Mr.Bill's JournalWhen you are retired, your resume
just becomes a list of things you never want to do again.
Willie McCovey has passed away.
A real class act.
Election mail.
As usual, in the past few weeks I have received so much election junk mail that sometimes I wish I had a fireplace so I could use the stuff to heat my house this winter.
But yesterday I got one piece unlike any I ever have seen. It was from Tom Steyer's organization. It was a simple post card urging me to vote in the upcoming election. What makes it different is there is a handwritten message on it from a person who describes herself as a 60 year old woman from Rhode Island. It does mention Trump once in a negative tone, but other than that it is entirely non partisan. It is not asking me to vote for any certain candidate.
It goes on to say I live in a targeted Congressional district. Not really true, we are pretty solid blue here. (California wine country) Our Democratic Congressman, Mike Thompson's opponent doesn't even state a political party.
Anyway, good job on the part of Steyer's organization to get people to actually handwrite these things. It really stood out among all the glossy stuff I have been finding in my mail box lately.
Wouldn't it be great if the Mueller investigation found out
that every one close to Trump, his kids, his lawyers, his accountant, etc. has been stealing him blind for years. Then we'd get to watch them all eat each other in court.
Tell every republican you talk to
that history will forever show that it was their party that had to lower the threshold to 50 votes to get their Supreme Court nominee seated. And that fact will stand forever and never change.
Want to know how to make a republican say he wants to raise taxes?
Mention legalizing marijuana. The word "tax" will be in the first sentence that comes out of his mouth.
GOP Senator Daines from Montana won't be in DC on Saturday.
He will be walking his daughter down the aisle at her wedding. Nor McConnel can delay the vote until he can be there, But if he does, we'll know how many votes he has, won't we?
Every republican in the Senate
will vote for for Kavanaugh. Every single one of them.
Bet on it.
Algeria - another one of the half-dozen countries
we haven't invaded because we didn't elect John McCain president.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Northern California
Member since: Mon Aug 20, 2012, 12:16 PM
Number of posts: 24,906