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In reply to the discussion: A few things about cutting SS and Medicare [View all]moniss
(6,456 posts)Herbert Hoover years. The rich weren't out there working at the soup kitchens. It is the ignorant belief that they can do and have the right to do anything to anybody. Lawyers cleaning up the mess they leave. But popular uprising, civil disobedience etc. are things this crop of billionaires like Bezos, Musk etc. are too young to have experienced. So they have no idea.
People who do know understand the power of resistance. It never manifests major strength and results right away. It has to build. But it can build faster these days than in the past because of rapid communication. Back in 1958 we might not here about something happening for a month or more until word got out. Word gets out right away today. Organizing is easier today also because of that widespread, rapid communication. The powers that be know this also and they will look for ways to repress the ability for resistance to communicate, organize and implement resistance. They did before and they will again.
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