Mr.Bill's JournalI don't think Trump can win the election in 2024.
I also am not afraid of him overthrowing the government and installing himself in power if he loses the election.
First of all he has neither the intelligence or the means to do it. But first and foremost, think about this. Many of the people closest to him, people who know what makes him tick and what he is capable of are turning against him. The people who turn against him don't seem to fear his retribution.
On this and every Veteran's Day,
I always pause and think about a WWII veteran I used to have dinner with every day. He never really talked about it much until he got much older. Had he lived longer, he would have turned 100 last year. His name was Dad.
A different take on Harvest Moon.
Sure, vote for Jill Stein.
Biden is too old. Jill will only be 78 at the end of her first term.
My wife's plane should be landing at Dulles airport about now.
She is taking a long-planned trip to the DC area to visit some relatives with her daughter. She is helping her niece join the Daughters of the American Revolution with her genealogy skills. You have to prove direct ancestry to someone who fought in the Revolutionary war to join. My wife has has all the documentation and then some, including they have four ancestors who were on the Mayflower.
The highlight of the trip will be a tour of the White House on Thursday. She contacted one of our Senators to get tickets for that, which apparently isn't an easy ticket to get. I'm happy for her, as I sit here at her daughter's house taking care of the four dogs. We are staying here until our new house is ready to move into. With the last few hectic weeks of moving and everything, this is my first quiet night alone in a house for awhile. Just me and four fur babies to keep me company.
When I view the list of replies to a thread,
some of them are highlighted in yellow. What does this signify?
Cooking and eating in a senior mobile home park.
We just spent seven years in a mobile home park made up of seniors. Among them are a number of widowers who live alone. A number of them have meals on wheels delivered. Not because they are poor. They actually make the voluntary donation of $5 a meal. It's because they don't know how to cook. They are the generation where the wife did the cooking.
It baffles me that someone could reach the age of 75 or so without knowing how to feed themselves. They are, in my opinion, missing one of the great pleasures in life.
How do I self delete a post?
It's finally done.
We signed all the papers yesterday completing the sale of our mobile home. We made one last visit to the place and got the last few things out of there and closed the door for the last time. The new place is not ready yet and the people working on it are not moving quickly. For now we are quite comfortable staying at our daughter's place.
I have a perfect solution for those
who don't like the format change to DU4.
Make available a version that would look like the screen on a Radio Shack TRS-80.
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Member since: Mon Aug 20, 2012, 12:16 PM
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