I found a dvd of his sermons attacking the "New Spirituality" and the "Emergent Church" (although it's not entirely clear whether or not those are meant to be the same, or different) as propounded by such influential figures as, well, Oprah Winfrey(!) and a long list of "pastors" I'm very happy I had never heard of before and have sworn to forget ASAP. Apparently he lays bare the creeping paganism and mysticism that are creeping into popular "Christian" movements (other than his? Maybe he can't call his "popular"
, and explains how all this leads to "radical environmentalism" (I wish!) and embracing the "myth of global warning", which he supposedly "demolishes" with "scientific facts" and -- AND! -- "Biblical truth" (not at all clear why you need "facts" if you've supposedly already had "truth" for the last 2000 years, but, hey, I never claimed to be a theologian). Maybe there's a subtle distinction between creeping "pagan spirituality" and batshit insane over-the-top whirly-eyed fun dementalism, but it all went over my head, and my head thanks me for that.