'They just got my uncle': Immigration arrests spark fear among farmworkers in Central Valley [View all]
Maria Casarez was washing dishes at noon Tuesday in her three-bedroom duplex, tidying up before her four children arrived home from school when her husbands nephew called.
Acaba de agarrar a mi tío inmigración, he said. They just got my uncle, immigration.
The two had been talking at a Home Depot parking lot, less than a mile down the road from their home in Bakersfield when Border Patrol agents showed up and began asking questions.
Casarez dashed to the scene, where she said she saw a dozen agents. It was ugly, she said. They had already taken her husband away.
The Border Patrol operation near Bakersfield lasted for several days and netted 78 arrests this week, raising alarm bells across the Central Valley, where a largely immigrant workforce helps harvest a quarter of the food grown in the U.S.
Here comes your lower grocery prices, MAGAts!