BannonsLiver's JournalThe assault on Stormy and Avenatti has officially begun
On the morning of April 17, Stormy Daniels made a hotly-anticipated appearance on The View.
Flanked by her omnipresent attorney, Michael Avenatti, the adult actress/director defended her decision to speak out against President Trump and his attorney, Michael Cohentwo men shes suing over a $130,000 payoff and accompanying non-disclosure agreement intended to muzzle her over an alleged affair with the president.
Hypothetical: If Russia launched a Red Don style invasion of the United States
Would the GOP leaders in Congress and the many deplorables across the country fight or embrace Putin as our new overlord/liberator? I have a feeling it would be the latter.
From the Capt. Obvious files, a prediction on the big announcement
It will be something positive, that Drumpf had nothing to do with, yet will take sole credit for. The end.
At what point do we reach critical mass?
Another day of big doings re: Red Don and Russia and assorted palace intrigue. At what point do we reach the end game? Is it 3 months down the road? Six? A year?
It seems like were entering another phase with news about Jared and Hicks revelations. Plus the broader security clearance issues with other staffers and the Wikileaks news tonight reported by NBC.
I think the GOP will use school shootings to undermine public education
That push has been ongoing for decades now but itll be interesting to see if they attempt to use these incidents to make the case public schools cant be secured, have passed their point of relevancy, need to be re-imagined etc. this will come after the tears dry and the spotlight is off. It will emanate from state legislatures with ALEC walking them through the steps.
They want public ed eliminated in favor of elite private schools and Christian madrassas where they can control what is taught.
Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy
I'm a fan of old political ads. This one has always been a favorite. Not a commentary.
Win or lose, Doug Jones has run a helluva campaign
I was unaware of who he was before this campaign started, but I have enjoyed getting to know Jones a little bit over the last couple of months. He seems like a genuinely decent man running for the right reasons. I am happy to have supported him, including a small donation to his campaign. Also a big thank you to all those who have worked hard for Jones on the ground in Alabama.
Good luck, Doug!
Sigh...Mark Dayton just doesn't get it
This is part of a story written about how he will fill Franken's seat. My question is, if the shoe was on the other foot, would a GOP governor offer the Dems the same golden opportunity? Fat chance. This is why we are doormats.
"On Wednesday night, high-ranking Minnesota Democratic sources said the governor was likely to appoint Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, someone who would not run for the seat permanently. That would give both parties equal time to mount campaigns for the historic election next November in which both Senate seats would be on the line."
Gloria Borger is a terrible human being
On CNN shitting on and parsing all of Al's words. She is such a fucking rain cloud of misery.
How will we spend our fancy new moral high ground political capital?
Oh wait, there won't be any.
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