jls4561's JournalWho is that plant who is asking about abortion statistics?
Is she accurate in her numbers? Why isn't she bothering to ask why publicans and sinners are trying to curtail women's health services using the coronavirus as an excuse?
Oh, my goddess! Did you hear the "my pillow" guy just now?
Spouting fundie garbage when the best thing he could do is take a "my pillow" and hold it over a fat orange face until it stops wiggling.
It just occurred to me that maybe Japan postponed the Olympics
so they could invite Biden instead of tRump.
Anyone agree?
Harry Truman gained the attention of the nation and probably a VP slot for looking into
war profiteering .
With so many Senators in "self-quarantine" wouldn't it be time to set up a similar committee?
Jane Goodall is on Science Friday today!
I get it on KQED, but you can listen online
Yeah, Ron deSantis is doing an excellent job
Leaving all those kids on the beaches so they can go home and disperse the virus.
The only sensible ideas the tRump administration is putting out are ones he has stolen
from the state and local officials or been bullied into. I'm talking social distancing, hospital ships, producing more test kits, mobilizing private industry to produce necessary medical equipment, etc. The only original idea he has is to crack down on them brown people at the border even further.
UK schools closing on Friday
I am watching the Prime Minister's press conference on BBC World News.
America to Trump: Yes, it IS your fault!
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Member since: Tue Jul 28, 2015, 09:35 PMNumber of posts: 1,643