LudwigPastorius's Journal(Dayton, Ohio) Panel approves request to demolish Wright brothers' 1st bike shop city wants to tear down the site because the building has deteriorated to a point where it can no longer be maintained and redeveloped, the Dayton Daily News has reported. Public safety concerns have also been raised by some who fear the building could collapse.
While agreeing that most of the building should be demolished, the Dayton Landmarks Commission rejected the demolition request in September. The panel instead recommended that the city re-advertise the property and encourage its renovation in a way that preserves the historic facade.
Preservation groups had also opposed the city's plan. They argued that keeping the building's facade and incorporating it into a redevelopment project would make the project eligible for historic tax credits.
More at:
It's a shame that, with all the history of aviation attractions around Dayton, the owners and foundations can't all get together and buy and restore this piece of history.
Donald Trump and the Murder in the Cathedral
Good blog post about Trump's culpability in the attempted insurrection.
According to the monk Edward Grim, a witness to the Archbishops murder in Canterbury Cathedral, King Henry said, What miserable drones and traitors have I nurtured and promoted in my household who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born cleric! Others have reported that Henry said, Will none of these lazy insignificant persons, whom I maintain, deliver me from this turbulent priest? or, more directly stated in a later dramatization, Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?
Absolutists, dictators, and mob bosses have long used direction via indirection as a way to keep their hands clean while others do their dirty work. For example, Hitler apologists and Holocaust deniers have argued for decades that as there is no known written directive from Hitler ordering the murder of all European Jews, Hitler could not have known about the mass murders committed under cover of invasion, or of the heinous machinations finalized at the January 20, 1942 Wannsee Conference. To them, Hitler is therefore a victim of malicious lies, the one innocent amidst all the carnage.
The blood on the floor of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 is no less red than the blood that was splattered across the floor of Canterbury Cathedral on December 29, 1170, save for one crucial difference: Donald Trump is not a king, not an absolute monarch, not the dictator he so wishes to be. He is beholden to the laws of a representative democracy, and must be held accountable.
Trump's brownshirts rally in Washington after Supreme Court decision.
(Video of the Proud Boys marching and chanting, "Our Streets".)
Bring it, you fascist assholes.
Your side has a long history of losing wars. You sure you want this?
Twitter bans Steve Bannon after call for beheadings; YouTube removes video
From the NBC news election blog:
Bannon, in a video for his podcast recording, had said he wanted to behead FBI Director Christopher Wray and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the governments top infectious diseases expert.
Bannon said he would put the heads on pikes as a warning to federal bureaucrats, referencing Tudor-era England.
The @WarRoomPandemic account has been permanently suspended for violating the Twitter Rules, specifically our policy on the glorification of violence, Twitter said in a statement. The platform has an established policy against the glorification of violence.
Trump's former, drunken, slovenly, right-hand man...
GOP = Terrorist death cult
John Cornyn is a classless scumbag.
Yeah, I know. We already knew that.
But, instead of publicly congratulating MJ Hegar for a hard-fought campaign (after she called him and gracefully conceded), he takes the lowest road and goes in front of the media to call her a liar.
Go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw, you Trump-sucking piece of shit.
Stochastic terrorist, Donald Trump, says "we'll have to see" if plot to kidnap and execute...
Governor Whitmer was "a problem".
CNN link:
"Hey, hey, hey hey," he told the audience, "I'm the one, it was our people that helped her out with her problem."
"I mean, we'll have to see if it's a problem. Right? People are entitled to say maybe it was a problem, maybe it wasn't," he added. "It was our people -- my people, our people that helped her out. And then she blamed me for it. She blamed me and it was our people that helped her. I don't get it. How did you put her there?"
The FBI revealed in early October it had uncovered an extremist group's plot to kidnap Whitmer at the Michigan state Capitol. The alleged domestic terrorism scheme included plans to overthrow several state governments that the suspects "believe are violating the US Constitution," including the government of Michigan and Whitmer, according to a federal criminal complaint.
If that piece of shit steals 4 more years, I have little doubt that we'll see Trump brownshirts - loosely organized paramilitary forces - engaging in intimidation, beatings, and assassinations of his opponents.
Keith Jarrett Confronts a Future Without the Piano - NYT 10/21/20
The pathbreaking musician reveals the health issues that make it unlikely he will ever again perform in public.
I was paralyzed, he told The New York Times, speaking by phone from his home in northwest New Jersey. My left side is still partially paralyzed. Im able to try to walk with a cane, but it took a long time for that, took a year or more. And Im not getting around this house at all, really.
Right now, I cant even talk about this, he said when the issue came up, and laughed his deflective laugh. Thats what I feel about it.
I can only play with my right hand, and its not convincing me anymore, Mr. Jarrett said. I even have dreams where I am as messed up as I really am so Ive found myself trying to play in my dreams, but its just like real life.
As a musician, I can say that this has got to be horrible for him...having his ability to play taken away.
How Trump Could Lose The Election And Still Remain President
Penned by a former Senator and a Newsweek editor, this is a disturbing look at a nightmare scenario.
This spring, HBO aired The Plot Against America, based on the Philip Roth novel of how an authoritarian president could grab control of the United States government using emergency powers that no one could foresee. Recent press reports have revealed the compilation by the Brennan Center at New York University of an extensive list of presidential emergency powers that might be inappropriately invoked in a national security crisis. Attorney General William Barr, known for his extremist view of the expanse of presidential power, is widely believed to be developing a Justice Department opinion arguing that the president can exercise emergency powers in certain national security situations, while stating that the courts, being extremely reluctant to intervene in the sphere of a national security emergency, would allow the president to proceed unchecked.
Something like the following scenario is not just possible but increasingly probable because it is clear Trump will do anything to avoid the moniker he hates more than any other: "loser."
We cannot let ourselves believe that this is a far-fetched scenario. We have just seen Trump threaten to invoke emergency powers under the Insurrection Act of 1807 to call up the U.S. military against domestic protesters. The remarkable apology by Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley, stating that it was wrong to create a perception that the military would get directly involved in a domestic political protest and intervene against American civilians, underscores the corrupt use of executive powers Trump is willing to employ. As Fareed Zakaria recently said in summing up the lessons of former national security adviser John Bolton's new book: "Donald Trump will pay any price, make any deal, bend any rule, to assure his own survival and success."
Herman "Pizza Man" Cain hospitalized for Covid-19 after Tulsa rally.
Darwinism in Realtime
Cain, a contributor for conservative media outlet Newsmax, was hospitalized Wednesday "after he had development symptoms serious enough that he required hospitalization" and was informed Monday that he tested positive for the virus.
"Mr. Cain did not require a respirator, and he is awake and alert," according to the statement released Thursday.
Cain, as a co-chair of Black Voices for Trump, was one of the surrogates at President Donald Trump's June 20 rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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