the oven or on the stove. Trying something new tonight, the dressing will be cooked in the waffle iron.
Good times. I hope all are having a good time, too.
Dan Akroyd as Jimmy Carter on SNL.
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Member since: Mon Aug 20, 2012, 12:16 PM
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