BannonsLiver's JournalIt looks like Cenk Uyugar has finally been red pilled
Or, at least comfortable enough to come out. I was going to write that he has switched sides, but many here know hes been an enemy of Democrats for a while now.
I wont link to Twitter because I can read the room, but here is the text of 2 tweets he wrote this week:
I run the largest left-wing network online and a Democratic leader has NEVER asked me that question. The idea that they would take advice from a populist is disdainful to them," Uygur wrote as he praised Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr for reaching out to him.
"Hey @elonmusk, put me in charge of the Pentagon. I'll slash $400B easy. That'll get you 20% to your goal of $2T, right out of the gate. I went to Wharton three years before you. I own a media company, so I know how to run a business. If you really want to cut, put me in, coach," Uygur wrote.
Heres some info for those who dont want to go to Twitter:
:🚨 Harris takes 3 pt lead over Trump in IOWA in Des Moines Register poll has been the most fun and enjoyable roll call I have ever seen
I love the musical tie ins with each state. Really great idea.
On CNN they said Dump would be electronically fingerprinted and weighed.
So well finally see if hes really 220.
What do Donald Trump and Christmas trees have in common?
Answer: They both get thrown out in January.
(Ill see myself out.)
You actually can't prove that.
Why? Because Graham was in the Air Force, not the Army.
Nate Cohn of the NYT on PA
A ways to go yet but trending Biden.
Nothing a Trump appointee says should ever be taken at face value
I have no idea what the angle was of the dog and pony show we just witnessed, but I see no reason not to ask a lot of questions about it with a healthy degree of skepticism. We should all know that by now.
Trump is being treated with antibody therapy Regeneron per CNN
No link. Saw on CNN.
"AOC and the Woketopians"
Sounds like a great name for a band. Thanks Matt Gaetz!
(This is in reference to Matts RNC speech. He also wants you to know Biden will move MS13 to your neighborhood.)
Its a shit show!
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