pbmus's JournalNoShit...
Fortunately, contrary to what Alito, Thomas & Co think, neither the court nor the presidency is Americas highest power. The voters are. For at least one more election cycle. (Yesterdays decision puts the future in jeopardy.) We must over-rule them in November. We must be the ones who save democracy.
Jack Smith really only has 2 options at this point:
1. Stand pat, hope the Supreme Court moves as fast as possible, rules against Trump, and leaves enough time for a trial
2. Indict all of Trump's co-conspirators, including members of Congress/fake electors/etc and put out a massive speaking indictment so the public has the truth before the election
Mitch McConnell stole Merrick Garlands Supreme Court seat and then passed the accountability buck in Trumps Jan 6th impeachment trial to the courts, where now Attorney General Merrick Garland has dragged his feet for so long that the Supreme Court he should have been sitting on, may have just taken enough time off the clock that Trump will never be held accountable for the crimes he committed on Jan 6th.
Perfect day for him to step down.
This shit is his opus of evil.
I have said this since 2015
Debate recap...
Debate recap:
Vivek Ramaswamy: not only constantly lying, but insane
Ron Desantis: new campaign strategy is yelling
Mike Pence: still a bitch
Chris Christie: literally no one likes him on either side of the aisle
Doug Burgum: why tf is he even here
Asa Hutchinson: George Bush but dumber
Tim Scott: still a virgin
Nimrata Haley: brown face on white supremacy
In totality: total 💩show. None of these people are qualified to run for President of the Salvation Army
Michael McFaul...
Every year, Ukraine's armed forces will receive better & better weapons. Every year, Russia's armed forces will have to fight with worse weapons because of sanctions. Time is not on Russia's side. #UkraineRussianWar.
2 died of Ebola: They said Obama should resign.
4 died in Benghazi: They had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a 4-year probe.
402,000 Covid deaths, an armed insurrection & theft of classified documents: They cheered, and want Trump to be president.
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