Mr.Bill's JournalDebm55 apreciation thread!
I think a lot of us are really enjoying all the threads she's been posting. I know I am.
Thanks, Deb.
A sidebar to the 9/11 story.
About ten years after 9/11 I was hanging out at the local coffee joint in my neighborhood with some friends as usual. One of my friends is a retired Air Force pilot. He flew the tankers that fighter jets refuel from in the air. He had a friend with him, also an Air Force veteran who was working as a Delta Air Lines pilot on 9/11. He said while all the planes were grounded after 9/11 they were meticulously searched. He said five Delta planes had box cutters taped under some of the seats. His speculation was that if you extrapolate that to, say, five major air lines, that makes 25 planes that could have been planned to be used on targets on 9/11.
Now this is just one guy telling a story that I have never heard anywhere else, but I can't think of a reason why he would lie to me. It would make sense for the leaders of this event to plan a lot of redundancy into their plan. Maybe some of their crews just didn't show up, or chickened out while in flight.
Personally, I don't know what to think about all this, but I just thought I'd pass on the story to everyone because I found it interesting and somewhat plausible.
My 9/11 story:
My sister-in law called us early in the morning and told us to turn on the TV. At this point, no one knew for sure whether it was a terrorist attack or an accident. It didn't take them long to figure it out. My son-in-law, whose family had moved here from Iran when he was seven years old was scheduled to be sworn in as a citizen that day. I had taken the day off work, and I was going to go with him and his wife to San Francisco where the ceremony was to be held. We lived about three hours from there in northern wine country.
Once it was pretty well established that it was a terrorist attack, My SIL was a little nervous about leaving the house. His first name is Mohammed, so I could understand why. He was in high school in Southern California when the hostages were taken in Iran, and he said he had to fight his way through school every day. I told him he should go anyway, because if he had any doubts about changing his citizenship, (he didn't) today was a damn good day to pick sides. He agreed.
So we set off on our trip listening to the news on the radio and the second plane hit. No doubt then that we were under attack. We got word that the Golden Gate bridge was closed, as well as any other bridge that could get us to SF. So we turned around and stopped at a restaurant for lunch, then drove home. The citizenship ceremony had been cancelled as well. He was sworn in two weeks later.
Does anyone know how many idiots (if any) showed up
at the 100K per plate fundraising dinner Trump held for Rudy? My searching seems to make it seem like the best-kept secret on the internet.
The most amazing thing happened to me at a car dealership yesterday.
I was coming home from a trip to visit the great grandchildren and had made an appointment for some service on my Nissan. There is a very nice Nissan place in Roseville, near Sacramento I have been using. This is my fourth visit there for service and I always go to a certain service advisor. He is very professional and very good at his job. I always give him top ratings on all the surveys they send me after I've had my car serviced. (and I tell him this)
I used to be a service advisor for a short time and I wish I had been as good as this guy. I was due for an oil change and tire rotation. That was going to cost $171.00. I know that sounds like a lot (it is) but it is synthetic oil with an additive I always use and the tire rotation involves re-programming the tire pressure monitors to the different location.
Well, they were busy and things took longer than expected. I was cool about it because I was in no hurry. He was very apologetic about it, though. As soon as the car was done I went to his desk and told him not to worry, he would still get a perfect survey. Most places give service writers a bonus for this. He went over to the service manager and when he came back and said how does $78.00 sound? I asked how he did that and he said he told his manager what was going on about us having to wait and how I always give them good surveys. The service manager said we need to take care of someone like that and waived all the labor fees. Shows you how important these surveys are to a dealership.
Okay., I just took a look at DU4.
I noticed you can rec replies to posts. That is huge!
So we have a guy who was president of the United States
who says he's billionaire and he owns a jetliner.
And he's selling T-shirts to make money.
Ajax Liquor Store - 1971
A big thanks to Prairie_Seagull
for gifting me a Star Membership, as mine was about to run out. And thanks to all who do this for others. My first Star was an anonymous gift. This is one of the things that makes this place what it is.
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