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In reply to the discussion: Robert Reich: Remember: If we allow ourselves to fall into fatalism, or wallow in disappointment, or become resigned to [View all]moniss
(6,504 posts)all of what you said isn't going to help the mom, dad etc. that in the very near future is going to have a gun in their face and be rapidly deported. What you say is for a general outlook for moving forward. A great many people are f**ked between Inauguration Day and whenever in the future we can regain control. If we can regain it. It is a complete uncertainty how much they will change the legal/election process scenario in order to prevent the Democratic Party from regaining control. That is not cynical it is being real.
It is being real to recognize that the GQP has for decades sought to and has passed legislation and changes to election/registration process specifically targeted at suppressing Democratic registrations, manner of voting, polling locations and ballots as cast. They have show it to very successful in some areas. It is likely they will keep doing it in new ways also.
Robert we understand what you're saying and appreciate it but "change" is a process. Crisis is where we are now and while I agree completely that resignation to "fate" is not going to bring change the ones who are going to be some of the first immediately suffering major harm will need as much immediate concern as we can muster. We need to save and protect them as much as we can while we work for the change that will accept them and not persecute them.
Regarding the immediate need for action and for future change I challenge those of means and reputation all over the country and the world to also not forget that nothing prevents them from laying it on the line and taking part in civil disobedience and resistance while also cheering for change. We need everyone into the breach. Am I being cynical when I say I know that most will not go and put themselves into the civil actions that work to obstruct and deny the authoritarians? No because it is being a realist to acknowledge that fact, openly discuss it and plan accordingly. I know some, as you have Robert, will take part in protests.
The bottom line is that while decrying "wallowing in disapopointment" and cheering on "positive social change" there is a war going on and fighting it to greatest effect requires being real about where we really and what is going to happen. We need to be sure that we don't mistake that necessary realism for "resignation" or "cynism".
In the end will we get a large number of high profile people from around the world and specifically in the US to take the swing of the baton and arrest by putting themselves in actual live civil disobedience actions? Are the ones who don't not also to be recognized as being of use in a resistance? Of course they can be of use in other ways. Robert we also need to recognize that the open expressions of cynicism, disappointment and even resignation are all things that we can use in the presentation and conduct of the resistance. For example we have to not only highlight the evil acts of the authoritarians but also the negative effects of indifference etc. So those who "go along" or stand idly by are in fact necessary to use in showing what not fighting back looks like. For example the way to present a campaign against bigotry is to show not only the bigoted act but to also include in the picture the ones who are indifferent. In that way one hopes to portray the negative appearance that gives to such a person and by doing so a campaigner for change hopes to have people embrace being better than that. You show people the disease and give them avenues to be better. So we realize that we need to show the progression and effects of the disease and tie that to the very real portrayal of those who "accept" the disease and don't go for treatment so that people viewing the entire matter can be spurred to not be bystanders while something needs to be done. As much as we don't like them they are necessary as proof of the negative so it can be portrayed and not just be claimed as hypothetical.
Robert it's great to see you on Bluesky but I encourage you to leave X immediately and as the saying goes "be the change".
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