Keeping my sanity in the world of nonsense news media [View all]
After too many years of US news media being unable to say anything bad about TSF unless they can also say something bad about Hillary, Obama, Biden or Kamala, I've had it. My sanity is worth far more than the BS I have been fed by the mainstream news media in this country. Not to say that ALL US news media is inept, but so much of it is truly incompetent that I have taken the following steps to keep my sanity for the next 6 months. I may continue longer, we'll see how this goes first. BTW, I've been doing this for a month now, and I am beginning to see some real rewards.
Example- yesterday morning I was looking into an issue of trade between Samsung and Huawei. That led me to one of my regular Korean news outlets. The front page news there was all about their newly elected (and very unliked) President declaring martial law. I kept checking in on this, as I could see something similar happening here. By noon local time, it had all played out. There constitution has protections in it to offer a safety valve and that happened. Of course, the US evening news last night was all about fear-mongering of this event, only telling us the first story and not the final outcome. I was able to laugh at the ineptitude of our press because of my higher quality news feeds.
So what is my plan?
* No more US mainstream media (my wife still watches it, but I pay no attention)
* All my news feeds come from the internet
* All my news feeds are foreign based
* No news from social media sites (including DU)
Why have I done this? It's for my own sanity. Because I'm tired of seeing how all the media has normalized the absolute corruption of TSF and all his sycophants. He says "gram em by the pussy", and the media has to tell us about Obama wearing a tan suit after Labor Day. Isn't that cute locker room talk from the man who wants to lead the country? The idea that they have to prove their lack of bias by always saying something bad about the opposing side when the MAGA world has shown a new low in human history. This bullshit concept is not present anywhere else in world news, only here in America.
As a benefit, I am getting a whole different view of our country. I'm seeing all the painful details of how the world sees us. Also, I am getting a more accurate idea of what is happening in the world, because I can see world issue from the eyes of those countries and their neighbors, not through some corporate US boardroom filter.
My news feeds come from UK, Canada, Australia, News Zealand, Jamaica, Middle East, Germany, France, Korea, Japan, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, Iceland, Ukraine... I also have industry specific sites I will look at for more information about technology, aviation, and maritime issues/events.