Sogo's JournalHuge protest crowds should surround the Superdome in New Orleans where
POTUS will be attending the Superbowl on Sunday....
I've read that the US government is 20% of our economy.
Wondering what effect it's going to have to pull the rug out from under 20% of the economy....
I don't think Trump understands his immunity ruling from the SCOTUS.
It gave him immunity from being personally prosecuted for anything he does as President.
It did not give him and his administration permission to essentially do "whatever the hell they want" without following any laws.
Do you suppose Trump wants Greenland to use as
a detention facility for illegals? Think about it, where are they going to put 11M detainees?
He said it's for "national security," and they've always maintained the border issue is an issue of national security....
Maybe we're looking at this Hegseth nomination all wrong.
We're expecting someone to be qualified for the job, but the fact that he's a total incompetent f-up may be the exact reason he's been chosen.
How better to weaken our military?
Dems should introduce a bill that felons cannot hold the office of Presidency.
It wouldn't be passed in this Congress, of course, and it wouldn't take effect for this Presidency, but we must be on record that being a felon is disqualifying for the Presidency. Then, when we get a Dem Congress again, it should be passed first thing. There are jobs of far lower status than President for which being a felon is disqualifying. The current situation should be know as an outlier and NOT as precedent for the future.
LA is lucky Biden is still in office.
He declared the fire a major disaster and cancelled his trip to Rome to monitor the situation.
Thoughts and prayers (really) for Pac Pal....
I know several people with roots there.
Its such a beautiful area, or was
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