All of them claim to be religious, and two specific religions: Protestant Christianity and Orthodox Judaism. (Theres a scene in American History X where Danny, the brother of the white supremacist Derek Vinyard, was interrogated as to his beliefs. He said, I hate anyone whos not White Protestant. About 95 percent of the people at CPAC would say the same thing; the only reason they dont hate Jews openly is Trumps daughter is married to a Jew.)
The First Commandment in both religions is very simple: You shall have no other gods.
Donald Trump is their new god. Some of them believe he is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and others have pushed that old god to the side and have gone to worshipping Trump directly. This statue signifies Trumps elevation from generic crook to godhead.
I suspect that in about three months, when the Chinese plastics factory gets done making them, people will be able to buy small copies of this statue and display them in personal shrines to Trump.
We are in a frightening time in America. There are people out there willing to commit murder for the greater glory of Donald Trump. That gallows built on the front lawn of the Capitol was no joke. We know there is a serious threat of Trump worshippers wanting to blow up the US Capitol and murder 600 or so people for the sin of not handing the White House back to him. This statue should serve as a wake-up call to all good people that there are individuals in this society who do not believe in the rule of law or the voice of the majority.