BTRTN: Trumpal Infallibility--Republicans Are Better Understood as a Religion Than a Political Party [View all]
Born to Run The Numbers on the the Republican need to urgently, formally, and very publicly expel Liz Cheney from her position in the Republican leadership of the House. Actions like these suggest the Republican Party has stopped functioning like a political party and had become something else entirely:
Excerpts: "Sure, I know many people throw the word 'cult' around when describing Trump and the Republicans, and there is certainly a great deal of cult-like behavior. But 'cult' does not come close to capturing the danger that the Republican organization represents to our democracy. The word 'cult' conjures images of Jonestown, Branch Davidians, Manson
tiny, secretive groups at the outer fringes of society that engage in extreme behaviors, are paranoid of outsiders, and dont even dream of accumulating the critical mass necessary to have a widespread impact. Calling the Republicans a cult is an insult to their ambitions. This party is figuring out how to do cult at scale."