Backseat Driver
Backseat Driver's JournalIf jazz is your thing, this sweet little radio station broadcasts live:
here: - (Not secured by certificate so explore site AYOR - I've never had a problem)
My SIL's father passed unexpectedly the evening of Dec 10
in a Central American country where he had built a retirement home, while his wife, a naturalized American citizen and SIL's mother, was visiting her newborn grand-daughter in CoVid-ridden CA for the first time. Pretty sure she wasn't at all displeased to be locked down there helping out the new mom and dad, but now....they'd been married 48 years.
She was able to fly back to their retirement home yesterday on hastily made arrangements. He will be buried there, not only by choice but also quickly by CoVid protocol necessity, where he was born, and I will attend a virtual funeral today. I feel so very lucky to have met him several times in the 24 years my daughter's been married to her 1st son. He was a generous and stubbornly happy and passionate man who did a fine job raising my daughter's husband in the Bay area. He told stories of hanging with Carlos Santana in his younger years and I have to believe that was true. My heart goes out to so many close relatives and friends separated by so many miles as I check in to his virtual church funeral later this afternoon.
Great shots - (Photo winners in animal humor) 'em all out at the link.
In whatever ways you are celebrating today, enjoy this day
with gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank you all for being here to discuss whatever passions one enjoys or whatever concerns of the day we face down -- life's challenges. Happy Thanksgiving!
Does anyone make their own yogurt?
I did it once long ago; now trying the InstaPot method with plain Greek God starter. The mix is incubating until 9PM. Will I be able to tell immediately if the "mash" needs to be drained of whey? How long will it need to drain? If the draining is required, will a coffee filter serve. Not expecting to turn in early. Finally placing some blackberries at the bottom of 1/2 pt jars before refrigerating. Love the stuff, but it doesn't go far when you have to share it with the doggies, LOL!
Sound right? Open to all tips and/or favorite flavorings, toppings, etc...
Relative of 8 slaying victims files wrongful death lawsuit suit filed today against those criminally charged in Rhodan family murders. Read more at link.
DeWine to give Wednesday evening address as Ohio is at 'critical stage' battling COVID-19 prime time, huh Doofus? Is afternoon listening to your babble down, sir? Sad that he and Alton had such a good start...the behavior of his little "free will of good Ohioans"' experiment got Trumped by his MAGAT's "right" to spread it all around.
Then there's, "if we go back to Red Level," we'll return from hybrid to e-learning only - yeah, that hasn't happened either!
Fed lowers loan size to attract more small businesses to Main Street Lending Program. Again.
By Andy Medici Senior Staff Reporter, Washington Business Journal
2 hours ago
The Federal Reserve has once again altered the terms of its $600 billion Main Street Lending Program to reach more small businesses.
The minimum loan size for both for-profit businesses and nonprofits is now just $100,000, down from the $250,000 loan minimum before. In addition, Paycheck Protection Program loans of up to $2 million will now be excluded from calculating the size of a possible Main Street loan, the Fed announced Friday.
New versions of the loan documents will be available in the coming days, the agency said.
The latest change is yet another in a series of efforts to make the program more attractive and more useful to small businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Main Street Lending Program was originally rolled out as part of a $2.3 trillion package of financial aid funded in part from the CARES Act signed into law March 27...snip
Claiming Fair Use above - wants $350 for a shorter , shareable link.
That's it - I've had it...I'll catch up later.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Ohio
Member since: Sun May 5, 2019, 04:28 PM
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